What Trump does positive, disgusting horrible Liberal creep that he is

browsing deer

Silver Member
Jul 11, 2015
Trump has got the immigration issue front and center. He is being childish and stupid on the issue like everything else, but he has exposed it for a very important one that others ignore at their peril.

Second, he has exposed Bush as an empty suit. An empty suit who was open borders. The money dudes see that as a toxic stand, so the will find anyone else to support.

So, like a golden nugget in a heap of crap, Trump is not totally a disaster
No he is not, instead of another boring election season he has peppered the steak...I do wish someone would take a stand, yet the last 40 years have proven they will not, and even have paid illegals to settle here in the USA..We all know at this point it is neither a Dem/Gop issue, since they both have been apathetic in doing anything to send a strong message of NO..But since our politicians are and continue to be highly influenced by corporate monies and influenced beyond their ability to abstain from what the people don't want..Trump is a wildcard that entered the deck...
It is an important issue that has not been handled well by the adults, so the petulant baby exposed them for what they are.
well , seems to me that they aren't Adults if adults is supposed to mean anything other than underhanded liars both 'gop' and 'dem' BDeer . Personally I hope that Donald destroys the 'rino' moderates and party so I am a Donald supporter . The only other that I like is Cruz but that's for a later date 'BDeer'.
I think it is something that surprised everyone. And the vitriol coming out of it. We do need a fence that is decent. We don't need Donald
seems to me that a wall is needed , along with other measures to exclude invaders . As I've said many times in different threads , population growth in the USA is my issue . My concern has nothing to do with race or ethnicity although I don't see how allowing millions of third worlders into a Western country like the USA is a good thing . Plus , hey , I have no use for a moderate 'rino' like all repubs but Donald and Cruz. THE 'bush' is no conservative and he as well as rubio , Christy , yada , yada . Well , I just won't vote for anyone under the repub banner but Trump and probably Cruz . If a rino like a bush or Rubio , yada , yada are the nominee , I will vote for the 'dem' no matter who it is BDeer .
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Including Bernie? He has views very similar to Trump's, including the unsubtle racism
Bernie , well he may be the best if he gets that far . Bernie really want redistribution of wealth and wealth seems to be all that the Mainline 'rinos' care about . I figure that Bernie might be best at punishing wealthy moderates like 'bush' and other 'rino' supporters . And , I am not looking for money redistribution for ME . I would just like to hit the moderate 'rinos' where it hurts them BDeer .
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RACISM , as long as the USA government doesn't practice racism as its policy i pretty much ignore rumors or accusations of an individual persons opinion on race BDeer !!
but here you go good news for Ted Cruz !! --- BREAKING Ted Cruz s Support MORE THAN DOUBLES Following GOP Debate Surges to Second Place RINOs Crash The PolitiStick --- IF the poll is accurate . I also did like 'fiorina' but no use for her now due to her dissing Trump on his comments about 'kelly' which I see as her trying to curry favor . As I said , IF this poll is accurate then I see it as good news with Trump gaining 1% point and Cruz also gaining . Yeb bush and 'christy' both of which 'rino' seem to be fading , hopefully !!

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