What the hell is Biden doing at the border?


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA

Truth over Facts is now allowing potentially COVID19 positive illegals to come to America via catch and release?

He has been the worst president of all time and it has only been nine months!
This is exactly what the Democrats always want. Chaos and we have it in spades. We have Afghan refugees filling up our air bases I'm sure our troops have nothing better to do than play nursemaid to helpless refugees. We have 200,000 immigrants EVERY MONTH pouring in. The 14,000 you see under the bridge is just what the Media is FINALLY showing us. They are a drop in the bucket.
This is exactly what the Democrats always want. Chaos and we have it in spades. We have Afghan refugees filling up our air bases I'm sure our troops have nothing better to do than play nursemaid to helpless refugees. We have 200,000 immigrants EVERY MONTH pouring in. The 14,000 you see under the bridge is just what the Media is FINALLY showing us. They are a drop in the bucket.

These illegal immigrants are now adding up to the population of a good sized city in a short amount of time. It only hurts poor and lower middle class Americans, which is why Democrats could give a shit about the effects of their policies. Rich Democrats are completely unaffected by this and what continues to be so disgusting is their disregard for American Citizens. There are other communicable diseases to think about besides covid. It's all mind boggling how idiotic these people are.
Yarddog Exactly. We are now gaining the equivalent of a city PER MONTH full of helpless, disease ridden, desperate people that will need every imaginable service. Our resources are not limitless, I guess we are going to find out what the breaking point is thanks to the Democrats.

Truth over Facts is now allowing potentially COVID19 positive illegals to come to America via catch and release?

He has been the worst president of all time and it has only been nine months!

Nine months but it feels like 4 years already
To recap: A sleepy senile president struggling to solve an ongoing border crisis diverted blame by repeatedly attacking border agents - who can't publicly defend themselves - with false smears.

Truth over Facts is now allowing potentially COVID19 positive illegals to come to America via catch and release?

He has been the worst president of all time and it has only been nine months!

What is Biden doing at the border? Basically the same thing blacks did to officer Chauvin.

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