What’s with democrat politicians inflating their military records?

Deflect from what? After today Trump should be forced to drop out. His meeting with Zelensky proves he should never be CiC agsin. His performance is akin to an anti-Iraq War Democrat standing up for Saddam!

Sad that you don't have the authority to make that happen. Meanwhile, the rest of us will get back on topic, democrats lying about their military careers.
Dem leaders would be FIRED in the private sector. In the real world we look down on dishonesty and outright lying.
I remember when Republicans were about patriotism and would never have tolerated a Democrat saying the kinds of things Trump said today to Zelensky.

I remember when Republicans were about patriotism and would never have tolerated a Democrat saying the kinds of things Trump said today to Zelensky.

Why DO democrats have to lie about their military service? Can't it stand on its own merits?
Trump can’t get away from this.

We have to wonder why democrats have to lie about their service. Are they embarrassed, or do they just understand that the American people respect those who have served honorably?
We have to wonder why democrats have to lie about their service. Are they embarrassed, or do they just understand that the American people respect those who have served honorably?



I don't think you understood the assignment. It was to discuss the democrats' need to lie about their service. You wandered off into something else. Were you trying to deflect or was it just a misunderstanding?
I don't think you understood the assignment. It was to discuss the democrats' need to lie about their service. You wandered off into something else. Were you trying to deflect or was it just a misunderstanding?
Being the little board dictator, aren’t you? You aren’t even the OP! :auiqs.jpg:

I don't think you understood the assignment. It was to discuss the democrats' need to lie about their service. You wandered off into something else. Were you trying to deflect or was it just a misunderstanding?

Just pointing out it is done by poloticans on both sides.

If you want to stick your head up your fucking ass and pretend your beloved party does not do it...that is all on you.

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