What "puzzles" me about Trump's attack on Judge Curiel...

so , from my point of view this issue of an imported fifth column is being openly talked about because of the Trump so good for the TRUMP Nat !! Country needs to divide and regroup , why accommodate an imported fifth column with co operation . I can't be friends with the people , fifth column that wants to steal from me and my kids Nat !!
They demanded the Judge move the trial till after the election in March. You pro Curiel anti Trumpers are really late to the party.

You do (or should) realize that you're shooting yourself in the foot......Who is "they" who demanded the trial be postponed......and is it the same "they" who did NOT ask the judge to recuse himself?
so , from my point of view this issue of an imported fifth column is being openly talked about because of the Trump so good for the TRUMP Nat !! Country needs to divide and regroup , why accommodate an imported fifth column with co operation .
I can't be friends with the people , fifth column that wants to steal from me and my kids Nat !!

Wait as I reach for my Moron-to-English dictionary to decipher your post.
---------------------------------- not all mexicans or other third worlders believe in western ideals of rule of law , see how mexico is run . Many , even though born in the USA or 'indiana' like the federal judge 'curiel' believe in payback for Americans or gringoes . Heck , many Mexicans believe that parts of the USA were stolen from mexico and they approve of Reconquista Nat !!

So, we shouldn't trust Germans, Italians and Japanese judges either since they lost the WWII?
Trump has promised to appoint pro-life judges to the Supreme Court.

Hmmm...if a judge opposed the border wall, that's a biased judge who can't be fair, but a judge who opposes abortion is a non-biased judge who can be fair?

The above idiot is comparing La Raza to the KKK, white robes and hoods and lighting crosses??? Really ??

La Raza is the Mexican Klan.

That you AGREE with their racism is irrelevant.

The American democratic - socialist party, we beez hatin on whitey since the moment we stopped hatin on blackie.

We gots to hate SOMEONE!

A funny statement from Donald Drumpf.
One wouldn't almost side with Trump. One would definitely side with Trump. What the low information left is ignoring is that most Americans want well regulated borders. Apparently the parents of judge in question were illegal criminal aliens and the judge belongs to a race based organization that endorses illegal immigration and open borders. He should recuse himself from the case because he is obviously biased against Trump.

I agree and Trump isn't a racist. He also isn't PC which really pisses the left off.

If you were a prosecutor and had a police officer on trial and learned that the presiding Judge was an ex LEO, well as a prosecutor you might think this judge would rule on the side of an LEO.

I would.
Trump has promised to appoint pro-life judges to the Supreme Court.

Hmmm...if a judge opposed the border wall, that's a biased judge who can't be fair, but a judge who opposes abortion is a non-biased judge who can be fair?


My friend, I've stated it often and I repeat....The BEST way to defeat the imbecility that is Trump, is to encourage Trump to constantly spew his hateful and racist remarks.

The man is the DNC's gift that keeps on giving......and, as Obama stated, the GOP may not be happy with Trump as their nominee.....but the DNC sure is.
the plaintiff chose the law firms in 2010 the latest. no trump candidacy was emerging then. you have been told this many times, as well as the difference in the groups using the term la raza in their names. you are a scumbag, of course.

If you call yourself La Raza <fill in the blank legal / doctor / teacher / garbage union etc > you are still "THE RACE".

You cannot squiggle out of it douche bag.

All things La Raza are based on race. It's just the way it is.

While some argue that the group’s very name expresses a radical racial-identity politics, the San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association contends that translating “La Raza” as “the race’” is a mistake: “While it is true that one meaning of ‘raza’ in Spanish is indeed ‘race,’ in Spanish, as in English and any other language, words can and do have multiple meanings,” says an explanation posted on their website. “As noted in several online dictionaries, ‘La Raza’ means ‘the people’ or ‘the community.’”

Read more at: The Decisions of Judge Curiel, by Jim Geraghty, National Review

Oh bite me. This lamo excuse is as bad as when everyone was running around saying that the Muslim Brotherhood was a secular organization despite having Muslim in their title.

Give it up.

Sorry, my mom taught me not to put nasty things in my mouth.......I don't recall anyone saying the MB was secular. That has nothing to do with the bad translation in this case.

When nominated for his seat on the U.S. District Court in 2011, Curiel listed La Raza Lawyers of San Diego among the ten bar associations and professional groups he belonged to and declared, in a legal affidavit, “To the best of my knowledge, none of the organizations discriminates or formerly discriminated on the basis of sex, race, religion or national origin.”

Read more at: The Decisions of Judge Curiel, by Jim Geraghty, National Review

James Clapper in February 2011 claimed that the Muslim Brotherhood was a largely secular organization. Look when people are caught out they try to distance themselves from the original definitions.

As far a Curiel goes, he should recuse himself plain and simple. When you belong to the organization that is boycotting all things Trump that should be enough right there.

"The HNBA calls for a boycott of all of Trump business ventures, including golf courses, hotels, and restaurants. We salute NBC/Universal, Univision and Macy’s for ending their association with Trump, and we join them in standing up against bigotry and racist rhetoric. Other businesses and corporations should follow the lead of NBC/Universal, Univision and Macy’s and take similar actions against Donald Trump’s business interests. We can and will make a difference.

Cynthia D. Mares
HNBA National President"

Trump Judge Belongs to Group That Called for Trump Business Boycott | The American Spectator

The Obama administration took the rare step Thursday of correcting its own intelligence chief after the official claimed Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood is "largely secular."

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper discussed the Islamist group during a hearing on Capitol Hill earlier Thursday. He testified that the organization has "pursued social ends" and a "betterment of the political order," and downplayed its religious underpinnings.

"The term 'Muslim Brotherhood' ... is an umbrella term for a variety of movements, in the case of Egypt, a very heterogeneous group, largely secular, which has eschewed violence and has decried Al Qaeda as a perversion of Islam," Clapper said.

But the DNI later issued a statement to "clarify" that claim.

"To clarify Director Clapper's point, in Egypt the Muslim Brotherhood makes efforts to work through a political system that has been, under Mubarak's rule, one that is largely secular in its orientation. He is well aware that the Muslim Brotherhood is not a secular organization," DNI spokesperson Jamie Smith said.

While the Brotherhood has renounced violence, one of its goals is to pursue the creation of an Islamic state. The CIA's own website lists the Brotherhood as a "religious-based" party.

Obama Administration Corrects Clapper's Claim That Muslim Brotherhood Is 'Secular' | Fox News

Nothing racist in calling for a boycott business. In America it is done all the time.

What else you got?
Unhinged2008 rides the special bus......

So you wouldn't mind the presiding judge in Hillary's treason trial be a member of "the Aryan Lawyers Association of San Diego"

I know, that's different, they're white....

You're a racist in a racist party, but to decent people, belonging to race group like La Raza is a dis qualifier.
They demanded the Judge move the trial till after the election in March. You pro Curiel anti Trumpers are really late to the party.

You do (or should) realize that you're shooting yourself in the foot......Who is "they" who demanded the trial be postponed......and is it the same "they" who did NOT ask the judge to recuse himself?

Trump's lawyers demanded that the August date be moved. That was back in March. The plaintiffs lawyers (the ones that love the Clintons) wanted the trial to begin right before the Republican Convention.
Trump has promised to appoint pro-life judges to the Supreme Court.

Hmmm...if a judge opposed the border wall, that's a biased judge who can't be fair, but a judge who opposes abortion is a non-biased judge who can be fair?


Policy <> race, Forrest......

So you're admitting that Trump's objection to the judge is over race not policy.

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