What "puzzles" me about Trump's attack on Judge Curiel...

Look at Trump's speech pattern quoted in the suit: ""We're going to have professors and adjunct professors that are absolutely terrific. Terrific people. Terrific brains. Successful. The best. We are going to have the best of the best. "

Exactly the same speech pattern he spews now. And he's still the same old fraud, lying out of his ass to the rubes.
All Trump did was expose Curiel for being La Raza

Every time I think you retards have reached the bottom of stupidity, you surprise me. Like thinking the judge belongs to the National Council of La Raza.

I am simply astonished you parrot this blatant lie as fact.

I know exactly what legal association he belongs to. And if they don't want to be associated with the National Council gee they should take the National Council out of their Links and Associates list m'kay.
The AFFILIATES LIST is at the TOP of their website, listing all whom they are affiliates with....National Council of la Raza is NOT listed as an affiliate.

At the end of their website they have links to things like the Police, and the council of la raza is one of them... this does not mean they are part of the police department or part of Council of la raza.
There are civil cases and there are criminal cases. Fraud cases like this one are tried in civil court.

Let me know if you need any more education about these matters, retard.

So despite your claim, Trump is accused of no criminal wrong doing. :thup:
There are civil cases and there are criminal cases. Fraud cases like this one are tried in civil court.

Let me know if you need any more education about these matters, retard.

So despite your claim, Trump is accused of no criminal wrong doing. :thup:
I posted quotes from the suit which plainly say he is guilty of criminal wrongdoing. Are you, like, stabbing your eyes with knitting needles to avoid the facts?

This is getting REALLY weird!
Goldman Sachs and other financial institutions have been found guilty of criminal wrongdoing, but they were punished in civil court. With fines that add up to lunch money for them.

Just because they paid a fine when they should have gone to jail doesn't mean they didn't break the law.

Got it now, UCTard?
Tell me shit fer brains, it Trump personally named in the suit?
Yes, he is named.

Maybe you should stop lying to attack enemies of your filthy party.

As I AMPLY demonstrated, Trump is named in both suits. Over and over and over and over.

Poor little leftist liar G-tard5000 got taken to the woodshed again.
You are the one who came out with his ass in flames. :lol:
I just don't know why you do it, UCTard. Make shit up, and then get caught, and then come back for more. It's fucking weird how hard you work at making an ass of yourself.

Stop lying, or see a shrink.
All Trump did was expose Curiel for being La Raza

Every time I think you retards have reached the bottom of stupidity, you surprise me. Like thinking the judge belongs to the National Council of La Raza.

I am simply astonished you parrot this blatant lie as fact.

I know exactly what legal association he belongs to. And if they don't want to be associated with the National Council gee they should take the National Council out of their Links and Associates list m'kay.
The AFFILIATES LIST is at the TOP of their website, listing all whom they are affiliates with....National Council of la Raza is NOT listed as an affiliate.

At the end of their website they have links to things like the Police, and the council of la raza is one of them... this does not mean they are part of the police department or part of Council of la raza.

Oh have they changed it around? When I was on the website the other day The National Council was listed under Links and Affiliates. Notheless the are La Raza aka The Race.

And Curiel still belongs to the group that is boycotting all things Trump. He needs to go.


The Spectacle Blog
Trump Judge Belongs to Group That Called for Trump Business Boycott
June 7, 2016, 11:30 am

Judge Gonzalo Curiel told the Senate Judiciary Committee that he was a member of the National Hispanic Bar Association.

Hat tip here to the Conservative Tree House and attorney Mark Pulliam. The Tree House reports this press release from the group the Judge belongs to, dated July 2, 2015… days after Donald Trump announced for president. Here’s the Tree House link, and here is the official NHBA link:

Here’s the text of the release:


Washington, DC — The Hispanic National Bar Association represents the interests of nearly 54 million Hispanics/Latinos in the United States, which is approximately 17% of the U.S. population. By his recent derogatory remarks about Mexican immigrants, Donald Trump’s disrespect of such a large segment of the population of America is not only unbelievable, but outright wrong.

His comment that Mexico only sends rapists and criminals to the United States reveals a racist nature that cannot and will not go unnoticed by the Hispanic National Bar Association nor the Latino community.

Those who seek our highest public office should attempt to engage all Americans, not divide us. His comments are clearly divisive and racist and do nothing to promote equality and justice for all. Trump’s statements reveal a bias that all Americans should reject and respond to accordingly. We cannot stand silent and allow Trump to promote such racist and discriminatory behavior. This is the time for all Americans to take a stand against his insensitive, offensive and untrue statements.

The HNBA calls for a boycott of all of Trump business ventures, including golf courses, hotels, and restaurants. We salute NBC/Universal, Univision and Macy’s for ending their association with Trump, and we join them in standing up against bigotry and racist rhetoric. Other businesses and corporations should follow the lead of NBC/Universal, Univision and Macy’s and take similar actions against Donald Trump’s business interests. We can and will make a difference.

Cynthia D. Mares
HNBA National President

And there, right there is the game. The guy who supports a colorblind America is the racist. The group that self-selects by ethnicity and tries to inject the “wise Latina” (to quote Justice Sonia Sotomayor) racially divisive view of judging by race/ethnicity and the Constitution are the future.

In short, this is the old segregationist philosophy re-branded as “identity politics.”

I repeat JFK: “Race has no place in American life or law.” JFK was right. The Judge is wrong. The HNBA is wrong. And it is time to stop this country from being dragged backwards to one of the most shameful episodes in American history."

Trump Judge Belongs to Group That Called for Trump Business Boycott | The American Spectator
There are civil cases and there are criminal cases. Fraud cases like this one are tried in civil court.

Let me know if you need any more education about these matters, retard.

So despite your claim, Trump is accused of no criminal wrong doing. :thup:
He is accused of criminal wrongdoing. My god, you are dense.

You can't be sued if you are NOT accused of criminal wrongdoing, you unbelievably dense retard.

I provided the links. Multiple times.

I notice the tards spend a lot of energy eating Trump's manufactured bullshit and copying and pasting propaganda.

I can't help but notice the tards won't spend a second of their time reading the lawsuits or Trump's deposition under oath.

And that's all you need to know about their willful credulity, boys and girls. They BEG to be lied to, and thus DESERVE to be lied to by Trump.
Trump spends his entire life as a limousine liberal, building his fortune by preying on human weaknesses.

And then one day, he changes the letter at the end of his name to an (R), and the rube herd comes a running! :lol:

The problem liberals who continue to attack can not escape is the fact that Obama's hand-picked female, Latino, LIBERAL USSC Justice Sotomayor - agreed with Trump by declaring ALL judges have racial and gender bias that 'can and will' effect their judging. Her admission / legal opinion completely justifies Trump's action.

The only way to continue to accuse Trump of racism is to continue to ignore Sotomayor's comment...or to brand her as a racist, too.
All Trump did was expose Curiel for being La Raza

Every time I think you retards have reached the bottom of stupidity, you surprise me. Like thinking the judge belongs to the National Council of La Raza.

I am simply astonished you parrot this blatant lie as fact.

I know exactly what legal association he belongs to. And if they don't want to be associated with the National Council gee they should take the National Council out of their Links and Associates list m'kay.
The AFFILIATES LIST is at the TOP of their website, listing all whom they are affiliates with....National Council of la Raza is NOT listed as an affiliate.

At the end of their website they have links to things like the Police, and the council of la raza is one of them... this does not mean they are part of the police department or part of Council of la raza.

Oh have they changed it around? When I was on the website the other day The National Council was listed under Links and Affiliates. Notheless the are La Raza aka The Race.

And Curiel still belongs to the group that is boycotting all things Trump. He needs to go.


The Spectacle Blog
Trump Judge Belongs to Group That Called for Trump Business Boycott
June 7, 2016, 11:30 am

Judge Gonzalo Curiel told the Senate Judiciary Committee that he was a member of the National Hispanic Bar Association.

Hat tip here to the Conservative Tree House and attorney Mark Pulliam. The Tree House reports this press release from the group the Judge belongs to, dated July 2, 2015… days after Donald Trump announced for president. Here’s the Tree House link, and here is the official NHBA link:

Here’s the text of the release:


Washington, DC — The Hispanic National Bar Association represents the interests of nearly 54 million Hispanics/Latinos in the United States, which is approximately 17% of the U.S. population. By his recent derogatory remarks about Mexican immigrants, Donald Trump’s disrespect of such a large segment of the population of America is not only unbelievable, but outright wrong.

His comment that Mexico only sends rapists and criminals to the United States reveals a racist nature that cannot and will not go unnoticed by the Hispanic National Bar Association nor the Latino community.

Those who seek our highest public office should attempt to engage all Americans, not divide us. His comments are clearly divisive and racist and do nothing to promote equality and justice for all. Trump’s statements reveal a bias that all Americans should reject and respond to accordingly. We cannot stand silent and allow Trump to promote such racist and discriminatory behavior. This is the time for all Americans to take a stand against his insensitive, offensive and untrue statements.

The HNBA calls for a boycott of all of Trump business ventures, including golf courses, hotels, and restaurants. We salute NBC/Universal, Univision and Macy’s for ending their association with Trump, and we join them in standing up against bigotry and racist rhetoric. Other businesses and corporations should follow the lead of NBC/Universal, Univision and Macy’s and take similar actions against Donald Trump’s business interests. We can and will make a difference.

Cynthia D. Mares
HNBA National President

And there, right there is the game. The guy who supports a colorblind America is the racist. The group that self-selects by ethnicity and tries to inject the “wise Latina” (to quote Justice Sonia Sotomayor) racially divisive view of judging by race/ethnicity and the Constitution are the future.

In short, this is the old segregationist philosophy re-branded as “identity politics.”

I repeat JFK: “Race has no place in American life or law.” JFK was right. The Judge is wrong. The HNBA is wrong. And it is time to stop this country from being dragged backwards to one of the most shameful episodes in American history."

Trump Judge Belongs to Group That Called for Trump Business Boycott | The American Spectator

Wait a minute, are you saying Trump is a Race now and everyone who disapproves of his remarks is a racist?

That is absolutely the best race card, ever.
Its simple, he says he cant be treated fairly because Mexicans hate him? Is that racist to claim an entire race wont ever be fair to him? Yes.

Here's the logical conclusion: I go to court and scream "I HATE ABORTIONS" and present to everyone something that shows the judge is Pro Choice. Now I can claim that person would never be fair to me.

Then I can say "I hate white people" right in the court room. NOW I can claim the Judge wont be fair either. Do you know how many situations this can apply?

Indeed,,,,you can take the scenario to an IL-logical and almost comical conclusion.

One can be a serial killer and then claim that no judge (nor jury) can give him a fair trial because .........well, because the silly system seems to be biased against wanton murders.
Lets say that Trump were to become president (highly [and luckily] unlikely) and Trump decided to fulfill his moronic promise to build that "beautiful" wall.......AND that folks objecting to such a wall were to sue Trump's decision and it would wind up in the courts......

THEN, one could almost....ALMOST.....side with Trump that if the decision on the legality of the wall rested with a judge such as Curiel and his potential biases.....

BUT, Curiel is hearing pleads regarding ANOTHER of Trump's screw ups about his faux "university" scam and to claim bias on that account is insane and only emphasizes Trump's xenophobia and, YES, latent racism.

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