What "puzzles" me about Trump's attack on Judge Curiel...

Its simple, he says he cant be treated fairly because Mexicans hate him? Is that racist to claim an entire race wont ever be fair to him? Yes.

Here's the logical conclusion: I go to court and scream "I HATE ABORTIONS" and present to everyone something that shows the judge is Pro Choice. Now I can claim that person would never be fair to me.

Then I can say "I hate white people" right in the court room. NOW I can claim the Judge wont be fair either. Do you know how many situations this can apply?

Indeed,,,,you can take the scenario to an IL-logical and almost comical conclusion.

One can be a serial killer and then claim that no judge (nor jury) can give him a fair trial because .........well, because the silly system seems to be biased against wanton murders.

And there you go...everyone is biased in some way therefore no one can judge another. You can go as far as you want with that logic.
Let me sum it up ...the 25 Grand Trump gave to Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi did not "bias" her into dropping her Investigation of Trump University. However the Judge being of Mexican heritage means he is too biased to Judge Trump...
All Trump did was expose Curiel for being La Raza and that the two legal teams representing the plaintiffs gave the Clintons almost a million dollars in speaking fees.

This lawsuit is a political hit job using the judiciary. Typical D tactic.

What does someone contributing to the Clintons have to do with a bogus university?
They are saying that people who ever donated to the Clinton's are Clinton acolytes that will happily work for them.

Like Trump, whose job is to destroy the GOP!
Lets say that Trump were to become president (highly [and luckily] unlikely) and Trump decided to fulfill his moronic promise to build that "beautiful" wall.......AND that folks objecting to such a wall were to sue Trump's decision and it would wind up in the courts......

THEN, one could almost....ALMOST.....side with Trump that if the decision on the legality of the wall rested with a judge such as Curiel and his potential biases.....

BUT, Curiel is hearing pleads regarding ANOTHER of Trump's screw ups about his faux "university" scam and to claim bias on that account is insane and only emphasizes Trump's xenophobia and, YES, latent racism.

Trump has no real interest in building a wall. He only says he wants to build a wall to get votes.

Trump also knows that the courts will stop him from building a wall. That way he can cry how unfair and broken the system is. Well duh!

The dirty little secret here is, liberals whine all the time about jury's being too white but that is OK because only whites can be racists.

Really, Trump is just a liberal who wants to build a wall and is guilty regarding Trump U, so he is blowing smoke out his arse using the race card like your average liberal.
DEBUNKED: Team Trump's Ugly Smear Of Latino Lawyers Group

“I can't imagine that our national discourse would have gone to this if we didn't have a presidential candidate who said something stupid and racist and is trying to find a way to back pedal out of it,” said one California lawyer.

His national spokesperson Katrina Pierson accused the group of organizing anti-Trump protests, apparently confusing La Raza San Diego with the advocacy group National Council of La Raza (more on that later). Even after the distinction between the two was pointed out, other Trump surrogates followed suit by saying Curiel’s association with La Raza San Diego was fair game.
It shouldn't be puzzling. This Judge is a member of organizations that take political stances and are currently boycotting Trump Businesses. He shouldn't have been allowed to preside over a case involving a Trump Business. It's wrong. Trump does have a legitimate beef. I know that upsets the usual suspect Trump-haters, but it is what it is.
It shouldn't be puzzling. This Judge is a member of organizations that take political stances and are currently boycotting Trump Businesses. He shouldn't have been allowed to preside over a case involving a Trump Business. It's wrong. Trump does have a legitimate beef. I know that upsets the usual suspect Trump-haters, but it is what it is.

Your post is #147.....all you had to do is read #146 instead of just listening to Rush or Sean, and you wouldn't be so easily labeled an imbecile.
It shouldn't be puzzling. This Judge is a member of organizations that take political stances and are currently boycotting Trump Businesses. He shouldn't have been allowed to preside over a case involving a Trump Business. It's wrong. Trump does have a legitimate beef. I know that upsets the usual suspect Trump-haters, but it is what it is.

Your post is #147.....all you had to do is read #146 instead of just listening to Rush or Sean, and you wouldn't be so easily labeled an imbecile.

The man is a member of organizations that are publicly attacking Trump, and organizing boycotts of his Businesses. That's fact. So how was he allowed to preside over a case involving a Trump Business? It is wrong. Trump is completely justified in believing there is a bias.
It shouldn't be puzzling. This Judge is a member of organizations that take political stances and are currently boycotting Trump Businesses. He shouldn't have been allowed to preside over a case involving a Trump Business. It's wrong. Trump does have a legitimate beef. I know that upsets the usual suspect Trump-haters, but it is what it is.

Your post is #147.....all you had to do is read #146 instead of just listening to Rush or Sean, and you wouldn't be so easily labeled an imbecile.

The man is a member of organizations that are publicly attacking Trump, and organizing boycotts of his Businesses. That's fact. So how was he allowed to preside over a case involving a Trump Business? It is wrong. Trump is completely justified in believing there is a bias.
Why is his organization boycotting Trump??
Is it because Trump is into FRAUD?
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he man is a member of organizations that are publicly attacking Trump, and organizing boycotts of his Businesses. That's fact. So how was he allowed to preside over a case involving a Trump Business? It is wrong. Trump is completely justified in believing there is a bias.

Why don't you ask Trump's attorneys WHY they did not file a petition of recusal of the judge?
Of course you can embark on a whole "conspiracy" scenario that the entire planet....(except for you morons who still back him)......is after poor, little, misunderstood Trumpster.
It shouldn't be puzzling. This Judge is a member of organizations that take political stances and are currently boycotting Trump Businesses. He shouldn't have been allowed to preside over a case involving a Trump Business. It's wrong. Trump does have a legitimate beef. I know that upsets the usual suspect Trump-haters, but it is what it is.

Your post is #147.....all you had to do is read #146 instead of just listening to Rush or Sean, and you wouldn't be so easily labeled an imbecile.

The man is a member of organizations that are publicly attacking Trump, and organizing boycotts of his Businesses. That's fact. So how was he allowed to preside over a case involving a Trump Business? It is wrong. Trump is completely justified in believing there is a bias.
Why is his organization boycotting Trump??
Is it because Trump is into FRAUD?

No, it's because they're racists who are pissed that a 'Gringo' is proposing enforcing our laws again and securing our border. The Gringo's got a lotta nerve. They ain't havin it.
he man is a member of organizations that are publicly attacking Trump, and organizing boycotts of his Businesses. That's fact. So how was he allowed to preside over a case involving a Trump Business? It is wrong. Trump is completely justified in believing there is a bias.

Why don't you ask Trump's attorneys WHY they did not file a petition of recusal of the judge?
Of course you can embark on a whole "conspiracy" scenario that the entire planet....(except for you morons who still back him)......is after poor, little, misunderstood Trumpster.

Mistakes were made. This Judge shouldn't have been allowed to preside over a case involving Trump at all. But especially because the organizations he's a member of, are boycotting Trump Businesses. Trump does have good reason to believe there's a bias.
Mistakes were made. This Judge shouldn't have been allowed to preside over a case involving Trump at all. But especially because the organizations he's a member of, are boycotting Trump Businesses. Trump does have good reason to believe there's a bias.

ONE LAST fucking time........

His national spokesperson Katrina Pierson accused the group of organizing anti-Trump protests, apparently confusing La Raza San Diego with the advocacy group National Council of La Raza (more on that later). Even after the distinction between the two was pointed out, other Trump surrogates followed suit by saying Curiel’s association with La Raza San Diego was fair game.
Mistakes were made. This Judge shouldn't have been allowed to preside over a case involving Trump at all. But especially because the organizations he's a member of, are boycotting Trump Businesses. Trump does have good reason to believe there's a bias.

ONE LAST fucking time........

His national spokesperson Katrina Pierson accused the group of organizing anti-Trump protests, apparently confusing La Raza San Diego with the advocacy group National Council of La Raza (more on that later). Even after the distinction between the two was pointed out, other Trump surrogates followed suit by saying Curiel’s association with La Raza San Diego was fair game.

He isn't only associated with La Raza. He's also a member of other organizations that are publicly attacking Trump and boycotting his businesses. He shouldn't have been allowed to be involved with this case.
He isn't only associated with La Raza. He's also a member of other organizations that are publicly attacking Trump and boycotting his businesses. He shouldn't have been allowed to be involved with this case.

This is NOT the place to fix your stubborn stupidity...Believe what you wish.....
He isn't only associated with La Raza. He's also a member of other organizations that are publicly attacking Trump and boycotting his businesses. He shouldn't have been allowed to be involved with this case.

This is NOT the place to fix your stubborn stupidity...Believe what you wish.....

It isn't 'belief.' It's fact. He is a member of virulently Anti-Trump organizations. He shouldn't have been allowed to be involved with this case.
It shouldn't be puzzling. This Judge is a member of organizations that take political stances and are currently boycotting Trump Businesses. He shouldn't have been allowed to preside over a case involving a Trump Business. It's wrong. Trump does have a legitimate beef. I know that upsets the usual suspect Trump-haters, but it is what it is.

Yeah, except that the Lawyers Association called for the Boycott after Donald "The Liar" Trump, launched his spurious, unfounded attack on the judge. Certainly you understand that there is nothing illegal about calling for or participating in a boycott for whatever reason.

Companies Have to Walk a Fine Line When Donald Trump Calls for a Boycott

“The judge is doing his job,” said Daniel Petrocelli, shaking his head, when asked if planned to seek Curiel’s recusal. “We’re not seeking to recuse the judge.”

"The Judge (Curiel) Is Doing His Job." Who Said It? Donald Trump's Lawyer | RedState

Face it Donald "The Liar" Trump is nothing but a "whinny little bitch"

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This entire "racist" bullsh!t happened when Trump "misspoke" when describing the judge.
Instead of using the word "Mexico", Trump should have used the words "La Raza Activist".
Trump's point was that the judge is not neutral.
Now that he's getting brutalized by the media, maybe he'll realize that he's not the right tool for the job of president.
He really wants to manage his business instead of playing at politics. He needs to decide which sandbox he wants to play in.
This entire "racist" bullsh!t happened when Trump "misspoke" when describing the judge.
Instead of using the word "Mexico", Trump should have used the words "La Raza Activist".
Trump's point was that the judge is not neutral.
Now that he's getting brutalized by the media, maybe he'll realize that he's not the right tool for the job of president.
He really wants to manage his business instead of playing at politics. He needs to decide which sandbox he wants to play in.

He didn't misspeak; knows exactly what he was saying and reiterated it several times over several different interviews! When are people going to stop making excuses for this bigot? ;-/ :argue: :blahblah: :420:

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