When Romney wins the nomination, who will the Tea Party's candidate be?


Feb 14, 2011
When Romney wins the nomination, who will the Tea Party's candidate be?

I'm not ruling out the possibility that Cain could win the GOP nomination, but I don't think it's likely because of his 9-9-9 plan - because of questions about whether the numbers add up, questions about the tax burden being shifted to poorer people, and general unwillingness of people to put up with the drastic regulatory change which would come with implementing 9-9-9. (I think that the nation has PTSD from the recession and from Obama's changes and won't be willing to accept any more big changes for a long time.)

So, assuming Romney wins the nomination. Will there be one particular third party candidate that the far right will rally behind?
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When Romney wins the nomination, who will the Tea Party's candidate be?

I'm not ruling out the possibility that Cain could win the GOP nomination, but I don't think it's likely because of his 9-9-9 plan - because of questions about whether the numbers add up, questions about the tax burden being shifted to poorer people, and general unwillingness of people to put up with the drastic regulatory change which would come with implementing 9-9-9. (I think that the nation has PTSD from the recession and from Obama's changes and won't be willing to accept any more big changes for a long time.)

So, assuming Romney wins the nomination. Will there be one particular third party candidate that the far right will rally behind?

Romney is considered the inside favorite to win the GOP nomination, but STILL the question takes that as a given.

It is not "when."

It's IF.

Personally, I don't think he's going to get the nod.
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When Romney wins the nomination, who will the Tea Party's candidate be?

I'm not ruling out the possibility that Cain could win the GOP nomination, but I don't think it's likely because of his 9-9-9 plan - because of questions about whether the numbers add up, questions about the tax burden being shifted to poorer people, and general unwillingness of people to put up with the drastic regulatory change which would come with implementing 9-9-9. (I think that the nation has PTSD from the recession and from Obama's changes and won't be willing to accept any more big changes for a long time.)

So, assuming Romney wins the nomination. Will there be one particular third party candidate that the far right will rally behind?

Romney is considered the inside favorite to win the GOP nomination, but STILL the question takes that as a given.

It is not "when."

It's IF.

Personally, I don't think he's going to get the nod.

Who will? To me Cain is his only competition right now, and I don't think 9-9-9 will pass muster. Do you foresee anyone else being able to come from behind?
He's not stupid. His VP pick will be a far-enough right, down with the Evangelical Christians candidate.
The way I see it the Tea Party Movement will have 3 choices when Romney wins the nomination:

1. Suck it up and support Romney

2. Support a 3rd party candidate by either starting their own
party or partnering with an existing 3rd party.

3. Not voting

The first choice will guarantee Obama is defeated.
Choices 2 and 3 may allow Obama to win, then the Tea Party can be blamed for 4 more years of Obama.
Cain has no shot. He lacks any kind of credible experience and his 9-9-9 Plan is DOA. I would mention the race angle too, but that just makes conservatives cry.

Romney will get the nomination because he's a good looking, white male that the GOP establishment likes.

As for the Tea Party, I still believe there are too many racist elements in that organization. I am not saying all TPers are racist, but I think there are enough that the organization will back ANYONE up against Obama. They will not float their own candidate.
Cain has no shot. He lacks any kind of credible experience and his 9-9-9 Plan is DOA. I would mention the race angle too, but that just makes conservatives cry.

Romney will get the nomination because he's a good looking, white male that the GOP establishment likes.

As for the Tea Party, I still believe there are too many racist elements in that organization. I am not saying all TPers are racist, but I think there are enough that the organization will back ANYONE up against Obama. They will not float their own candidate.

Cain not black enough for you, Macaca Joe?
When Romney wins the nomination, who will the Tea Party's candidate be?

I'm not ruling out the possibility that Cain could win the GOP nomination, but I don't think it's likely because of his 9-9-9 plan - because of questions about whether the numbers add up, questions about the tax burden being shifted to poorer people, and general unwillingness of people to put up with the drastic regulatory change which would come with implementing 9-9-9. (I think that the nation has PTSD from the recession and from Obama's changes and won't be willing to accept any more big changes for a long time.)

So, assuming Romney wins the nomination. Will there be one particular third party candidate that the far right will rally behind?
Well, this discussion might be a bit premature given a number of facts.

First, we have not seen the results of a single state Republican caucus or primary election at this point.

Secondly, in many primary races in the past the top leaders (like Rudy Giuliani in 2008), at this particular point in the race, ultimately failed to get the GOP nod.

Lastly, can we legitimately refer to Romney as 'a winner'? When was the last time anyone won a race (any race) with only 25% approval? Romney's failure to increase his lead to more than that aforementioned percentage shows that a significant proportion of GOPers just do not prefer him as their nominee. Further proof of this is seen when other candidates drop out or fall in the polls. Those votes always go to the 'Not Romney' candidate.

Plus this fresh WSJ/NBC poll now shows Cain is now 4 points ahead of Mitt (27% to 23%) as of this writing. Regarding Perry, his debate performances have hurt him (he is down to 16% in this poll) no doubt. But because of his success in fund raising and his supposed successful efforts at retail politics it is still possible that enough voters in the Iowa caucus might prefer him to Romney or Cain. Perry winning Iowa is certainly a possibility and with that momentum he may carry SC also. We shall see. As to the question:
Will there be one particular third party candidate that the far right will rally behind?
I don't see a third party candidacy in the TEA leaves at all. The TEA party has significant political influence within the GOP. By itself, however, its members recognize all their efforts will have been for naught. Cain, or any other third party candidate, would not only lose but would ensure the re-election of Obama. In the end the right wing, if it has to, will hold its collective nose and vote for a moderate GOP candidate rather than suffer another four years of Obama.

When Romney wins the nomination, who will the Tea Party's candidate be?

I'm not ruling out the possibility that Cain could win the GOP nomination, but I don't think it's likely because of his 9-9-9 plan - because of questions about whether the numbers add up, questions about the tax burden being shifted to poorer people, and general unwillingness of people to put up with the drastic regulatory change which would come with implementing 9-9-9. (I think that the nation has PTSD from the recession and from Obama's changes and won't be willing to accept any more big changes for a long time.)

So, assuming Romney wins the nomination. Will there be one particular third party candidate that the far right will rally behind?

No, no third party...that gives the election away.
If he gets the nod, Romney will get the TP vote.
Yes, the Cain 9-9-9 is bogus...but be happy to vote for him.

There is a rumor that Perry is about to unveil an economic plan that would put him back in play...unleashing the energy of the United States with unlimited drilling, exploration, etc.

I love the idea.
Not sure that it would be enough, but if he gets the nod, he gets my vote.
It would be interesting to see if the other Republican candidates would add this to their proposals.
If he gets the nomination, the Tea Party will support him.

Won't stop the Tea Party from influencing politics. and Romney is open to influence.
When Romney wins the nomination, who will the Tea Party's candidate be?

I'm not ruling out the possibility that Cain could win the GOP nomination, but I don't think it's likely because of his 9-9-9 plan - because of questions about whether the numbers add up, questions about the tax burden being shifted to poorer people, and general unwillingness of people to put up with the drastic regulatory change which would come with implementing 9-9-9. (I think that the nation has PTSD from the recession and from Obama's changes and won't be willing to accept any more big changes for a long time.)

So, assuming Romney wins the nomination. Will there be one particular third party candidate that the far right will rally behind?

That's rich. The nation is weary from Obama's changes.....so they won't accept 999...or any big changes for a long time.

Care to outline the changes that people are weary from?
Please....discuss actual changes implemented....not bullshit talking points
Romney will end up choosing a true conservative running mate. In the end, he will garner votes from the TP. He already will garner votes from the Independents. Besides, I think most who dislike Obama will end up holding their noses and vote for Romney. I plan to.
Cain wont get the nod, when those tea partiers find out what he was learning in the HBCU they'll flip on him in a second.

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