Whats More Likely?,We Come To And End In 12 Years,Or The USA Splits Into 2 Or 3 Nations?

First, nobody has said that the world will end in 12 years.

Second, your fantasy of America failing will not come true.

We will recover from this folly.
Trump says his daddy was born in Germany. I want to see evidence Trump was not born in Germany, too! With a German-born daddy, how is Trump an American citizen?

None of the scenarios above will take place. The states are too interdependent, there is too much money to be made in the current format, and there is too much laziness to have an insurrection.

What will likely transpire in the next 10-20 years is that we will become a much less important nation on the world stage either by design or by force. We can’t do “big things” any more.
Yet another sign the pseudocons are becoming just like the hippies of the 60s and 70s: Their pessimistic view of the future.
Never mind the world coming to an end in 12 years according to Princess Alexandria, anyone see a Democrat winning in 2020/2024, and eventually the United States becomes the next Checkoslavakia? {OK,,i spelt it wrong!} With the Dem's at risk of taking over all 7 branches of government {Hmm, can Alexandria even name 3 of them?},,,anyone see the day when we just split the nation in two? The north stays blue and the racist/deplorable southern states create their own normal/all American, Conservative Country? maybe with a "Trump Kid" as President?

A Trump kid as president?

why not a trump kid as king?

If the conservatives can start their own country a lot of amazing and wonderful things can happen!

1. conservatives can make a new christian constitution that bans and criminalizes gays, atheists, liberals, muslims, feminists....

2. conservatives can make an alliance with putin and russia, attack the satanist god hating north, destroy them, and take the north back by force!

Good plan!

Nothing says FREEDOM and RIGHTS like killing everyone you hate.....
The USA will either split into 2-3 countries or there will be a civil war the left won't survive. Before then we may have to invade one of our own states to clear out the illegals traitors gave sanctuary to.
i think we all see Cally/Oregon/Wash as the first nation,,,fine,,let them all wind up at the bottom of the barrell by 2030
It would be the best country in the world too.bad colorado is not close enough.
Nothing says FREEDOM and RIGHTS like killing everyone you hate.....
No. It's killing everyone who keeps trying to take your rights and steal your property by government force. Those people will never listen to reason and never quit.

The only solution to said commies is a final solution.

Ir they could get the fuck out now, before the shooting starts.

I'm good either way.

Never mind the world coming to an end in 12 years according to Princess Alexandria, anyone see a Democrat winning in 2020/2024, and eventually the United States becomes the next Checkoslavakia? {OK,,i spelt it wrong!} With the Dem's at risk of taking over all 7 branches of government {Hmm, can Alexandria even name 3 of them?},,,anyone see the day when we just split the nation in two? The north stays blue and the racist/deplorable southern states create their own normal/all American, Conservative Country? maybe with a "Trump Kid" as President?

The USA will either split into 2-3 countries or there will be a civil war the left won't survive. Before then we may have to invade one of our own states to clear out the illegals traitors gave sanctuary to.

Why is it that you right wing pussies, all scared of your own shadow, talk this crazy shit about a fight you really are not prepared for against an opponent you severely underestimate?
I've never had as much fun in these forums as I have in the past few months as the left has pivoted to the utter absurd. I dont even have to try hard anymore as the challenge becomes about how to out-absurd the absurd.

The next 18 months or so are going to be a treat. Buy stock in whoever owns YouTube!:113::113:
Nothing says FREEDOM and RIGHTS like killing everyone you hate.....
No. It's killing everyone who keeps trying to take your rights and steal your property by government force. Those people will never listen to reason and never quit.

The only solution to said commies is a final solution.

Ir they could get the fuck out now, before the shooting starts.

I'm good either way.


You mean like when Tramp comes to take land for his wall that Mexico is not paying for?
The USA will either split into 2-3 countries or there will be a civil war the left won't survive. Before then we may have to invade one of our own states to clear out the illegals traitors gave sanctuary to.

Why is it that you right wing pussies, all scared of your own shadow, talk this crazy shit about a fight you really are not prepared for against an opponent you severely underestimate?

LMAO you left wingers would be destroyed. The few remaining survivors would flee for their lives to Canada. :itsok:

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