What's crazier


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Believing that the entire universe popped up from the hand of some super being followed by the creation of the stars, rocky planets and then animals within 7 days. This pretty much goes against everything we know in geology, astronomy and physics. You could list the areas/subjects out for 4,000 words and you couldn't probably fit how fucking mindblowing the shit the bible has you believe to make this so requires...One has to stop thinking and considering the world that he see's with his or her eyes in order to believe in the holy bible.

Pretty much you have to throw out all of known physics, chemistry, geology and astronomy to believe in This god.

I have to ask where did God come from? Physics of course explains the universe and how stars, planets and later on life came to be but if you wish to believe in god...Well, that is a mindblower. We're talking about a super being that one could say is the universe with all ability to see, know and consider what lays within it..If we believe it popped up with the Universe then its vast abilities had to be created somewhere else or in some way! Or maybe such floated around on its little rock within the void for a trillion years and slowly developed into the super being that finally wished to create us all. Now,,,,with this in mind, how did it get created is still unanswered.

Certainly the big bang and later on evolution could be thrown into the same mind fuck but I consider it somewhat easier in magnitude to wrap ones mind around. The weaknesses right off the bat to Consider the reality that 1. The being(God) didn't have to be created or take the time to discover what ever the hell it was he discovered, and 2. didn't break every law of physics, chemistry, Astronomy and geology as he was doing so.

Evolution and physics is superior as it explains the universe for the past 13 billion years very well...Does it have the same problem before the big bang? Yes...How and where did the energy come from is its main weakness? Could God have touched off the big bang with a design for us all? Sure,,,But that would be vastly different then the holy bible that is pure fiction if we wish to believe our own eyes.

I'll stick with science and not touch a book that is vastly more crazy then anything else I could imagine.....
Craziest of all—one who denies God, and creates a religion based on an insane caricature of “science” that is far removed from genuine science.
Believing that the entire universe popped up from the hand of some super being followed by the creation of the stars, rocky planets and then animals within 7 days. This pretty much goes against everything we know in geology, astronomy and physics. You could list the areas/subjects out for 4,000 words and you couldn't probably fit how fucking mindblowing the shit the bible has you believe to make this so requires...One has to stop thinking and considering the world that he see's with his or her eyes in order to believe in the holy bible.

Pretty much you have to throw out all of known physics, chemistry, geology and astronomy to believe in This god.

I have to ask where did God come from? Physics of course explains the universe and how stars, planets and later on life came to be but if you wish to believe in god...Well, that is a mindblower. We're talking about a super being that one could say is the universe with all ability to see, know and consider what lays within it..If we believe it popped up with the Universe then its vast abilities had to be created somewhere else or in some way! Or maybe such floated around on its little rock within the void for a trillion years and slowly developed into the super being that finally wished to create us all. Now,,,,with this in mind, how did it get created is still unanswered.

Certainly the big bang and later on evolution could be thrown into the same mind fuck but I consider it somewhat easier in magnitude to wrap ones mind around. The weaknesses right off the bat to Consider the reality that 1. The being(God) didn't have to be created or take the time to discover what ever the hell it was he discovered, and 2. didn't break every law of physics, chemistry, Astronomy and geology as he was doing so.

Evolution and physics is superior as it explains the universe for the past 13 billion years very well...Does it have the same problem before the big bang? Yes...How and where did the energy come from is its main weakness? Could God have touched off the big bang with a design for us all? Sure,,,But that would be vastly different then the holy bible that is pure fiction if we wish to believe our own eyes.

I'll stick with science and not touch a book that is vastly more crazy then anything else I could imagine.....
Uh huh. Science created something out of nothing and it went bang. Stick with that.
Believing that the entire universe popped up from the hand of some super being followed by the creation of the stars, rocky planets and then animals within 7 days. This pretty much goes against everything we know in geology, astronomy and physics. You could list the areas/subjects out for 4,000 words and you couldn't probably fit how fucking mindblowing the shit the bible has you believe to make this so requires...One has to stop thinking and considering the world that he see's with his or her eyes in order to believe in the holy bible.

Pretty much you have to throw out all of known physics, chemistry, geology and astronomy to believe in This god.

I have to ask where did God come from? Physics of course explains the universe and how stars, planets and later on life came to be but if you wish to believe in god...Well, that is a mindblower. We're talking about a super being that one could say is the universe with all ability to see, know and consider what lays within it..If we believe it popped up with the Universe then its vast abilities had to be created somewhere else or in some way! Or maybe such floated around on its little rock within the void for a trillion years and slowly developed into the super being that finally wished to create us all. Now,,,,with this in mind, how did it get created is still unanswered.

Certainly the big bang and later on evolution could be thrown into the same mind fuck but I consider it somewhat easier in magnitude to wrap ones mind around. The weaknesses right off the bat to Consider the reality that 1. The being(God) didn't have to be created or take the time to discover what ever the hell it was he discovered, and 2. didn't break every law of physics, chemistry, Astronomy and geology as he was doing so.

Evolution and physics is superior as it explains the universe for the past 13 billion years very well...Does it have the same problem before the big bang? Yes...How and where did the energy come from is its main weakness? Could God have touched off the big bang with a design for us all? Sure,,,But that would be vastly different then the holy bible that is pure fiction if we wish to believe our own eyes.

I'll stick with science and not touch a book that is vastly more crazy then anything else I could imagine.....
What's crazier you ask. YOU!

You believe the entire universe just happened magically. CRAZY!!!
Believing that the entire universe popped up from the hand of some super being followed by the creation of the stars, rocky planets and then animals within 7 days. This pretty much goes against everything we know in geology, astronomy and physics. You could list the areas/subjects out for 4,000 words and you couldn't probably fit how fucking mindblowing the shit the bible has you believe to make this so requires...One has to stop thinking and considering the world that he see's with his or her eyes in order to believe in the holy bible.

Pretty much you have to throw out all of known physics, chemistry, geology and astronomy to believe in This god.

I have to ask where did God come from? Physics of course explains the universe and how stars, planets and later on life came to be but if you wish to believe in god...Well, that is a mindblower. We're talking about a super being that one could say is the universe with all ability to see, know and consider what lays within it..If we believe it popped up with the Universe then its vast abilities had to be created somewhere else or in some way! Or maybe such floated around on its little rock within the void for a trillion years and slowly developed into the super being that finally wished to create us all. Now,,,,with this in mind, how did it get created is still unanswered.

Certainly the big bang and later on evolution could be thrown into the same mind fuck but I consider it somewhat easier in magnitude to wrap ones mind around. The weaknesses right off the bat to Consider the reality that 1. The being(God) didn't have to be created or take the time to discover what ever the hell it was he discovered, and 2. didn't break every law of physics, chemistry, Astronomy and geology as he was doing so.

Evolution and physics is superior as it explains the universe for the past 13 billion years very well...Does it have the same problem before the big bang? Yes...How and where did the energy come from is its main weakness? Could God have touched off the big bang with a design for us all? Sure,,,But that would be vastly different then the holy bible that is pure fiction if we wish to believe our own eyes.

I'll stick with science and not touch a book that is vastly more crazy then anything else I could imagine.....


And in the beginning science created the universe. Matter and energy magically appeared in one theory called the big bang which had an inflationary period that defied the laws of physics both prior and during that period of time. While in the ekpyrotic theory the universe was cyclic due to unseen and unknowable forces from outside our worldly dimension called dark energy which allows the universe to contract and expand only so far. Believe you now that the universe is a wondrous and unknowable to you puny humans who question the workings of science when there is consensus.

So instead of a religious based creation theology you'll accept a secular creation theology.

Does it matter what a person wants to believe at this point?

Thanks for playing.


Believing that the entire universe popped up from the hand of some super being followed by the creation of the stars, rocky planets and then animals within 7 days. This pretty much goes against everything we know in geology, astronomy and physics. You could list the areas/subjects out for 4,000 words and you couldn't probably fit how fucking mindblowing the shit the bible has you believe to make this so requires...One has to stop thinking and considering the world that he see's with his or her eyes in order to believe in the holy bible.

Pretty much you have to throw out all of known physics, chemistry, geology and astronomy to believe in This god.

I have to ask where did God come from? Physics of course explains the universe and how stars, planets and later on life came to be but if you wish to believe in god...Well, that is a mindblower. We're talking about a super being that one could say is the universe with all ability to see, know and consider what lays within it..If we believe it popped up with the Universe then its vast abilities had to be created somewhere else or in some way! Or maybe such floated around on its little rock within the void for a trillion years and slowly developed into the super being that finally wished to create us all. Now,,,,with this in mind, how did it get created is still unanswered.

Certainly the big bang and later on evolution could be thrown into the same mind fuck but I consider it somewhat easier in magnitude to wrap ones mind around. The weaknesses right off the bat to Consider the reality that 1. The being(God) didn't have to be created or take the time to discover what ever the hell it was he discovered, and 2. didn't break every law of physics, chemistry, Astronomy and geology as he was doing so.

Evolution and physics is superior as it explains the universe for the past 13 billion years very well...Does it have the same problem before the big bang? Yes...How and where did the energy come from is its main weakness? Could God have touched off the big bang with a design for us all? Sure,,,But that would be vastly different then the holy bible that is pure fiction if we wish to believe our own eyes.

I'll stick with science and not touch a book that is vastly more crazy then anything else I could imagine.....

Where did God come from?

Well you would have to go back to the Stories of An or Anu to understand that those leading the tribes of man in those days were usually high and drunk out of their mind and told wild ass stories about a divine being that humped the universe into existence.

Then as thw tribes of man spread it ignorant seed of man across this beautiful planet the new leaders of different tribes changed the story adding new names for the same divine being that the Summarians created and that is how the Tanakh, Bible and Qur'an were created.

So today God was created by the small mind of man. The Holy Bible was created by a Roman Emperor knowing the new religion would enslave the ignorant and boy it did.

Well that is all and when I hear someone tell me praise God all I do in return is say praise Chaos seeing the Greek Titan and the Christian God are most likely the same being...
Meh. A fundy 's a fundy. I wouldn't hazard a guess as to which stripe of fundy is "crazier", the theist or the anti-theist.

I will say this: in my experiences with individuals from both camps, many theists and anti-theists alike have held to the common illogical precept that there must have been a 'beginning' to the universe in the first place, thereby dismissing out of hand an entire category - namely that of all cyclical models of an eternally-existent universe - which, BTW, happens to be the only category that circumvents the Ex nihilo nihil fit problem from the giddyup.

But to each his or her own, I guess. :dunno:
Romans 1:22: Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools…

The proof that the bible is real and true is that the bible says it is real and true.

God is real and true because the bible says god is real and true.

Believe whatever you wish but quoting the bible means nothing.

It's a tautology. It is what it is because it is what it is.

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Whats crazier?
A dude who thinks he's a chick!

If you are a believer then you must take Jesus at his word, some born that way.
Matthew 19:12King James Version (KJV)

12 For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.
Romans 1:22: Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools…

The proof that the bible is real and true is that the bible says it is real and true.

God is real and true because the bible says god is real and true.

Believe whatever you wish but quoting the bible means nothing.

It's a tautology. It is what it is because it is what it is.

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People write and read books whose contents are discussed and debated all of the time. Since the bible is currently the basis for perceptions about right and wrong and good and evil for billions of people and those perceptions the basis for civl laws then the Bible really does mean something whether you like it or not, whether you believe any of it or not......

If the book used as a guide and basis for modern society was Pinocchio and some people took it all literally, usurped a position of moral authority based on their claimed orthodox views of the story, and then shut down amusement parks, outlawed acting, and built houses of worship where believers could pray for the resurrection of the puppet people then they have exposed themselves by those stupid interpretations and irrational actions as fundamentally unfit for any position of authority because they missed the moral teaching and have the whole damn story all wrong which demonstrates intellectual and character flaws that should disqualify them from positions in the community that require character, intelligence, and the public trust.

You knowing how badly the religious right have fucked up democracy and civil liberties hasn't slowed them down one bit from trying to fuck things up worse.

You want the .madness to stop? Learn what is right, then do it.. Allowing the insane to lead is way crazier than anything a crazy person believes.

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Psalms 53:1: The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God…
So the bible is used to insult people who don't agree with you. Got it.

thats because he has been cast out of Eden and the sweat of his brow, thinking, only produces thorns and thistles.

What did you think the story about a talking snake, cast as the lowest form of all low-lifes among the wild beasts of the field, even lower than a talking donkey, was about?

Don't you agree?

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