What "puzzles" me about Trump's attack on Judge Curiel...

The above idiot is comparing La Raza to the KKK, white robes and hoods and lighting crosses??? Really ??

La Raza is the Mexican Klan.

That you AGREE with their racism is irrelevant.

The American democratic - socialist party, we beez hatin on whitey since the moment we stopped hatin on blackie.

We gots to hate SOMEONE!

La Raza has absolutely nothing to do with this case.
Unhinged2008 rides the special bus......

So you wouldn't mind the presiding judge in Hillary's treason trial be a member of "the Aryan Lawyers Association of San Diego"

I know, that's different, they're white....

You're a racist in a racist party, but to decent people, belonging to race group like La Raza is a dis qualifier.

See, there is a reason they put you on that short bus.
As far as the claim that Curiel's parents were illegals?

Curiel was born in East Chicago, Indiana, the youngest of four children. Their parents, Salvador and Francisca, had emigrated from Mascota, which is a small Mexican town near Puerto Vallarta in the state of Jalisco. Salvador worked as a laborer in Arizona before moving to Indiana where he worked in the steel mills.[nb 1] Curiel's parents married in 1946 and later became American citizens.[1][2][3][4][5][6]

Gonzalo P. Curiel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

His parents became American citizens, so they weren't here illegally, nor was the judge an "anchor baby".

If his parents are citizens, he's a citizen, then why would a US citizen have a problem with keeping our borders secure?
All Trump did was expose Curiel for being La Raza and that the two legal teams representing the plaintiffs gave the Clintons almost a million dollars in speaking fees.

This lawsuit is a political hit job using the judiciary. Typical D tactic.

Even Red State says that the attack on Curiel is dishonest.

The Dishonest Attempt to Associate Gonzalo Curiel with "La Raza" | RedState

Don't even bring up Erik and his nevertrumpers over at Red State. He's become a complete basket case along with his other writers because Cruz lost. Look his crew is so fucking out of line that they cheered when they found out pro Trump people were beaten and egged leaving the speech the other night.

Other shit against that mother trucker Erik? He and Cruz's bitch Amanda Carpenter actually came up with a black list of anyone who supported Trump including Matt Drudge and Hannity.

He backed that crazy bitch Michelle Fields who falsely accused Corey Trump's campaign manager of physically assaulting her.

He's off his rocker just like Glenn Beck so I don't give a rats ass what those people have to say. And they are going down in flames in many conservative circles.

Erik and crew are scum buckets big time.
All Trump did was expose Curiel for being La Raza and that the two legal teams representing the plaintiffs gave the Clintons almost a million dollars in speaking fees.

This lawsuit is a political hit job using the judiciary. Typical D tactic.

Even Red State says that the attack on Curiel is dishonest.

The Dishonest Attempt to Associate Gonzalo Curiel with "La Raza" | RedState

Don't even bring up Erik and his nevertrumpers over at Red State. He's become a complete basket case along with his other writers because Cruz lost. Look his crew is so fucking out of line that they cheered when they found out pro Trump people were beaten and egged leaving the speech the other night.

Other shit against that mother trucker Erik? He and Cruz's bitch Amanda Carpenter actually came up with a black list of anyone who supported Trump including Matt Drudge and Hannity.

He backed that crazy bitch Michelle Fields who falsely accused Corey Trump's campaign manager of physically assaulting her.

He's off his rocker just like Glenn Beck so I don't give a rats ass what those people have to say. And they are going down in flames in many conservative circles.

Erik and crew are scum buckets big time.

Erik and crew are scum buckets big time

matches your mouth.
All Trump did was expose Curiel for being La Raza and that the two legal teams representing the plaintiffs gave the Clintons almost a million dollars in speaking fees.

This lawsuit is a political hit job using the judiciary. Typical D tactic.

Even Red State says that the attack on Curiel is dishonest.

The Dishonest Attempt to Associate Gonzalo Curiel with "La Raza" | RedState

Check out my other post to you. This backs up what I said in it. These bastards are freaking evil bad losers to say the least.

‘Red State’ Editors Support Democrat Mob Attacks on American Trump Supporters: ‘Deserve to be Beaten


Neil Stevens, a contributing editor to the “Red State” blog, believes that Americans should be attacked by Mexicans for supporting a candidate who promises to enforce U.S. immigration laws.

Stevens complained Trump supporters “deserve to be beaten” by Democrat hordes and illegal aliens burning the American flag, and that Trump is a “Nazi.”

You deserve to be beaten if you join a movement whose leader encourages the beating or protestors like "in the good old days."

— Neil Stevens (@presjpolk) June 3, 2016

The Trump movement is no more civilized than the radicals protesting them. They deserve each other.

— Neil Stevens (@presjpolk) June 3, 2016

I warned you he was a Nazi. You didn't listen. Now you have street fighting like Weimar Germany. #NeverTrump

— Neil Stevens (@presjpolk) June 3, 2016

Similarly, “Red State” contributing editor Ben Howe sneered at a woman who supported Trump attacked by a mob:

And all she did was try to make America great again. Jacob Rascon on Twitter

— Ben Howe (@BenHowe) June 3, 2016

'Red State' Editors Support Democrat Mob Attacks on American Trump Supporters: 'Deserve to be Beaten' - Breitbart
All Trump did was expose Curiel for being La Raza and that the two legal teams representing the plaintiffs gave the Clintons almost a million dollars in speaking fees.

This lawsuit is a political hit job using the judiciary. Typical D tactic.

Even Red State says that the attack on Curiel is dishonest.

The Dishonest Attempt to Associate Gonzalo Curiel with "La Raza" | RedState

Don't even bring up Erik and his nevertrumpers over at Red State. He's become a complete basket case along with his other writers because Cruz lost. Look his crew is so fucking out of line that they cheered when they found out pro Trump people were beaten and egged leaving the speech the other night.

Other shit against that mother trucker Erik? He and Cruz's bitch Amanda Carpenter actually came up with a black list of anyone who supported Trump including Matt Drudge and Hannity.

He backed that crazy bitch Michelle Fields who falsely accused Corey Trump's campaign manager of physically assaulting her.

He's off his rocker just like Glenn Beck so I don't give a rats ass what those people have to say. And they are going down in flames in many conservative circles.

Erik and crew are scum buckets big time.

Erik and crew are scum buckets big time

matches your mouth.

Lets say that Trump were to become president (highly [and luckily] unlikely) and Trump decided to fulfill his moronic promise to build that "beautiful" wall.......AND that folks objecting to such a wall were to sue Trump's decision and it would wind up in the courts......

THEN, one could almost....ALMOST.....side with Trump that if the decision on the legality of the wall rested with a judge such as Curiel and his potential biases.....

BUT, Curiel is hearing pleads regarding ANOTHER of Trump's screw ups about his faux "university" scam and to claim bias on that account is insane and only emphasizes Trump's xenophobia and, YES, latent racism.

Its simple, he says he cant be treated fairly because Mexicans hate him? Is that racist to claim an entire race wont ever be fair to him? Yes.

Here's the logical conclusion: I go to court and scream "I HATE ABORTIONS" and present to everyone something that shows the judge is Pro Choice. Now I can claim that person would never be fair to me.

Then I can say "I hate white people" right in the court room. NOW I can claim the Judge wont be fair either. Do you know how many situations this can apply?
don't tell tinymind nobody cares what she thinks ... as if she could think.

the judges great grandmother was left handed .. bla bla bla
So, as I was saying before some johnny-come-lately retard who can't allow any facts to penetrate his skull came along, if the judge wanted to fuck over Trump, he would not have postponed the trial until after the election. He would have instead moved it up to prior to the election, and put Trump on trial in front of live TV cameras, OJ Simpson style.

Then we could all watch Trump squirm in real time as he admits his claims were bogus and that he is a fraud.

Poor little leftist liar G-tard5000 got taken to the woodshed again.

So why isn't Trump in jail awaiting his trial? Is he out on bail?
There are civil cases and there are criminal cases. Fraud cases like this one are tried in civil court.

Let me know if you need any more education about these matters, retard.
Yes, he is named. He has already been deposed at least once. Maybe you should read the facts of the case before making an ass of yourself.


"Trump University LLC" is named in the suit.

Maybe you should stop lying to attack enemies of your filthy party.

Fucking demagogues.
Oh, wow. You are getting dumber by the day.

” On behalf of these consumers, plaintiffs claim Donald J. Trump and his so-called “university” violated federal and state laws by falsely advertising seminars and mentorships (“Live Events”) as teaching Trump’s “real-estate secrets” through his “hand-picked” “professors” at his “elite” university.

Trump University
Yes, he is named. He has already been deposed at least once. Maybe you should read the facts of the case before making an ass of yourself.


"Trump University LLC" is named in the suit.

Maybe you should stop lying to attack enemies of your filthy party.

Fucking demagogues.
More education behind the woodshed for you:

http://www.trumpuniversitylitigation.com/Content/Documents/Cohen Complaint.pdf


http://www.trumpuniversitylitigation.com/Content/Documents/Makaeff Complaint.pdf


Plaintiff Art Cohen ("Plaintiff'), by and through his attorneys, brings this action on behalf of himself and all others similarly situated, against Donald J. Trump ("Defendant" or "Defendant Trump").
Some people work very hard at being stupid and not allowing a single fact to penetrate their skulls.

You can lead a horse's ass to water...
In a promotional video for Trump University posted on YouTube, embedded in email blasts, and shown at Trump University Live Events (hereinafter, I the "Main Promotional Video"), Trump himself promised would-be student-victims:

"We're going to have professors and adjunct professors that are absolutely terrific. Terrific people. Terrific brains. Successful. The best. We are going to have the best of the best. And, honestly, if you don't learn from them, if you don't learn from me, if you don't learn from the people that we're going to be putting forward, and these are all people that are hand picked by me, then, you're just not gonna make it in terms of the world of success. And that's okay, but you're not gonna make it in terms of success."

http://www.trumpuniversitylitigation.com/Content/Documents/Cohen Complaint.pdf

He's a fraud. In his deposition, he admitted he didn't hand pick the instructors. And he sure as shit didn't teach any of the courses (he promised they would learn from him personally). He hired a guy he didn't even know, who had zero real estate background, to pick the instructors. And he was unable to say under oath whether he knew if the instructors had any real estate experience!
Almost immediately after Trump founded Trump University, the New York State Education Department ("NYSED") wrote to Donald Trump on May 27, 2005, warning him that using the name "University" was illegal without a license, and asked Trump to stop using the name "Trump University." Instead of complying, Defendant's agents created a fictitious office in Dover, Delaware, and then Defendant continued to brazenly operate illegally out of his 40 Wall Street office in New York, New York for five years.

http://www.trumpuniversitylitigation.com/Content/Documents/Cohen Complaint.pdf
On June 15, 2010, NYSED wrote to Trump University directing Defendant to cease any further training until Trump University obtained a 2 license to operate as an institution of higher learning. The NYSED demanded: "All 3 current students should be refunded" and warned that failure to comply with the law 4 "may result in disciplinary action." Defendant did not give students refunds, but did 5 stop offering and selling Live Events shortly thereafter in or about August 2010.
Plaintiffs and Class Members who attended Trump University’s real estate investing classes, were promised a “complete real estate education,” a “one year apprenticeship,” a one-on-one mentorship, practical and fail-safe real estate techniques, a “power team” consisting of real estate agents, lenders, personal finance managers, property managers and contractors, and were assured that although the Seminars were costly, they would make the money back in their first real estate deal, and could make up to tens of thousands of dollars per month or more. Plaintiffs and Class Members did not receive what they bargained for.

Instead of a complete real estate education, students merely received an “infomercial” pushing additional Seminars or workshops they were told they would need to take to succeed. The “one year apprenticeship” they were promised was actually just a threeday seminar; the one-on-one year-long mentorship consisted of no practical insights and no mentorship, but rather excursions to Home Depot and “mentors” who either recommend real estate deals that they stood to benefit from financially, raising a conflict of interest, or who quickly disappeared and failed to return calls.

http://www.trumpuniversitylitigation.com/Content/Documents/Makaeff Complaint.pdf
In attempting to publicly defend its reputation, Trump University has the audacity to compare itself to Harvard University – claiming that it does not guarantee real estate success, just as Harvard cannot guarantee a Rhodes scholarship. Comparing Trump University to Harvard University is a bit like comparing a snake oil salesman to a brain surgeon. First, Harvard is clearly an accredited institution while Trump is not; Harvard professors are educated in their field, while Trump instructors and mentors are trained in sales, not real estate; and when Harvard students pay for a four-year education, they receive four years of teaching, whereas Trump students who pay for a one-year real estate education receive three days of a hard-sell sales presentation.

http://www.trumpuniversitylitigation.com/Content/Documents/Makaeff Complaint.pdf
Donald Trump’s Involvement – Donald Trump is personally liable due to his public representations concerning Trump University and his involvement and role in the misconduct:

(a) Donald Trump is the founder and Chairman of Trump University – according to Trump University seminar presenters, Donald Trump owns Trump University “lock, stock and barrel,” and it is his “baby, his company”;

(b) Donald Trump authorized Trump University to use his name, photos and quotes for all Trump University seminar presentations, website and advertising – the home page of the website displays a large photo of Donald Trump along with the message from him: “Are YOU My Next Apprentice? Prove it to me!”

(c) Print advertisements featuring Donald Trump and his image included quotes from him including: “Don’t think you can profit in this market? You can. And I’ll show you how. Learn from my handpicked expert how you can profit from the largest real estate liquidation in history.”

(d) An email from Trump University to thousands or tens of thousands consumers featured Donald Trump’s photo with the words: “Are you My Next Apprentice,” and stated: “76% of the world’s millionaires made their fortunes in real estate. Now it’s your turn. My father did it, I did it, and now I’m ready to teach you how to do it too.” The signature line at the bottom of the email reads, Donald J. Trump, Chairman, Trump University, and even includes his signature.

(e) Trump University print advertisements were reviewed and authorized by Donald Trump before they were released and contained quotes from Donald J. Trump, himself, including: “I can turn anyone into a successful real estate investor, including you. – Donald Trump.”

(f) Donald Trump sent signed letters to consumers nationwide, with Donald Trump’s name and signature at the bottom, which stated: “[N]o course offers the same depth of insight, experience and support as the one bearing my name . . . . My hand-picked instructors and mentors will show you how to use real estate strategies to: supplement or even replace your income, secure your long-term financial future . . . tart profiting today! Now is the time to create your financial legacy. You can do it, even if you only have five or ten hours a week to spare. With our simple instructions and practice exercises – and ongoing support from your own Trump Team of Experts – you’ll have what you need to succeed!” (Emphasis in original). The letter closes with Donald J Trump’s name, signature, and Trump University address, at 40 Wall Street, 32nd Floor, New York, NY 10005.

On and on it goes like that.
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