What one issue do you struggle with the most?

Calcified? :laughing0301: Why am I not surprised that you would choose that word?

I prefer "ideologically resolute".

Your arrogance is astounding at times. To hint that another's ideology is pathological because it disagrees with yours is the height of hubris.

But keep being you. It's an entertaining diversion while we wait for the Red Wave.
He is the poster child for Leftist Arrogance.
Hoping for an interesting, illuminating conversation here.

The one major issue I struggle the most with is the death penalty. My impulse is to be against the death penalty, because (a) I don't see it as a deterrent, and (b) because I kinda like the idea of letting someone rot for killing someone else. HOWEVER, if someone I love were murdered, I may want that killer to be made dead ASAP. I've never been in that position, so I can't tell how I would react.

What's yours?

i can't say i really have one, but would like to give my 2 cents re: the emboldened part of yer OP. the reason why the death penalty is not a deterrent, is because it's not carried out fast enough. lawyers will pick apart every aspect of a jury's guilty verdict & appeal one 'misjustice' at a time ... setting up decades of court trials. if an appeal is constitutional, then it's mandatory - but it should be wrapped up in one appeal & if that fails, then i say fry the guilty bastard.
The unchallenged (perceived) ability of the left to assault children. (see my sig)

how'z about YOUR perceived ability to shut off reality when it's inCONvenient for you? why must you try to pin a deviant evil sickness of child diddling on (D)s as if (R)s aren't capable of doing such heinous crimes? oh i know!!!!! you are a partisan stooge. i could list several so called (R)s that have been convicted of such acts.

now run along coward & ignore this reply like you always do.
"What one issue do you struggle with the most?"

Right now and considering the source?
Not that it will matter here, but what the hell...

In my experience in helping to put plans together, going over the options with my advisory clients,
How folks like you rationalize helping to destroy what remains of Medicare/Medicaid by selling Big Insurance Medicare Disadvantage BS here and to your precious "advisory clients."

Anyone here turning 65 soon best buy a much bigger mailbox to hold all the lie filled junk mail you'll get dumped upon from shameless dickheads like Mac1958 who shall conveniently pretend to remain clueless as to all the waste and destruction wrought by his disgusting, "First rule, deny all claims!" industry. Short term profits at taxpayer expense R us! Entire forests are being cleared and reduced to paper just to serve us their presorted, official appearing, "not affiliated with any government" crap destined simply to soon be trashed by every lucid recipient remaining. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on, ALL OF YOU "Who, little innocent me?" duplicitous pieces of shit.
Hoping for an interesting, illuminating conversation here.

The one major issue I struggle the most with is the death penalty. My impulse is to be against the death penalty, because (a) I don't see it as a deterrent, and (b) because I kinda like the idea of letting someone rot for killing someone else. HOWEVER, if someone I love were murdered, I may want that killer to be made dead ASAP. I've never been in that position, so I can't tell how I would react.

What's yours?

Full of crap Fascist posters who pretend to be sane and independent. I call them JakeStarkeys
"What one issue do you struggle with the most?"

Right now and considering the source?

How folks like you rationalize helping to destroy what remains of Medicare/Medicaid by selling Big Insurance Medicare Disadvantage BS here and to your precious "advisory clients."

Anyone here turning 65 soon best buy a much bigger mailbox to hold all the lie filled junk mail you'll get dumped upon from shameless dickheads like Mac1958 who shall conveniently pretend to remain clueless as to all the waste and destruction wrought by his disgusting, "First rule, deny all claims!" industry. Short term profits at taxpayer expense R us! Entire forests are being cleared and reduced to paper just to serve us their presorted, official appearing, "not affiliated with any government" crap destined simply to soon be trashed by every lucid recipient remaining. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on, ALL OF YOU "Who, little innocent me?" duplicitous pieces of shit.
Obviously you didn’t understand the OP.

That’s okay. Many haven’t.

No surprise here.
It depends.

If someone was framed, coerced, protecting themselves, or tricked into something that would get them the death penalty, then no.
But if it were someone that was hired, is mentally deranged, or "did it for fun", etc....then I'd say "FRY THE FUCKER"!!

Some people think death row is for a "final punishment" and stands as an example to others who would do such a thing. WRONG!
Humans instinctively know what is right and wrong, regardless of them being taught it when young. So there is very little to avert someone from doing what they are going to do. They know the consequences, and they take them. If they get caught, they know what can happen.
Regardless of mental issues or not, we are all raised in a country where this information is EVERYWHERE. So we know the consequences early on. So, there's no defense against it, unless it was defense, or a criminal act of coercing or forcing that person.

Personally, I think there needs to be DAILY executions of prisoners that have prison sentences of longer than 50 years......especially "lifers".
There is NO REASON to keep these people alive, and it's a criminal act to keep abusing taxpayers money to keep them alive.

Prison is supposed to be for REHABILITATION, not a fucking FREE RIDE!!!!! Those that can't, won't, or refuse to learn and understand society and the laws and rules, should be exterminated. There is NO USE in keeping them alive.
It is the right winger in me coming out. Put your nose to the grindstone, pull yourself up by your bootstraps and use some elbow grease. If I could do it you, can do it!
you act like i am having financial problems....i am a retired fed employee with a pretty good pension and sold my building in CA for 800 hundred thousand bucks....unlike you apparently, i dont like getting fucked on the things we have to buy that were much cheaper just 2 years ago...go back to the golf course gator and just let the powers that be keep on fucking us....
Hoping for an interesting, illuminating conversation here.

The one major issue I struggle the most with is the death penalty. My impulse is to be against the death penalty, because (a) I don't see it as a deterrent, and (b) because I kinda like the idea of letting someone rot for killing someone else. HOWEVER, if someone I love were murdered, I may want that killer to be made dead ASAP. I've never been in that position, so I can't tell how I would react.

What's yours?

Right. I don't want to give shitty government the responsibility to carry out that level of justice (because government sucks at everything), but at the same time, bitches need killing.

Abortion. I don't like the idea of killing innocent children, but at the same time, I don't like the thought of government telling women they must give birth AND fuck other people's worthless spawn.

I could go on.

The only issue I have no struggles with ---- GUNS

Everybody who is capable of independent living should have the right to keep and bear any weapon they can obtain. PERIOD. No exceptions. PERIOD.

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