What’s so bad about the 2025 Heritage Project?

Why are libs painting this as a death knell for the country, and then falsely attributing it to Trump, when it actually makes good points and isn’t a Trump plan anyway:

Among its goals are:

1. Secure the border
2. Keep men out of women’s sports
3. Cut the growth of government spending
4. Unleash energy production to lower energy costs
5. Make federal bureaucrats accountable
6. Deweaponize the government

As usual you're 100% right, and I 100% disagree with you. Same 'ol same 'ol.
The FCC should be beholden to the president.

Unelected bureaucrats have no accountibilty

So if Trump wants ABC shut down, thst deems to be okay with you. This shows why they should not be beholden to the President. They should be beholden to the American people.
So if Trump wants ABC shut down, thst deems to be okay with you. This shows why they should not be beholden to the President. They should be beholden to the American people.
Nobody said they shouldn’t have due process and allowed to make the case why they shouldn’t lose their license for cheating
Schedule F is not mentioned in Prokect 2025. You claimed it was. That was a lie.
Nah. Google is so easy even a low life retard lintard like you can use it.

But it would have been easier for you to just remain silent.

I enjoy your embarrassment. Well earned.
Retards are gonna retard.

CREW requests records on Schedule F and Project 2025

Project 2025: The Schedule F threat to democracy

Trump's Schedule F plan, explained

The Schedule F Threat to Democracy: A Project 2025 ...

I believe some functions of government should be handled by nonpartisan officials free from political influence.

Unless you think the president should be telling the DoJ who to investigate and who to prosecute?

I thought you didn’t want government to be weaponized?
There are no non partisan officials. That’s how they levied false charges against Trump.
Again, the jew Lisa doesn't have a clue.
What's your point in calling out Lisa as being Jewish? She has openly said she's a Jew many times on this forum. Are you trying to intimidate her by saying "jew Lisa?" I mean, really, what's the deal? Do you address all Jews in the same manner? Maybe you should take a few minutes to read the rules of the forum. You just might learn something, since you don't have a clue.
That’s the lie to tell yourself to support tyrantical demafasict

Trump is America’s Mandela
Says the guy who wants to punish free speech for not being sufficiently deferential to your dear leader.

You’re delusional.
What's your point in calling out Lisa as being Jewish? She has openly said she's a Jew many times on this forum. Are you trying to intimidate her by saying "jew Lisa?" I mean, really, what's the deal? Do you address all Jews in the same manner? Maybe you should take a few minutes to read the rules of the forum. You just might learn something, since you don't have a clue.
She constantly calls everyone that opposes Trump an anti semite. Including myself. She can't keep supporting anti semites herself. So hypocritical. You don't seem to see that. Yes, she says she is a jew. That is a fact. You yourself should see that but it doesn't register.

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