What "puzzles" me about Trump's attack on Judge Curiel...

This is a matter of whether or not he can get a fair trial over Trump U. And you bloody well know the difference.

Actually, you may be "correct"....Trump will never get a "fair trial" by SANE jurists and juries.
The judge does not belong to La Raza. You willfully stupid retards made that up.

Oh look, a leftist lying through his fucking teeth - how unique. :thup:

If the judge wanted to fuck Trump, he would have moved the court date up to October or sooner. And he would allow cameras into the courtroom and we'd all be watching Trump sweat on Court TV as his fraud is exposed in real time.

Tell me shit fer brains, it Trump personally named in the suit?

If not, how would that "fuck him?"


A few FACTS to counter the demagoguery of G-tard5000 and the other democrat scumbags telling lies here.

  1. This is a civil suit, no allegations of criminal acts exist
  2. Trump University was not an institution of higher learning, nor did it ever present itself to be one. It was a series of seminars claiming to reveal the real estate "secrets" used by Donald Trump to make millions
  3. The plaintiff in the case is the Trump U corporation, not Donald Trump

These real estate seminars, and there are a LOT of them, are always scams. Trump U fleeced the stupid and greedy. It deserves to be sued, as does every other house flipping and other get rich schemes.
donald j trump is the defendant in the case, where curiel is presiding.
If the judge's parents were actual members of the Mafia, would you have confidence in his/her rulings?

Stupid response........If judge Curiel's parents were plaintiffs on the Trump U. scam then YES, the judge should recuse himself.
Perhaps if I typed slower...

You brought judges of Italian descent and the Mafia. If it is true that this judge's parents were illegals, then my comparison is apt.
If the judge wanted to fuck Trump, he would have moved the court date up to October or sooner. And he would allow cameras into the courtroom and we'd all be watching Trump sweat on Court TV as his fraud is exposed in real time.

Tell me shit fer brains, it Trump personally named in the suit?

If not, how would that "fuck him?"
Yes, he is named. He has already been deposed at least once. Maybe you should read the facts of the case before making an ass of yourself.
All Trump did was expose Curiel for being La Raza and that the two legal teams representing the plaintiffs gave the Clintons almost a million dollars in speaking fees.

This lawsuit is a political hit job using the judiciary. Typical D tactic.
the plaintiff chose the law firms in 2010 the latest. no trump candidacy was emerging then. you have been told this many times, as well as the difference in the groups using the term la raza in their names. you are a scumbag, of course.

If you call yourself La Raza <fill in the blank legal / doctor / teacher / garbage union etc > you are still "THE RACE".

You cannot squiggle out of it douche bag.

All things La Raza are based on race. It's just the way it is.

While some argue that the group’s very name expresses a radical racial-identity politics, the San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association contends that translating “La Raza” as “the race’” is a mistake: “While it is true that one meaning of ‘raza’ in Spanish is indeed ‘race,’ in Spanish, as in English and any other language, words can and do have multiple meanings,” says an explanation posted on their website. “As noted in several online dictionaries, ‘La Raza’ means ‘the people’ or ‘the community.’”

Read more at: The Decisions of Judge Curiel, by Jim Geraghty, National Review
Oh and then there is this.....He belongs to a group that is boycotting all things Trump. You assholes defending this Judge are so out of line it's amazing. If you were Sharpton and you were being sued for something and the Judge in your case belonged to the Aryan Brotherhood at one point in his life, you'd be screaming bloody murder.


"Judge Gonzalo Curiel told the Senate Judiciary Committee that he was a member of the National Hispanic Bar Association.

Hat tip here to the Conservative Tree House and attorney Mark Pulliam. The Tree House reports this press release from the group the Judge belongs to, dated July 2, 2015… days after Donald Trump announced for president. Here’s the Tree House link, and here is the official NHBA link:

Here’s the text of the release:


Key point:

The HNBA calls for a boycott of all of Trump business ventures, including golf courses, hotels, and restaurants. We salute NBC/Universal, Univision and Macy’s for ending their association with Trump, and we join them in standing up against bigotry and racist rhetoric. Other businesses and corporations should follow the lead of NBC/Universal, Univision and Macy’s and take similar actions against Donald Trump’s business interests. We can and will make a difference.

Cynthia D. Mares
HNBA National President

Trump Judge Belongs to Group That Called for Trump Business Boycott | The American Spectator

it is cohen vs trump
and makaeff vs trump u, llc

in both cases curiel is presiding.
Trump's irrevocable mistake was to bring ethnicity into a civil case involving his multiple, get-rich quick scams.
Trump's fraud is evident in the deposition. In his promotions of his fraudulent "university", Trump claimed he "hand-picked" the instructors for the real estate course. In fact, as the deposition revealed, Trump chose a guy who had no experience in real estate to choose the instructors. And Trump did not know if the instructors had any real estate experience, either.

He was as hands off "what, me worry?" as it gets. The exact opposite of what he claimed in his promotions. This kind of gives you an idea of what a Trump presidency will be like, too. He'll be assigning people with no experience to make important decisions.

In one of the more hilarious moments of his testimony, Trump said he assumed he would have heard complaints if the course was unsatisfactory.

Hello? Does BEING SUED count as a sign, Donald?
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All Trump did was expose Curiel for being La Raza and that the two legal teams representing the plaintiffs gave the Clintons almost a million dollars in speaking fees.

This lawsuit is a political hit job using the judiciary. Typical D tactic.
the plaintiff chose the law firms in 2010 the latest. no trump candidacy was emerging then. you have been told this many times, as well as the difference in the groups using the term la raza in their names. you are a scumbag, of course.

If you call yourself La Raza <fill in the blank legal / doctor / teacher / garbage union etc > you are still "THE RACE".

You cannot squiggle out of it douche bag.

All things La Raza are based on race. It's just the way it is.

there is no need for me to squiggle out of anything, i am not the one who is lying and lying and lying about this, meth head.
only idiots can make the leap between the two entirely different La Raza organizations.

even Fox says there is no connection..
So, as I was saying before some johnny-come-lately retard who can't allow any facts to penetrate his skull came along, if the judge wanted to fuck over Trump, he would not have postponed the trial until after the election. He would have instead moved it up to prior to the election, and put Trump on trial in front of live TV cameras, OJ Simpson style.

Then we could all watch Trump squirm in real time as he admits his claims were bogus and that he is a fraud.
On a day of Super Tuesday wins for Donald Trump, he suffered a loss in New York — a state appeals court gave a green light to a civil fraud claim against the GOP front-runner and his Trump University.

In a unanimous ruling, a four-judge panel of the state Appellate Division said the state attorney general’s office is “authorized to bring a cause of action for fraud” — despite the bloviating billionaire’s claims to the contrary.

Lawyers for Trump and his now-defunct school — a signature issue in Republican primary race — have contended that Attorney General Eric Schneiderman’s suit should be tossed. They say the statute of limitations on the case had expired — but the appeals court disagreed.
Court says A.G.'s Trump University fraud lawsuit can proceed

(One wonders if Trump will begin to slander Jewish AGs also.)
All Trump did was expose Curiel for being La Raza and that the two legal teams representing the plaintiffs gave the Clintons almost a million dollars in speaking fees.

This lawsuit is a political hit job using the judiciary. Typical D tactic.
the plaintiff chose the law firms in 2010 the latest. no trump candidacy was emerging then. you have been told this many times, as well as the difference in the groups using the term la raza in their names. you are a scumbag, of course.

If you call yourself La Raza <fill in the blank legal / doctor / teacher / garbage union etc > you are still "THE RACE".

You cannot squiggle out of it douche bag.

All things La Raza are based on race. It's just the way it is.

While some argue that the group’s very name expresses a radical racial-identity politics, the San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association contends that translating “La Raza” as “the race’” is a mistake: “While it is true that one meaning of ‘raza’ in Spanish is indeed ‘race,’ in Spanish, as in English and any other language, words can and do have multiple meanings,” says an explanation posted on their website. “As noted in several online dictionaries, ‘La Raza’ means ‘the people’ or ‘the community.’”

Read more at: The Decisions of Judge Curiel, by Jim Geraghty, National Review

Oh bite me. This lamo excuse is as bad as when everyone was running around saying that the Muslim Brotherhood was a secular organization despite having Muslim in their title.

Give it up.
All Trump did was expose Curiel for being La Raza and that the two legal teams representing the plaintiffs gave the Clintons almost a million dollars in speaking fees.

This lawsuit is a political hit job using the judiciary. Typical D tactic.
the plaintiff chose the law firms in 2010 the latest. no trump candidacy was emerging then. you have been told this many times, as well as the difference in the groups using the term la raza in their names. you are a scumbag, of course.

If you call yourself La Raza <fill in the blank legal / doctor / teacher / garbage union etc > you are still "THE RACE".

You cannot squiggle out of it douche bag.

All things La Raza are based on race. It's just the way it is.

While some argue that the group’s very name expresses a radical racial-identity politics, the San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association contends that translating “La Raza” as “the race’” is a mistake: “While it is true that one meaning of ‘raza’ in Spanish is indeed ‘race,’ in Spanish, as in English and any other language, words can and do have multiple meanings,” says an explanation posted on their website. “As noted in several online dictionaries, ‘La Raza’ means ‘the people’ or ‘the community.’”

Read more at: The Decisions of Judge Curiel, by Jim Geraghty, National Review

Oh bite me. This lamo excuse is as bad as when everyone was running around saying that the Muslim Brotherhood was a secular organization despite having Muslim in their title.

Give it up.
Trump's "university" claims were fraudulent, and he knows his claims were fraudulent. He knows he's going to lose. That's why he is throwing up all this smoke for the rubes to inhale.
So, as I was saying before some johnny-come-lately retard who can't allow any facts to penetrate his skull came along, if the judge wanted to fuck over Trump, he would not have postponed the trial until after the election. He would have instead moved it up to prior to the election, and put Trump on trial in front of live TV cameras, OJ Simpson style.

Then we could all watch Trump squirm in real time as he admits his claims were bogus and that he is a fraud.

They demanded the Judge move the trial till after the election in March. You pro Curiel anti Trumpers are really late to the party.
One wouldn't almost side with Trump. One would definitely side with Trump. What the low information left is ignoring is that most Americans want well regulated borders. Apparently the parents of judge in question were illegal criminal aliens and the judge belongs to a race based organization that endorses illegal immigration and open borders. He should recuse himself from the case because he is obviously biased against Trump.

The judge's parents were NOT illegal immigrants, nor does La Raza endorse ANY immigration policies - it's silent on the issue, does NOT advocate open borders. Judge Curiel was a Reagan appointee and promoted by Clinton. These lies against the judge and his family serve to deflect your attention away from Trump's shady business practices, and basic dishonesty.

La Raza is a mentoring and education focused networking group of Hispanic lawyers.

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