What Offense Did the Ukrainian People Commit That Caused Them to Be Bombed into Oblivion by The Russian Military at the Command of Putin?

Have you ever actually looked at the data? All these assertions are worthless without it.


The total shrinking was 11 points, but of those 11, only 4 points of low income group expansion and 7 point upper income expansion
So yes we have a few more people on low income, but gained almost twice as many in high income brakets, which is an overall improvement and overall healthy distribution.
Yeah, according to this stat more people from the middle class climbed to the upper class, if I get this properly. So, if that graph shows what is true, then it means that half of your new compatriots are lying. Including our friend Todd, who strangely rated your post despite posting opposed information previously.
The shitholes who don't have a decent currency to use besides the US dollar.
You talk a big game, but no one trusts the Ruble or the Yuan.
Let alone a currency from Venezuela, Egypt or Iran.
And here I should agree completely. The currency. So far, there is no currency that can replace the dollar. Or more correctly, there is one, but to become really a global reserve currency, the elites there should stop be puppets of American financial syndicate.
And here I should agree completely. The currency. So far, there is no currency that can replace the dollar. Or more correctly, there is one, but to become really a global reserve currency, the elites there should stop be puppets of American financial syndicate.
Genocide Joe said over two years ago the Russian Rouble would be rubble, the only thing that is rubble is his brain, hey Joe where are you going with that gun in your hand? :abgg2q.jpg:

Genocide Joe said over two years ago the Russian Rouble would be rubble, the only thing that is rubble is his brain, hey Joe where are you going with that gun in your hand? :abgg2q.jpg:
That was said by Obama at first almost ten years ago. Yeah, those two guys are bags of shit. But nevertheless, the multi-polar world would need a reserve currency (or maybe a busket of currencies) for international trade and holding their own money for middle- and long-term perspective. Highly volatile currencies, as the rouble, are not fit for that.
Yeah, according to this stat more people from the middle class climbed to the upper class, if I get this properly. So, if that graph shows what is true, then it means that half of your new compatriots are lying. Including our friend Todd, who strangely rated your post despite posting opposed information previously.

You have a very stiff understanding of what is true and what is a lie.

As I've shown, it's not UN-TRUE that middle class shrunk, so it's not a lie per-se, but it's missing important context and quantification for understanding of the issue on at least semi-serious level.

This is why I keep saying that all these easy-come, easy-go assertions are worthless rhetoric without supporting macroeconomic data.
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You have a very stiff understanding of what is true and what is a lie.

As I've shown, it's not UN-TRUE that middle class shrunk, so it's not a lie per-se, but it's missing important context and quantification for understanding of the issue on at least semi-serious level.

This is why I keep saying that all these easy-come, easy-go assertions are worthless rhetoric without supporting macroeconomic data.
The main point is not about shrinking middle class per se, but that the life of the common people is deteriorating. Also, it remains unclear how your graph depicts the quality of life. In other words, it may well be that now the middle income is worth much less than it did 20-30 years ago.

About macroeconomic data.. You as a former citizen of a planned economic country should know quite well how statistics may be cunning and misleading. For example, an average square of houses you talked about before. Let's say one family owns a 1000sqm house and other 10 families own 20 sqm houses. Stats may show that an average square of houses per family in the US is above 100 sqm. The relevance of this stat may be very questionable.
The main point is not about shrinking middle class per se, but that the life of the common people is deteriorating.

Well then you'll have to go use some other measure of convinience to support your thesis.

No better time to live in America than right now as far as I'm concerned.
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Technology can change economics and politics but that’s just your fantasy about tech, not reality in near or even mid-term future.

You have some trouble separating the two and then you try to convince someone of a political order around what is fundamentally a naive disconnect with reality.

Keep automating, god knows you and others that work on it everyday have a long long long way to go to get even within 30 years of what you are talking about.
Technology can change economics and politics....

It can, it has in the past, and it's doing it right now.

but that’s just your fantasy about tech, not reality in near or even mid-term future.

You're a pearl clutcher suffering from a bad case of cognitive dissonance. I'm part of the effort to automate factories, if there's anyone on this forum who knows what's happening with industrial tech, it's me. Sir, you're the one who's clueless and living in a fantasy world.

Keep automating, god knows you and others that work on it everyday have a long long long way to go to get even within 30 years of what you are talking about.

The late 2030s, more like 15 years. Cut your thirty years in half, and over half of the jobs will be gone. I'm being conservative, it might be as soon as the early 2030s, in about ten years. In thirty years, our children and grandchildren are either owning the means of production or will be reduced to worthless consumer-serfs, under techno-feudalism. A small ruling elite will own all of the intelligent, autonomous robotics, AGI - Artificial General Intelligence, quantum-supercomputers, along with the mines, factories..etc (all of the facilities of production), and your children and grandchildren will be reduced to government welfare recipients, receiving a "Universal Income" from Uncle Sam, to keep capitalists in control of all of the aforementioned technology and productive assets.

Everyone will become a renter, because the wealthy ruling class will own everything and their serfs will only own what they can buy with their government "UI". My children and grandchildren, are socialists like me, and so are many of their friends, and they will consolidate their resources and begin purchasing their own "robots" and land, farms, facilities, and laying modern infrastructure. An oasis of abundance and egalitarian democracy, for all who live in these colonies, and that's when people living on the outside, among the general population, will wake up and say: "Look at how these socialists live, using the technology our techlords own and employ, to live well. They own everything collectively, together, and have more control over their lives, much more wealth, than we have, living as dependents of the US government and our techlords."

My children will form colonies, and live well, provided the ruling class, those techlords don't feel threatened (start pearl clutching) and pass laws through Congress to make socialist-communities illegal. Intentional communities:

Must not be banned.
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You're a pearl clutcher suffering from a bad case of cognitive dissonance. I'm part of the effort to automate factories, if there's anyone on this forum who knows what's happening with industrial tech, it's me. Sir, you're the one who's clueless and living in a fantasy world.

Which factory is fully automated or is scheduled to be fully automated in the next decade?

Enlighten me....and while you are at it Elon Musk too, because he clearly doesn't know all that much having ramped up production on global scale from basically nothing.
Well then you'll have to go use some other measure of convinience to support your thesis.

No better time to live in America than right now as far as I'm concerned.
The best source of information is the common people expressing their own experience. This 'measure' is far from being flawless, but it is the best out of available.

And talking of your own experience, what was worse in 1990s (I don't ask about 80s because I suppose you don't have any meaningful experience of this time) comparing with the present times?
The best source of information is the common people expressing their own experience.

300 million plus of "common people" in America? Who do you want to listen to?

I'm "common people" why don't you want to listen to me? Probably because what I'm saying doesn't suppport your thesis and you'd rather filter in some other "common people".

Anyway, this tangent has gone long enough, I'm out.
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Which factory is fully automated or is scheduled to be fully automated in the next decade?

Enlighten me....and while you are at it Elon Musk too, because he clearly doesn't know all that much having ramped up production on global scale from basically nothing.

All factories are being automated. Wake up.
300 million plus of "common people" in America? Who do you want to listen to?

I'm "common people" why don't you want to listen to me? Probably because what I'm saying doesn't suppport your thesis and you'd rather filter in some other "common people".

Anyway, this tangent has gone long enough, I'm out.
Actually I listen to you and ask you questions. Too bad you choose to ignore those ones you seem inconvenient.
300 million plus of "common people" in America? Who do you want to listen to?

I'm "common people" why don't you want to listen to me? Probably because what I'm saying doesn't suppport your thesis and you'd rather filter in some other "common people".

Anyway, this tangent has gone long enough, I'm out.
Do the common people make high six-figure incomes? You're far from common when it comes to your income/resources. Most Americans average about 4K monthly, and tens of millions of Americans earn much less than that.
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Do the common people make high six-figure incomes? You're far from common when it comes to your income/resources. Most Americans average about 4K monthly, and tens of millions of Americans earn much less than that.
The main question is what he wrote about himself is actually true.
Do the common people make high six-figure incomes?

Yes they do.

Over one-third of American families earn $100,000 or more​

The U.S. Census Bureau found that 37.1% of U.S. households earned at least $100,000 in 2022. Here's a more detailed breakdown of six-figure income brackets and the percentage of households in each one:
  • $100,000 to $149,999: 16.9%
  • $150,000 to $199,999: 8.7%
  • $200,000 or more: 11.5%

Common enough in my book.
Yes they do.

Over one-third of American families earn $100,000 or more​

The U.S. Census Bureau found that 37.1% of U.S. households earned at least $100,000 in 2022. Here's a more detailed breakdown of six-figure income brackets and the percentage of households in each one:
  • $100,000 to $149,999: 16.9%
  • $150,000 to $199,999: 8.7%
  • $200,000 or more: 11.5%

Common enough in my book.
I didn't say families, I referred to individuals. A little over 1/3rd of families earning a combined income of 100K or more isn't that good for 2024, considering the cost of living, healthcare, student loans, the price of homes..etc. That's tens of millions of people, struggling to make ends meet, in an economy that is quickly automating. Time for everyone to own the means of production together, collectively, and allow the smart robots and AI to design, engineer, and produce everything for us, 24/7. Robots don't sleep, they just work work work work...produce produce produce produce...etc
Time for everyone to own the means of production together, collectively, and allow the smart robots and AI to design, engineer, and produce everything for us, 24/7.

I don't want to be nasty but you sound Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs when you keep saying this sci-fi shit as if it's done deal.

It exists only in your head and everyone seems to know it except you.

There are no robots for us to "allow" to do that. NONE. There is no serious manufacturing production that takes place without hard work of designers, engineers, production mangers, floor people and etc.
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I don't want to be nasty but you sound Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs when you keep saying this sci-fi shit as if it's done deal.

It exists only in your head and everyone seems to know it except you.

There are no robots for us to "allow" to do that. NONE. There is no serious manufacturing production that takes place without hard work of designers, engineers, production mangers, floor people and etc.
Everyone who "knows" what you're saying is clueless or like you:


In denial.

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