What would you think of liberals who are not SJWs?


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
When you hear the word liberal you think of an angry ugly purple haired person. I think they are called an SJW.

But what would you think of a liberal who supports gun rights but make sure wackos can't get their hands on weapons, LGBT rights but promises that churches will be free to follow any belief they want to as long as they don't force their beliefs at gunpoint like ISIS, fighting terrorists but not further destabilizing the Middle East, supports capitalism but thinks there is too much money in the hands of the few, believes in climate change but are not interesting in banning gas powered cars, enthusiastic about criticizing Saudi Arabia's human rights record, and wishes the culture war involving video games will end?

What would you think of a liberal like that?

Rump is actually making an excellent point here, although the irony that it's coming from a freak who spends all his time watching TV as if that's a legitimate window on the world.

The interviewee Wolfie's talking to misses the point though. The point is not that the cited violent media "incites" people to go out and do the same thing. The point is that it desensitizes the mind to that violent mindset and creates/nurtures a violent culture, with violent values, where it's thought a perfectly 'normal' thing for people to get shot, and that cultural value perpetuates itself this way and that's why we retain the perverse Gun Culture. And that's the cultural value that preaches incessantly that it's perfectly fine, or even conceivable, that the way out of one's problems is to shoot one's way out, knuckledragging all the way.

The Governor seems to get it too, but the simple practical reality of why what he's imploring will never happen is that --- it $ells. WHY it sells is a question for psychologists, and it certainly doesn't sell to me so I can't explain it but ----- it does. As long as the holy Profit is there, the ethics he'd like to see, are out the window.
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When you hear the word liberal you think of an angry ugly purple haired person. I think they are called an SJW.

No idea where that image comes from or what a "SJW" is but that's not what I think of. I think of the Constitution and those who came up with it; I think of Freedom of Speech and All Men are Created Equal. So I'm not sure where this premise is even coming from.

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