What's Wrong With Calling A Woman Beautiful?

Road Runner

Gold Supporting Member
Jun 16, 2021
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I hear Trump saying that it's politically incorrect to call a woman beautiful all the time at his rallies but he's never explained why. Is it because men who think that they're women are ugly as heck or something?
Today it objectifies women. It is just in bad taste. For one thing really beautiful women hear that all the time. You aren't being clever or original. A woman is apt to respond by saying "do you think I'm obligated to do anything for you "
I hear Trump saying that it's politically incorrect to call a woman beautiful all the time at his rallies but he's never explained why. Is it because men who think that they're women are ugly as heck or something?
To each their own. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder anyways and it all depends on the approach and the person making the comment. If you look like Brad Pitt you are ok, if you look like a creep, you will get an unpleasant look or just be ignored. That's the way nature works. Quite frankly what I find beautiful is a woman who can give a great massage. That is the love of my life! Priorities change once you move past your 30s.
Today it objectifies women. It is just in bad taste. For one thing really beautiful women hear that all the time. You aren't being clever or original. A woman is apt to respond by saying "do you think I'm obligated to do anything for you "
I would call a woman beautiful if she looks nice. The libtards say it objectifies women, no it does not. My grandparents didn't have to face this bullshit back in the 50s and 60s when they were still young.

What's Wrong With Calling A Woman Beautiful?​

Absolutely nothing. It is just one more physical descriptor such as you are "tall, fat, loud, hard to hear, offensive," or whatever. I calls 'em as I sees them. Beautiful woman are often just gifted that way at birth and go through enormous pains all through life dieting, exercizing, suntanning, hairdos, expensive clothing, elaborate make-up, etc., just to make themselves as beautiful as possible to be noticed so why should they be deprived the compliment of being appreciated that they so obviously desire?

I hear Trump saying that it's politically incorrect to call a woman beautiful all the time at his rallies but he's never explained why.
I've never heard that. He is probably reflecting on some of the media's accusations and court cases.

Is it because men who think that they're women are ugly as heck or something?
They are. I guess Trump is referring to people like E Jean Carroll who 40 years after the fact, sued Trump for his paying attention to her. As an aside, this reminds me of a time several years ago when I went somewhere, to a doctors office or to get a massage or something and there were a couple of lovely young girls at the reception counter. The one that was seated had the most gorgeous finger nails I had ever seen! They were a bright color, perfectly shaped, and had a colorful design to them, they were exquisite, suited her perfectly, and I made a point of exclaiming so, she showed them to me and I was just blown away.

In hindsight, they might have been those nails you buy and glue on, I don't know, but she let me hold her hand and look at them, and you could have knocked me over with a handful of rice I was so taken back that I could not resist my adulation for them! She seemed genuinely appreciative of the attention and flattered.

There is far too much ugliness, ignorance and stupidity in this world not to appreciate beauty wherever we find it, whether it is in a flower, a painting, a natural scenery, or a lovely woman. Some women are only beautiful on the surface yet not so from within, while others have none of the usual, shallow characteristics outside yet radiate a real beauty from inside themselves. Some few have both.
I would call a woman beautiful if she looks nice. The libtards say it objectifies women, no it does not. My grandparents didn't have to face this bullshit back in the 50s and 60s when they were still young.
You really need to stop young boy. Your grandprents llived in a male dominated society where men did what they wanted and women had to take it. There were a lot of unhappy women in those days.

People need to stop listening to Trump and repeating his garbage as if it's the gospel. Most women like being called beautiful and see it s a comPliment. It al depends on the words. If you look at a woman and say something like "Wow you're a great piece of ass," she is probably going to get offended. But if you tell her something like: "Wow you are one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen" and are sincere, you might end up with a girlfriend.

And there are places where that is simply inappropriate. On the job, for example.

Women may not like Trump calling them beautiful, but that doesn't mean all men can't.
I guess Trump is referring to people like E Jean Carroll who 40 years after the fact, sued Trump for his paying attention to her.
Trump did more than pay attention to her. And she sued trump for defaming her, which he did in recent years.
I hear Trump saying that it's politically incorrect to call a woman beautiful all the time at his rallies but he's never explained why. Is it because men who think that they're women are ugly as heck or something?
Honestly it is one of those cultural dichotomies that makes pretty much no sense. It was perfectly socially acceptable for men to compliment women before the women's lib movement of the 70's. But after that it became common for women to sue their employers for sexual harassment for such terrible offenses as complimenting their appearance or asking them to dinner. And since then it has become a cultural norm not to comment on a person's appearance, especially women.

And it make no sense when fashion is a multi-billion dollar industry and women spend small fortunes on facials, hairdos, manicures, gym memberships and transform their appearance with carefully and skillfully applied makeup, enhanced eye lashes, padded bras, jewelry, high heels, contact lenses to replace eyeglasses and so on.

And then they are insulted if somebody notices and tells them they are beautiful?

Doesn't make much sense does it.
Another nit picking post related to Trump? It's impolite in most circumstances to call a strange woman beautiful. Maybe they should ask Biden if it's OK to pat a strange woman on the ass.
I hear Trump saying that it's politically incorrect to call a woman beautiful all the time at his rallies but he's never explained why. Is it because men who think that they're women are ugly as heck or something?
Nothing wrong with calling a woman beautiful. I do it all the time.
Trump is lying as usual
Today it objectifies women. It is just in bad taste. For one thing really beautiful women hear that all the time. You aren't being clever or original. A woman is apt to respond by saying "do you think I'm obligated to do anything for you "
This is an interesting point of view. I've never had an issue with women feeling objectified when I compliment them on their appearance but some women may indeed be offended. I guess in the world of the "woke" it isn't possible to give a sincere compliment on a woman's appearance and expect a simple "thank you" in return.
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