When Poverty Attacks!

Liberals, Progressives, socialists, communists, whatever....

This, about your heroine, Margaret Sanger:

It was in 1939 that Sanger's larger vision for dealing with the reproductive practices of black Americans emerged. After the January 1939 merger of her Clinical Research Bureau and the ABCL to form the Birth Control Federation of America, Dr. Clarence J. Gamble was selected to become the BCFA regional director for the South. Dr. Gamble, of the soap-manufacturing Procter and Gamble company, was no newcomer to Sanger's organization. He had previously served as director at large to the predecessor ABCL.

Gamble lost no time and drew up a memorandum in November 1939 entitled "Suggestion for Negro Project." Acknowledging that black leaders might regard birth control as an extermination plot, he suggested that black leaders be place in positions where it would appear that they were in charge, as it was at an Atlanta conference.

It is evident from the rest of the memo that Gamble conceived the project almost as a traveling road show. A charismatic black minister was to start a revival, with "contributions" to come from other local cooperating ministers. A "colored nurse" would follow, supported by a subsidized "colored doctor." Gamble even suggested that music might be a useful lure to bring the prospects to a meeting.

Sanger answered Gamble on Dec. 10. 1939, agreeing with the assessment. She wrote: "We do not want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten that idea out if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members." In 1940, money for two "Negro Project" demonstration programs in southern states was donated by advertising magnate Albert D. Lasker and his wife, Mary.
BlackGenocide.org | The Truth About Margaret Sanger - Page Two

So....you stand proudly with Sanger....

Herman Cain?s rewriting of birth-control history - The Washington Post

Cain?s False Attack on Planned Parenthood

Cain claims Planned Parenthood founded for "planned genocide" | PolitiFact Georgia

The Liberal poster named and quoted Margaret Sanger....

...so you brought up Herman Cain....why?

Out of embarrassment?



I quoted Margaret Sanger agreeing with you, and btw agreeing with me.

You, Sanger, and I all in agreement that poor people should not have children they can't afford to raise.

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I quoted Margaret Sanger agreeing with you, and btw agreeing with me.

You, Sanger, and I all in agreement that poor people should not have children they can't afford to raise.


Based on the perusal of any series of your post, one can hardly find better examples of the concept known as "entropy."
I have no idea how some people make it today. I have no idea how my parents made it. I went and had my utilities hooked up this weekfor my new house. $600 deposit I won't see again for a year plus I will be billed $200 connection fees on my first month's bill and I have great credit (which they checked). I couldn't imagine what they charge people with bad credit for a deposit.
Not clones.
The typical person living in poverty does so because of poor choices.

The typical person, eh? So that would be more than half.

Ipse dixit. Link?

Or they do so due to lack of education or training.
Lastly, those living in poverty may demonstrate an unwillingness to improve their position due to a sense of entitlement.

Now, you just said "lastly", meaning there are only three kinds of poor. The "poor choices" majority, the lack of education/training, and then the lazy.

But then you add another group after lastly!:

There are those who do live in poverty through no fault of their own. That no matter how hard they try or no matter what they do, they cannot get ahead of where they are. THOSE people need our help. That I encourage.
If you or anyone else cannot see the difference, it is you who have the problem.

Please break down each category you have outlined by percentages and provide evidence to support these assertions. Also, please provide the methods which would help us determine who is being lazy, who needs education, who made poor choices, and who is poor through no fault of their own, and how we should handle each.

Thank you.
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Speaking of eugenics, I am curious to know what PC&Co. think should be done about drug addicts living in poverty. Let's lump them all into thereisnospoon's category of "poor choices".

How about welfare mothers who keep cranking out babies.

Do we let the drug addicts, welfare mothers and their babies starve to death so the gene pool is cleaned up?

Put down the whine and cheese and tell us your final solution.

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