Whats More Likely?,We Come To And End In 12 Years,Or The USA Splits Into 2 Or 3 Nations?


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
Never mind the world coming to an end in 12 years according to Princess Alexandria, anyone see a Democrat winning in 2020/2024, and eventually the United States becomes the next Checkoslavakia? {OK,,i spelt it wrong!} With the Dem's at risk of taking over all 7 branches of government {Hmm, can Alexandria even name 3 of them?},,,anyone see the day when we just split the nation in two? The north stays blue and the racist/deplorable southern states create their own normal/all American, Conservative Country? maybe with a "Trump Kid" as President?
The USA will either split into 2-3 countries or there will be a civil war the left won't survive. Before then we may have to invade one of our own states to clear out the illegals traitors gave sanctuary to.
This pattern of apex empires rising, falling, and splitting up has repeated itself for thousands of years. We are in those end times. Unsustainable debt. Idiot politicians are in charge. Flood of lawless poor illegals are flooding in. We kill babies by the 10's of millions. Just one good whack to our food supply and we would be in a world of shit. People think it can't happen to us, they are wrong.
The USA will either split into 2-3 countries or there will be a civil war the left won't survive. Before then we may have to invade one of our own states to clear out the illegals traitors gave sanctuary to.
i think we all see Cally/Oregon/Wash as the first nation,,,fine,,let them all wind up at the bottom of the barrell by 2030
The USA will either split into 2-3 countries or there will be a civil war the left won't survive. Before then we may have to invade one of our own states to clear out the illegals traitors gave sanctuary to.
i think we all see Cally/Oregon/Wash as the first nation,,,fine,,let them all wind up at the bottom of the barrell by 2030

Now wait just a minute...….make that Western Washington, cause Eastern WA is still primarily Republican.....and we've been fighting to split into 2 states for years.
Hopefully, this Mueller bullshit will represent the far left swing on the pendulum and we will start to swing back to the right.

Trump has to bring those responsible for to failed coup attempt to justice. He just has to for the health of the nation.
The USA will either split into 2-3 countries or there will be a civil war the left won't survive. Before then we may have to invade one of our own states to clear out the illegals traitors gave sanctuary to.
and we aint letting any liberals into the red countries after we draw the lines. Tough Noogies!!
The USA will either split into 2-3 countries or there will be a civil war the left won't survive. Before then we may have to invade one of our own states to clear out the illegals traitors gave sanctuary to.
i think we all see Cally/Oregon/Wash as the first nation,,,fine,,let them all wind up at the bottom of the barrell by 2030

Conservative eastern Washington, Oregon, and California where all the food is grown will refuse to join and the west coastal cities will be starving within a matter of weeks.
The USA will either split into 2-3 countries or there will be a civil war the left won't survive. Before then we may have to invade one of our own states to clear out the illegals traitors gave sanctuary to.
and we aint letting any liberals into the red countries after we draw the lines. Tough Noogies!!

California thinks they have wealth, wait until we raise the cost of their water 5,000% they will squeal like stuck pigs :muahaha:
The USA will either split into 2-3 countries or there will be a civil war the left won't survive. Before then we may have to invade one of our own states to clear out the illegals traitors gave sanctuary to.
i think we all see Cally/Oregon/Wash as the first nation,,,fine,,let them all wind up at the bottom of the barrell by 2030

Conservative eastern Washington, Oregon, and California where all the food is grown will refuse to join and the west coastal cities will be starving within a matter of weeks.
what about real xmas trees!!!,,,oh never mind,,,dont they grow them in red states?
Conservative eastern Washington, Oregon, and California where all the food is grown will refuse to join and the west coastal cities will be starving within a matter of weeks.

I was a cross country trucker for a decade or more. Most of those years was hauling produce from West to East coast. You only have to block traffic in one direction to control virtually all the population centers in the USA. Thats why major highways and connection points, even bridges, were targeted for nukes by the USSR, and still are. They had/have 15,000 of them, more than enough to throw them around with gay abandon.
The USA will either split into 2-3 countries or there will be a civil war the left won't survive. Before then we may have to invade one of our own states to clear out the illegals traitors gave sanctuary to.
i think we all see Cally/Oregon/Wash as the first nation,,,fine,,let them all wind up at the bottom of the barrell by 2030

Conservative eastern Washington, Oregon, and California where all the food is grown will refuse to join and the west coastal cities will be starving within a matter of weeks.
Mostly because those blue counties have no clue how much work goes into growing food. Didn't you know, chicken comes on the Styrofoam trays, wrapped in plastic.
No, seriously, I have actually met people who had no clue that the chicken they buy at the grocery store once had feathers.
The rot is too pervasive.

There will be one nation, socialist tending toward communism.

Your grandchildren will live under a Maduro-type dictatorship but their lives will be blessedly short as many succumb to shortages of food and/or medicine.

But take comfort in that everyone will have lots of money from their government-provided basic incomes. It's just the money won't buy much when there's little left to buy.

The few with any ambition will have long-since departed though the chances of their being safe anywhere on the dystopian planet are not very good. Unless, of course, they are exceptionally well armed. The first few years will be difficult as "government" forces will have a huge stockpile of weapons. Chances will improve after a few months when the stocks of weaponry are not replenished because (1) nobody will need to work for a living so nothing will be produced and (2) nobody will be aroiund who remembers how.

The risk to we older people is minimal unless we are so foolish as be buried rather than cremated as chances of being dug up by a pack of feral liberals as a food-source are far from minimal.

(sarcastic font was never turned on)
The Ruskies missed on their last prognostication on when the US will break up too.

But she does have some nice tits.

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