Whatever happened to Russian Collusion?

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Narrator The Wonderful, Lovable, Amazing One And Only The Original Tree:

Why has The Left returned back to "There is a Dirty Jew In The White House with a Security Clearance!"......... ?

That is some three year old bullshit they started when Trump was first inaugurated!

Perhaps they abandoned "Russian Collusion" because their most intricate lie, their Masterpiece of Mayhem, Their Paramount of Putin Propaganda, Their Oligarchy Offspring, ended up Face Down in a dank swamp as the tragic victim of 3 years of ingesting hallucinogenic drugs of delusion 24-7 in their pursuit of collusion.

Police Officer:


When was the last time you saw Little Russian Collusion?

Libtard DemNazi:

Well, last I saw him, I sent him to a friends house to play with Hillary and Obama for a sleepover in Moscow.

I haven't seen the little bugger since then.

Police Officer:

Could you describe him one more time for me?

Libtard DemNazi:

Well: He's definitely Red, talks with a thick Russian Accent, and He loves to wear his "I'm With Her" button.

Other than that, He wears Nothing Else!

Police Officer:

Well, we have some unsettling news for you. I am going to show you a short clip of a video we took while out doing a search in the swamp. I warn you, this is shocking.


That's him, correct? We don't know who did this, but they must have wanted that "I'm With Her" button, because it is missing. Little Russian Collusion was no longer wearing it.

Libtard DemNazi:


Narrator The Wonderful, Lovable, Amazing One And Only The Original Tree:

And where might their beloved, Russian Collusion Delusion be today, now that like Love Gone Cold, The Body has Gone Cold too?


Poor Little Russian Collusion suffering the flames of eternal torment for his transgressions. Almost makes me feel sorry for him.

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Why has The Left returned back to "There is a Dirty Jew In The White House with a Security Clearance!"......... ?

Perhaps their most intricate lie, their Masterpiece of Mayhem, Their Paramount of Putin Propaganda ended up Face Down, the tragic victim of 3 years of ingesting hallucinogenic drugs of delusion 24-7 in their pursuit of collusion.


And where might be their beloved, Russian Collusion Delusion today, now that like Love Gone Cold, The Body has gone Cold too?


Poor Russian Collusion. Almost makes me feel sorry for him.

/——-/ democRATs are preparing their collusion investigation between Hillary and Russia—- just kidding
Narrator The Wonderful Lovable, Amazing One And Only The Original Tree

You got that right.

Leftist claims and propaganda: like the smoke that wafts from their pipes. They sit around each night deciding what new specious, airhead claim they can dream up to feed the anti-Trump media another day keeping Trump on the front page in a negative way while beating the drum for their brainless goons to keep rabble-rousing chaos for them for free.

Democrats: like the little spoiled brats who say: "If I can't have the whole birthday cake for myself, then NO ONE gets any!" as they wreck and ruin the country. In THEIR case, throwing their own birthday cake to the floor and stomping away in a petulant huff.


Adam Schiff’s collusion with oligarch, Ukrainian arms dealer, exposed

Schiff gets donations from #Ukraine arms dealer Igor #Pasternak, who wants the US to ship more lethal weapons to Kiev's Neo #Nazi regime that kills ethnic Russianshttp://original.antiwar.com/justin/2017/03/21/adam-schiff-grifter-racketeer-warmonger/ …

When in doubt follow the money. Congressman Schiff’s well documented Putin obsession may have something to do with his billionaire, military complex, oligarch patron from Ukraine.

In a Zerohedge post yesterday, chronicling the latest Adam Schiff idiocy, where the Democrat Congressman spoke to a crowd at the University of Pennsylvania, declaring Russian ads promoted the Second Amendment during the 2016 election “so we will kill each other” commenter AlaricBalth linked some interesting information on Schiff’s underlying motivation behind his Russia hysteria…

Adam Schiff is an owned hatchet man of Ukrainian arms dealer Igor Pasternak. Schiff’s anti-Russian narrative is carefully orchestrated by his Ukrainian handlers



Taste of Ukraine Reception for Rep. Adam Schiff (D, CA-29) | Political Party Time

Pasternak, who was raised and educated in Ukraine before immigrating to the United States, is a passionate promoter of Ukrainian culture and business. He has been active in both Los Angeles and Washington, D.C. to support increased bilateral ties between the two countries and has been especially active building awareness of Ukraine’s strategic economic importance among Members of Congress. Since political protests broke out across Ukraine in late 2013, Pasternak has worked to personally inform and educate Members of Congress about the geostrategic importance of Ukraine to European and US security.

Jack Posobiec tweeted in March 2017 on Schiff’s connection to Pasternak and George Soros…

Hi @RepAdamSchiff! Why did Soros-tied Ukraninan Arms Dealer Igor Pasternak hold a fundraiser for you? #ComeyHearing

Hi @RepAdamSchiff! Why did Soros-tied Ukraninan Arms Dealer Igor Pasternak hold a fundraiser for you? #ComeyHearingpic.twitter.com/Z1ouDINW1d

Who is Schiff’s patron, Igor Pasternak? He is a Ukraine globalist, military industrialist who was curiously spotted in Maidan, Kiev in 2014 for “diplomatic reasons” during the US/CIA sponsored coup.

Who is Schiff’s patron, Igor Pasternak? He is a Ukraine globalist, military industrialist who was curiously spotted in Maidan, Kiev in 2014 for “diplomatic reasons” during the US/CIA sponsored coup.

A Ukrainian billionaire oligarch, with military industrial complex contracts, funding Adam Schiff’s campaign dinners at $2,500 a plate…no wonder Schiff is pushing the Russia fear mongering so hard.

Schiff’s hate for Trump and hate for Russia, can be easily explained by the money he appears to received from his oligarch patron, who has an agenda to neo-liberalize Ukraine, and profit from the pillage started in Maidan in 2014.

Perhaps its time to shine a little bit of light on Adam Schiff’s Ukraine collusion.

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Narrator The Wonderful, Lovable, Amazing One And Only The Original Tree:

Why has The Left returned back to "There is a Dirty Jew In The White House with a Security Clearance!"......... ?

That is some three year old bullshit they started when Trump was first inaugurated!

Perhaps they abandoned "Russian Collusion" because their most intricate lie, their Masterpiece of Mayhem, Their Paramount of Putin Propaganda, Their Oligarchy Offspring, ended up Face Down in a dank swamp as the tragic victim of 3 years of ingesting hallucinogenic drugs of delusion 24-7 in their pursuit of collusion.

Police Officer:


When was the last time you saw Little Russian Collusion?

Libtard DemNazi:

Well, last I saw him, I sent him to a friends house to play with Hillary and Obama for a sleepover in Moscow.

I haven't seen the little bugger since then.

Police Officer:

Could you describe him one more time for me?

Libtard DemNazi:

Well: He's definitely Red, talks with a thick Russian Accent, and He loves to wear his "I'm With Her" button.

Other than that, He wears Nothing Else!

Police Officer:

Well, we have some unsettling news for you. I am going to show you a short clip of a video we took while out doing a search in the swamp. I warn you, this is shocking.


That's him, correct? We don't know who did this, but they must have wanted that "I'm With Her" button, because it is missing. Little Russian Collusion was no longer wearing it.

Libtard DemNazi:


Narrator The Wonderful, Lovable, Amazing One And Only The Original Tree:

And where might their beloved, Russian Collusion Delusion be today, now that like Love Gone Cold, The Body has Gone Cold too?


Poor Little Russian Collusion suffering the flames of eternal torment for his transgressions. Almost makes me feel sorry for him.


I see the russians are still in venezuela....

I guess they just laughed when trump told them to get out.

A REAL president would have had them out IMMEDIATELY!

I imagine we can expect russian bases in south America now....
Hey, collusion ain't no crime. Trumpybear is free to continue to collude with his comrades. Wonder what kind of dirt they'll have for Dirty Donnie this time around.
Narrator The Wonderful, Lovable, Amazing One And Only The Original Tree:

Why has The Left returned back to "There is a Dirty Jew In The White House with a Security Clearance!"......... ?

That is some three year old bullshit they started when Trump was first inaugurated!

Perhaps they abandoned "Russian Collusion" because their most intricate lie, their Masterpiece of Mayhem, Their Paramount of Putin Propaganda, Their Oligarchy Offspring, ended up Face Down in a dank swamp as the tragic victim of 3 years of ingesting hallucinogenic drugs of delusion 24-7 in their pursuit of collusion.

Police Officer:


When was the last time you saw Little Russian Collusion?

Libtard DemNazi:

Well, last I saw him, I sent him to a friends house to play with Hillary and Obama for a sleepover in Moscow.

I haven't seen the little bugger since then.

Police Officer:

Could you describe him one more time for me?

Libtard DemNazi:

Well: He's definitely Red, talks with a thick Russian Accent, and He loves to wear his "I'm With Her" button.

Other than that, He wears Nothing Else!

Police Officer:

Well, we have some unsettling news for you. I am going to show you a short clip of a video we took while out doing a search in the swamp. I warn you, this is shocking.


That's him, correct? We don't know who did this, but they must have wanted that "I'm With Her" button, because it is missing. Little Russian Collusion was no longer wearing it.

Libtard DemNazi:


Narrator The Wonderful, Lovable, Amazing One And Only The Original Tree:

And where might their beloved, Russian Collusion Delusion be today, now that like Love Gone Cold, The Body has Gone Cold too?


Poor Little Russian Collusion suffering the flames of eternal torment for his transgressions. Almost makes me feel sorry for him.


I see the russians are still in venezuela....

I guess they just laughed when trump told them to get out.

A REAL president would have had them out IMMEDIATELY!

I imagine we can expect russian bases in south America now....

You mean like Obama told Putin to leave Crimea?
it married obstruction, and is going to honeymoon in Congress after Mueller hands over the report ..
The Chinese Owned, Russian Owned DemNazi Party lied about everything, and America is just starting to wake up and understand that got Flim Flammed and Bamboozled.

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