What Really Happen to Rachael Corrie?


Apr 22, 2007
What really happend to the Jew hating America hating naive Rachael Corrie! She is beloved by the anti-semites of the world, used by ignorant members of USMB, such as Shogun, to justify their promotion of Palestinian Terrorist!

Here is what happened. Corrie went to a quote unquote war zone to protest against Israel's attempts to stop Palestinian terrorism. In her attempt to stop a bulldozer her sat down in its way. Taking out the controversy in the bulldozing of terrorist homes, when Israel goes to bulldoze a home its not like in America where there are workers on the outside of the bulldozer clearing the road and looking out of the driver. Workers can't be on the outside, because they would be targets for snipers, so only people on the inside are present. She stood in the way a large motor vehicle, not knowing if it could see her or not. And she died! She played Russian Roulette and she lost!

Oh yea, as a precursor: Shogun go fuck yourself!

Rachel Corrie - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
IDF operation in the land between the Rafah refugee camp and the border with Egypt was engaged in house demolition, which the IDF claims is necessary to destroy guerrilla hideouts and smuggling tunnels.[10] The IDF says the tunnels are used for arms, explosives, and cash;[5][11] a recent Al Jazeera article says the tunnels are used for consumer goods impossible to acquire due to Israel's blockade.[11]

“The driver at no point saw or heard Corrie,” an army source told the Jerusalem Post. “She was standing behind debris which obstructed the view of the driver and the driver had a very limited field of vision due to the protective cage he was working in.”

Corrie's Cohort:
Smith recounted afterward; "We were horribly surprised. They had been careful not to hurt us. They'd always stopped before."[12] Corrie

Prime Minister of Israel Ariel Sharon, promised President Bush a "thorough, credible, and transparent investigation."[5] Later, Capt. Jacob Dallal, a spokesman for the Israeli army, called Corrie's death a "regrettable accident" and said that she and the other ISM activists were "a group of protesters who were acting very irresponsibly, putting everyone in danger — the Palestinians, themselves and our forces — by intentionally placing themselves in a combat zone."

An autopsy was conducted on March 24 at the Israel's National Center of Forensic Medicine in Tel Aviv. The final report was not released publicly, but in their report on the matter Human Rights Watch asserts a copy was provided to them by Craig Corrie, with a translation supplied by the U.S. Department of State. In the report they quote Professor Yehuda Hiss, who performed the autopsy, as concluding that "her death was caused by pressure on the chest (mechanical asphyxiation) with fractures of the ribs and vertebrae of the dorsal spinal column and scapulas, and tear wounds in the right lung with hemorrhaging of the pleural cavities." [23]

According to a correspondent for Gannett News Service, the IDF document, "The Death of Rachel Corrie" made no mention of the pathologist's conclusion, though, according to Corrie's parents, the entire document has not been released.[24]

On June 26, 2003, the Jerusalem Post quoted an Israeli military spokesman as saying that Corrie had not been run over and that the driver had not seen her:

"The driver at no point saw or heard Corrie. She was standing behind debris which obstructed the view of the driver and the driver had a very limited field of vision due to the protective cage he was working in... The driver and his commanders were interrogated extensively over a long period of time with the use of polygraph tests and video evidence. They had no knowledge that she was standing in the path of the tractor. An autopsy of Corrie's body revealed that the cause of death was from falling debris and not from the tractor physically rolling over her. It was a tragic accident that never should have happened."

"The International Solidarity Movement, to which Corrie belonged, was directly responsible for illegal behavior and conduct in the area of Corrie's death and their actions directly led to this tragedy."[25]

The Israeli army's report, which was seen by the The Guardian, said that the army was searching for explosives in the border zone when Corrie was "struck as she stood behind a mound of earth that was created by an engineering vehicle operating in the area and she was hidden from the view of the vehicle's operator who continued with his work. Corrie was struck by dirt and a slab of concrete resulting in her death ... The finding of the operational investigations shows that Rachel Corrie was not run over by an engineering vehicle but rather was struck by a hard object, most probably a slab of concrete which was moved or slid down while the mound of earth which she was standing behind was moved," (The Guardian, April 14, 2003).[26]

In later IDF operations, the house was damaged (a hole was knocked in a wall) and was later destroyed. By that time, the Nasrallah family had moved into a different house. It was reported in 2006 that the house that Corrie was trying to protect was rebuilt with funds raised by The Rebuilding Alliance.[27]

A spokesman for the IDF told the Guardian that, while it did not accept responsibility for Corrie's death, it intended to change its operational procedures to avoid similar incidents in the future. The level of command of similar operations would be raised, said the spokesman, and civilians in the area would be dispersed or arrested before operations began. Observers will be deployed and CCTV cameras will be installed on the bulldozers to compensate for blind spots, which may have contributed to Corrie's death.

The IDF gave copies of the report, entitled "The Death of Rachel Corrie," to members of the U.S. Congress in April 2003, and Corrie's family released the document to the media in June 2003, according to the Gannett News Service.[28] In March 2004 the family said that the entire report had not been released, and that only they and two American staffers at the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv had been allowed to view it. The family said they were allowed to look at the report in the Consulate General of Israel to the Pacific Northwest in San Francisco.[29] The ISM rejected the Israeli report, stating that it contradicted their members' eyewitness reports and that the investigation had been far from credible and transparent
Standing in the middle of a NACAR race track during a race is dangerous, standing in front of targets at a shooting range is dangerous, standing in front of a charging bull is dangerous and certainly standing in front of heavy machinery, in the drivers blind spot is also dangerous. Doing any of these things can get you killed so i wouldnt recommend it to anyone, ever. The fact that you are trying to make a political statement does nothing to take away the danger of doing these things, therefore you can only blame yourself if you get hurt or killed in a situation like this.

If she really wanted to be a hero, she should have stood in front of a Hamas rocket crew.
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That's terrible.

Did she have travel insurance?

Cause I don't know, but I suspect getting bulldosed is apt to ruin one's vaca.

Next time she should go to Club Med.

I understand that bulldozer accidents are relatively rare there.
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Standing in the middle of a NACAR race track during a race is dangerous, standing in front of targets at a shooting range is dangerous, standing in front of a charging bull is dangerous and certainly standing in front of heavy machinery, in the drivers blind spot is also dangerous. Doing any of these things can get you killed so i wouldnt recommend it to anyone, ever. T
Well I would recommend it to Stollingbones and Shogun! :lol:
I'm not to big on people burning the American Flag (let alone someone who calls herself an American citizen), yet that is exactly what she did!


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i love to see the joy you people take in the death of rachel corrie...nothing i could say or post proves how you are more than what you have posted here...delighting in the death of a young american...says more about you people than it does about me or shogun
o and death is not the punishment for burning an american flag and how do you rationalize and justifiy the deaths of the men on the uss liberty

or were they at fault for being in the way

lets see how you support americans who fought for your freedom..lets just see
i love to see the joy you people take in the death of rachel corrie...nothing i could say or post proves how you are more than what you have posted here...delighting in the death of a young american...says more about you people than it does about me or shogun

No her death was unfortunate and TRADGIC, but it was NOT deliberate! Listen to accounts from people who where there with her for Christ Sake. You take joy in a Jewish boy getting unmercifully hacked to death. Besides I have nothing to learn from.

See you are a far leftist anti-semite (the new Nazis), so you believe anything an Israel does is evil! Rather then see what is obvious!
i took delight in no ones death and never had...so that is a fucking lie

Why is it a lie when someone claims you delight in deaths, but its true when you say it about your political opponents? Where is your proof anyone here delighted in her death?

Making a joke about someones death doesnt mean you are pleased they are dead. Need i point out the jokes made about Elvis dying on the toilet? How about the phrase "dont drink the coolaid"?

I dont know this girl, so im not attached to her in any way more than im attached to those poor people that drank Jim Jones's poisonous concoction.
just like rachel corrie deserved it... if it was a pal...you would wonder why he was standing in front of that axe...

annie they dont have to use axes..we have given them white phos...and other weapons to test out....

now you lying mother fucker there are the two posts i made on the earlier thread .;..show me where i am delighting in anyone's death?
i love to see the joy you people take in the death of rachel corrie...nothing i could say or post proves how you are more than what you have posted here...delighting in the death of a young american...says more about you people than it does about me or shogun

thats exactly it. At the end of the day it's people like jewhook that are the actual racists looking to rationalized death for the sake of their chosen ethnicity. If this means talking shit on a peace activist then so be it. I guarantee jewhook popped a boner while posting this thread at the very idea of a dead goyim who DARED speak out against zionism.

i took delight in no ones death and never had...so that is a fucking lie

Did you ever think that jeewhook was ABOVE lying about someone, especially using an accusation of antisemitism, in order to protect a jew-only state of zion?

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