What will your family get when you die?


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2008
I was reading an article about DINK's and SINK's. Duel income no kids and single income no kids. It's becoming very popular. In the article the guy said "I have $1 million dollars. I'm leaving everything to my nephews but if they get $1 million something went horribly wrong. "

I disagree because I don't want to spend all my money when I retire. I want it to work for me and I'll live off the interest and social security. But I get the guys point. He has no one to worry about.

So even if I died without a penny, my nephews will still inherit my condo and boat. The place is paid off but with taxes and association dues, it costs me about $500 a month to live here. The president of my condos said they rent for $1400 a month. That's $900 profit every month if they rent it out or $10K a year profit. The pontoon costs $5000 a year. I mean everything. Gas, insurance, paying to have it hauled away and brought back twice a year. Let's call it $5000. So my nephews will have a boat on a local lake and still profit $5000 a year. After 7 years they can use the money to buy a new boat. And if they move or decide they don't want the place anymore, they can sell it for 200K. It's a small one bedroom.

Forget money. What cool shit are you going to inherit one day? Or what cool shit are your kids going to get one day when you kick the bucket?

My nephews will also inherit from my brother and his wife a home in Greece, a condo in Fort Lauderdale and a sweet 60 acre hunting property up north. Not to mention their parents home which is small. That house they'll sell right away. Lucky fuckers!

Besides my condo and $ they're going to get all my hunting stuff. My quad. Guns. Old baseball cards from the 70's and 80's (unless I find out they are valuable when I retire and that'll be my hobby selling them).
Got a medical bill when the last of my adoptive parents died.
Have no one to leave anything to so it will be going to the local animal shelter
Stealth wealth tread. ;)

LOL....I have put together a gun "hope chest" for my G-Grandson. :)

Mostly handguns and long guns that are in excellent condition or NIB along with some heirloom weapons.
He who dies with the most toys wins. One day my nephews will divy up my brothers guns, taking turns picking which ones they want. First one gets 1 gun, the best, the next gets 2 guns. Then they go 1 and 1 on any of the remaining guns.

With me they'll get a

a. Shitty muzzleloader. Or I just need to clean it and learn how to use it. Too much!
b. 410 single shot shotgun. Fun for starters, cheap ammo, good for hunting small game
c. 1911 45
d. 450 Bushmaster
e. Little 5 shot derringer
f. Ten Point Crossbow

Which one would you take first? Then I'll pick the next 2. Go.
a farewell card.

3 years ago I had something I thought I was gonna die so I made some video's on my tablet. Crying like a little bitch. Telling them what I want.

The only thing I don't want to go before my dad or dog. I want to see them off before I go. Everyone else will get over it. They'll remember me fondly. They will definitely tell stories about me for years to come like we do a couple of cousins who were fun, cool and crazy.
I was reading an article about DINK's and SINK's. Duel income no kids and single income no kids. It's becoming very popular. In the article the guy said "I have $1 million dollars. I'm leaving everything to my nephews but if they get $1 million something went horribly wrong. "

I disagree because I don't want to spend all my money when I retire. I want it to work for me and I'll live off the interest and social security. But I get the guys point. He has no one to worry about.

So even if I died without a penny, my nephews will still inherit my condo and boat. The place is paid off but with taxes and association dues, it costs me about $500 a month to live here. The president of my condos said they rent for $1400 a month. That's $900 profit every month if they rent it out or $10K a year profit. The pontoon costs $5000 a year. I mean everything. Gas, insurance, paying to have it hauled away and brought back twice a year. Let's call it $5000. So my nephews will have a boat on a local lake and still profit $5000 a year. After 7 years they can use the money to buy a new boat. And if they move or decide they don't want the place anymore, they can sell it for 200K. It's a small one bedroom.

Forget money. What cool shit are you going to inherit one day? Or what cool shit are your kids going to get one day when you kick the bucket?

My nephews will also inherit from my brother and his wife a home in Greece, a condo in Fort Lauderdale and a sweet 60 acre hunting property up north. Not to mention their parents home which is small. That house they'll sell right away. Lucky fuckers!

Besides my condo and $ they're going to get all my hunting stuff. My quad. Guns. Old baseball cards from the 70's and 80's (unless I find out they are valuable when I retire and that'll be my hobby selling them).
I'd druther have 'em cut me up and pass me all around
Throw my brain in a hurricane and the blind can have my eyes
And the deaf can take both of my ears, if they don't mind the size

Give my stomach to Milwaukee if they run out of beer
Put my socks in a cedar box, just get 'em out of here
Venus de Milo can have my arms, look out, I've got your nose
Sell my heart to the junkman and give my love to Rose

Give my feet to the footloose, careless, fancy free
Give my knees to the needy, don't pull that stuff on me
Hand me down my walking cane, it's a sin to tell a lie
Send my mouth way down south and kiss my ass goodbye

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I will have my stepfather's gaming consoles, my grandfather's Gospel music cds. I didn't get anything from my father, I was too young to inherit anything from him.

My neighbor is on disability she's worried about her family having to pay for her funeral. She's got lupis and she's really overweight and doesn't sound like she's determined to lose the weight or stop smoking. She said she was thinking about getting life insurance policy for her family. The ones you hear on commercials where you don't have to give a physical, no questions asked???

I said she better read the fine print. They might exclude a lot of the ways she is going to die from paying out. Or you have to have it for 5 years before it will pay off. IDK. She's going to look into it. I just told her to be careful and read the fine print.

If you were dying in a year would they pay out? Maybe you have to sign that you didn't know of anything that was going to kill you. They can check with your doctor to know if you knew you were dying. I'm interested to hear what she learns.
I'd druther have 'em cut me up and pass me all around
Throw my brain in a hurricane and the blind can have my eyes
And the deaf can take both of my ears, if they don't mind the size

Give my stomach to Milwaukee if they run out of beer
Put my socks in a cedar box, just get 'em out of here
Venus de Milo can have my arms, look out, I've got your nose
Sell my heart to the junkman and give my love to Rose

Give my feet to the footloose, careless, fancy free
Give my knees to the needy, don't pull that stuff on me
Hand me down my walking cane, it's a sin to tell a lie
Send my mouth way down south and kiss my ass goodbye

I agree with Bill Maher. We like country because it's gotten much better.

I plan to give a half a million to my nephew, provided he gets married to a dame within 48 hours of the reading of the will.

I'm going to make my nephews spend $30,000 each in 30 days in order to inherit $300,000 each only they can not buy any food they like, no toys, can't destroy the money, own anything from the purchase and they can't gift it to anyone. And they can't spend any more than $500 at a time. LOL Sound familiar?

Brewster's Millions A minor-league baseball player must spend $30 million in 30 days in order to inherit $300 million. However, he's not allowed to own any assets, destroy the money, gift it, give it to charity, or tell anyone about the deal.
Actually, the medical bill as well as any other liabilities of the deceased should be sent to the executor of the estate to deal with. Not "ripped up".
I agree. If you own credit card debt, rent, people, hospitals, they should be taken care of first.
He who dies with the most toys wins. One day my nephews will divy up my brothers guns, taking turns picking which ones they want. First one gets 1 gun, the best, the next gets 2 guns. Then they go 1 and 1 on any of the remaining guns.

With me they'll get a

a. Shitty muzzleloader. Or I just need to clean it and learn how to use it. Too much!
b. 410 single shot shotgun. Fun for starters, cheap ammo, good for hunting small game
c. 1911 45
d. 450 Bushmaster
e. Little 5 shot derringer
f. Ten Point Crossbow

Which one would you take first? Then I'll pick the next 2. Go.
Maybe the M1911 depending on the maker....No interest (except for trade fodder) in the rest.

Oh, and you can keep the dirty ML and the crossbow.
We haven't decided how much to leave to the kids. I want to leave part of it to charity we just haven't decided which one(s). I like Tim Tebow's foundation that works to locate and free kids from sexual slavery either from the sex trade or abusive homes. Project H.O.O.D I donate to already and may leave money to them as well.
Here's the thing. If my wife and I continue living the way we are, when the survivor of the two of us kicks the bucket, we will leave an estate that could be "life changing" for our one and only heir. That is, he would never have to work again. Unfortunately, even though we had him late in life, it is likely that he will be at least 60 before he gets it. What fun is that?

There is also a condo worth about half a mil (no mortgage), but it's in the suburbs and he is - for some unknown reason - a "city person," and will dump it before the corpse reaches room temperature. A couple of cars...who cares? Other personal possessions, he is not interested in woodworking, which is most of what I have, and my wife has a warehouse full of expensive seasonal decorations, and he wants no part of them.

So I'm inclined to "help him out" as much as possible in the meantime, because I think it would be foolish to make him wait to get what is coming to him, but he has an "independent" streak in him, and won't take significant help unless he is really in need. Hell, we offered to buy his house for him (tax matters notwithstanding), and he preferred that we just co-sign the mortgage (he is always changing jobs, so bankers are leery of him).

My wife is concerned that we (or one of us) might end up in an expensive nursing home and piss away all of our portfolio. I would kill myself first, but that's another matter.

I don't have any of the other stupid shit that a lot of my generation has...gun collection, RV's, cabin-in-the-woods, boats, classic cars, etc. No interest in them.

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