What "puzzles" me about Trump's attack on Judge Curiel...

The Judge represents racist extremist interests. He's a member of Hispanic hate organizations who are currently targeting Trump businesses with boycotts. So Trump is most likely correct. There is a bias. And if you were in Trump's shoes, you'd come to the same conclusion.

While some argue that the group’s very name expresses a radical racial-identity politics, the San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association contends that translating “La Raza” as “the race’” is a mistake: “While it is true that one meaning of ‘raza’ in Spanish is indeed ‘race,’ in Spanish, as in English and any other language, words can and do have multiple meanings,” says an explanation posted on their website. “As noted in several online dictionaries, ‘La Raza’ means ‘the people’ or ‘the community.’”

Read more at: The Decisions of Judge Curiel, by Jim Geraghty, National Review

Oh Lookie, BlindFool is lying for the party.

Por La Raza todo, Fuera de La Raza nada

La genta = the people
La Raza = the race
All Trump did was expose Curiel for being La Raza and that the two legal teams representing the plaintiffs gave the Clintons almost a million dollars in speaking fees.

This lawsuit is a political hit job using the judiciary. Typical D tactic.
the plaintiff chose the law firms in 2010 the latest. no trump candidacy was emerging then. you have been told this many times, as well as the difference in the groups using the term la raza in their names. you are a scumbag, of course.

If you call yourself La Raza <fill in the blank legal / doctor / teacher / garbage union etc > you are still "THE RACE".

You cannot squiggle out of it douche bag.

All things La Raza are based on race. It's just the way it is.

While some argue that the group’s very name expresses a radical racial-identity politics, the San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association contends that translating “La Raza” as “the race’” is a mistake: “While it is true that one meaning of ‘raza’ in Spanish is indeed ‘race,’ in Spanish, as in English and any other language, words can and do have multiple meanings,” says an explanation posted on their website. “As noted in several online dictionaries, ‘La Raza’ means ‘the people’ or ‘the community.’”

Read more at: The Decisions of Judge Curiel, by Jim Geraghty, National Review

Oh bite me. This lamo excuse is as bad as when everyone was running around saying that the Muslim Brotherhood was a secular organization despite having Muslim in their title.

Give it up.

Sorry, my mom taught me not to put nasty things in my mouth.......I don't recall anyone saying the MB was secular. That has nothing to do with the bad translation in this case.

When nominated for his seat on the U.S. District Court in 2011, Curiel listed La Raza Lawyers of San Diego among the ten bar associations and professional groups he belonged to and declared, in a legal affidavit, “To the best of my knowledge, none of the organizations discriminates or formerly discriminated on the basis of sex, race, religion or national origin.”

Read more at: The Decisions of Judge Curiel, by Jim Geraghty, National Review
Lets say that Trump were to become president (highly [and luckily] unlikely) and Trump decided to fulfill his moronic promise to build that "beautiful" wall.......AND that folks objecting to such a wall were to sue Trump's decision and it would wind up in the courts......

THEN, one could almost....ALMOST.....side with Trump that if the decision on the legality of the wall rested with a judge such as Curiel and his potential biases.....

BUT, Curiel is hearing pleads regarding ANOTHER of Trump's screw ups about his faux "university" scam and to claim bias on that account is insane and only emphasizes Trump's xenophobia and, YES, latent racism.
The judge’s bio shows he is more prone to racism than Trump.
So, as I was saying before some johnny-come-lately retard who can't allow any facts to penetrate his skull came along, if the judge wanted to fuck over Trump, he would not have postponed the trial until after the election. He would have instead moved it up to prior to the election, and put Trump on trial in front of live TV cameras, OJ Simpson style.

Then we could all watch Trump squirm in real time as he admits his claims were bogus and that he is a fraud.

Poor little leftist liar G-tard5000 got taken to the woodshed again.

So why isn't Trump in jail awaiting his trial? Is he out on bail?

A funny statement from Donald Drumpf.
Yes, he is named. He has already been deposed at least once. Maybe you should read the facts of the case before making an ass of yourself.


"Trump University LLC" is named in the suit.

Maybe you should stop lying to attack enemies of your filthy party.

Fucking demagogues.
you fucking moron, it was already explained to you.

Cohen v. Trump :: California Southern District Court :: Federal Civil Lawsuit No. 3:13-cv-02519-GPC-WVG, Judge Gonzalo P. Curiel presiding
One wouldn't almost side with Trump. One would definitely side with Trump. What the low information left is ignoring is that most Americans want well regulated borders. Apparently the parents of judge in question were illegal criminal aliens and the judge belongs to a race based organization that endorses illegal immigration and open borders. He should recuse himself from the case because he is obviously biased against Trump.

The judge's parents were NOT illegal immigrants, nor does La Raza endorse ANY immigration policies - it's silent on the issue, does NOT advocate open borders. Judge Curiel was a Reagan appointee and promoted by Clinton. These lies against the judge and his family serve to deflect your attention away from Trump's shady business practices, and basic dishonesty.

La Raza is a mentoring and education focused networking group of Hispanic lawyers.

Oh put down the bong.
And the plaintiffs lawyers, you know the ones that gave close to a million bucks to the Clintons, they wanted the trial date either before the R convention or at least August .

Pfffffffffffffffft. It's a fucking political hit job and you asswipe wankers on the left can't admit it.

"or even to move it up to June, just before the Republican Convention, which is scheduled for July 18-21."

Fuck off assholes. Trump's right that this is a hit job.

Why Trump Is Angling to Push the Trump University Suit Till After the Election
All Trump did was expose Curiel for being La Raza and that the two legal teams representing the plaintiffs gave the Clintons almost a million dollars in speaking fees.

This lawsuit is a political hit job using the judiciary. Typical D tactic.
the plaintiff chose the law firms in 2010 the latest. no trump candidacy was emerging then. you have been told this many times, as well as the difference in the groups using the term la raza in their names. you are a scumbag, of course.

If you call yourself La Raza <fill in the blank legal / doctor / teacher / garbage union etc > you are still "THE RACE".

You cannot squiggle out of it douche bag.

All things La Raza are based on race. It's just the way it is.

While some argue that the group’s very name expresses a radical racial-identity politics, the San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association contends that translating “La Raza” as “the race’” is a mistake: “While it is true that one meaning of ‘raza’ in Spanish is indeed ‘race,’ in Spanish, as in English and any other language, words can and do have multiple meanings,” says an explanation posted on their website. “As noted in several online dictionaries, ‘La Raza’ means ‘the people’ or ‘the community.’”

Read more at: The Decisions of Judge Curiel, by Jim Geraghty, National Review

Oh bite me. This lamo excuse is as bad as when everyone was running around saying that the Muslim Brotherhood was a secular organization despite having Muslim in their title.

Give it up.

Sorry, my mom taught me not to put nasty things in my mouth.......I don't recall anyone saying the MB was secular. That has nothing to do with the bad translation in this case.

When nominated for his seat on the U.S. District Court in 2011, Curiel listed La Raza Lawyers of San Diego among the ten bar associations and professional groups he belonged to and declared, in a legal affidavit, “To the best of my knowledge, none of the organizations discriminates or formerly discriminated on the basis of sex, race, religion or national origin.”

Read more at: The Decisions of Judge Curiel, by Jim Geraghty, National Review

James Clapper in February 2011 claimed that the Muslim Brotherhood was a largely secular organization. Look when people are caught out they try to distance themselves from the original definitions.

As far a Curiel goes, he should recuse himself plain and simple. When you belong to the organization that is boycotting all things Trump that should be enough right there.

"The HNBA calls for a boycott of all of Trump business ventures, including golf courses, hotels, and restaurants. We salute NBC/Universal, Univision and Macy’s for ending their association with Trump, and we join them in standing up against bigotry and racist rhetoric. Other businesses and corporations should follow the lead of NBC/Universal, Univision and Macy’s and take similar actions against Donald Trump’s business interests. We can and will make a difference.

Cynthia D. Mares
HNBA National President"

Trump Judge Belongs to Group That Called for Trump Business Boycott | The American Spectator
And the plaintiffs lawyers, you know the ones that gave close to a million bucks to the Clintons, they wanted the trial date either before the R convention or at least August .

Pfffffffffffffffft. It's a fucking political hit job and you asswipe wankers on the left can't admit it.

"or even to move it up to June, just before the Republican Convention, which is scheduled for July 18-21."

Fuck off assholes. Trump's right that this is a hit job.

Why Trump Is Angling to Push the Trump University Suit Till After the Election

go back to sleep tinymind, Canadians are irrelevant.
One wouldn't almost side with Trump. One would definitely side with Trump. What the low information left is ignoring is that most Americans want well regulated borders. Apparently the parents of judge in question were illegal criminal aliens and the judge belongs to a race based organization that endorses illegal immigration and open borders. He should recuse himself from the case because he is obviously biased against Trump.

The judge's parents were NOT illegal immigrants, nor does La Raza endorse ANY immigration policies - it's silent on the issue, does NOT advocate open borders. Judge Curiel was a Reagan appointee and promoted by Clinton. These lies against the judge and his family serve to deflect your attention away from Trump's shady business practices, and basic dishonesty.

La Raza is a mentoring and education focused networking group of Hispanic lawyers.

Oh put down the bong.

Why does Drumpf attack a judge with an excellent reputation who has done nothing wrong in the management of this trial? Why to deflect morons like you who don't fact check, to believe that he is being attacked for his views rather than his flim-flam business scams.
One wouldn't almost side with Trump. One would definitely side with Trump. What the low information left is ignoring is that most Americans want well regulated borders. Apparently the parents of judge in question were illegal criminal aliens and the judge belongs to a race based organization that endorses illegal immigration and open borders. He should recuse himself from the case because he is obviously biased against Trump.

The judge's parents were NOT illegal immigrants, nor does La Raza endorse ANY immigration policies - it's silent on the issue, does NOT advocate open borders. Judge Curiel was a Reagan appointee and promoted by Clinton. These lies against the judge and his family serve to deflect your attention away from Trump's shady business practices, and basic dishonesty.

La Raza is a mentoring and education focused networking group of Hispanic lawyers.

Oh put down the bong.

Why does Drumpf attack a judge with an excellent reputation who has done nothing wrong in the management of this trial? Why to deflect morons like you who don't fact check, to believe that he is being attacked for his views rather than his flim-flam business scams.

Fuck you. Trump has every right to believe he will not get a fair trial with this Judge. He belongs to a lawyers association that is boycotting all things Trump. And I fact check everything bitch and can back it up.

Start backing up your accusations or shut the fuck up.

"The HNBA calls for a boycott of all of Trump business ventures, including golf courses, hotels, and restaurants. We salute NBC/Universal, Univision and Macy’s for ending their association with Trump, and we join them in standing up against bigotry and racist rhetoric. Other businesses and corporations should follow the lead of NBC/Universal, Univision and Macy’s and take similar actions against Donald Trump’s business interests. We can and will make a difference.

Cynthia D. Mares
HNBA National President"

Trump Judge Belongs to Group That Called for Trump Business Boycott

Trump Judge Belongs to Group That Called for Trump Business Boycott | The American Spectator
--------------------------------------- as the wize Latina on the supreme court said , Mexicans think differently than gringos . Course she used different words Nat .

......and then you morons actually have the nerve to openly state that it is Obama who divides this country among racial lines?

For every day that this screw up by Trump stays in the news, my guess that even that 20% of Latinos who were considering voting for Trump, dwindles even more.
---------------------------------- not all mexicans or other third worlders believe in western ideals of rule of law , see how mexico is run . Many , even though born in the USA or 'indiana' like the federal judge 'curiel' believe in payback for Americans or gringoes . Heck , many Mexicans believe that parts of the USA were stolen from mexico and they approve of Reconquista Nat !!
poor RW's .. so damn dumb ... pathetic little creatures caught up in their tiny world shackled by tiny minds.

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