When Trump signs a Bill to allow illegal alien families to stay together in holding areas, then what


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
So.....when Trump signs the bill that allows the families, or pretend families, to stay together as they are held until the legal process goes through, what will the democrats lie about next? Will they say that it is just like the Japanese, or what other direction will they take the lie?
So.....when Trump signs the bill that allows the families, or pretend families, to stay together as they are held until the legal process goes through, what will the democrats lie about next? Will they say that it is just like the Japanese, or what other direction will they take the lie?

They will say that the illegals are being "held against their will in inadequate facilities, similar to concentration camps".
this is all stupid, emotionally driven bullshit.

can it happen? HELL YES. does it happen every time? HELL NO. but as usual, get some emo-driven tv comedian with an agenda to rile people up who are looking for reasons to be said riled up and wa-la. we have controversy for the very same actions that died of total apathy 4-8+ years ago.

Myth vs. Fact: DHS Zero-Tolerance Policy

when the news is telling you how to feel, it's not news. and if you need some asinine comedian on tv to tell you how to tell, you may want to stop and think about that.
So.....when Trump signs the bill that allows the families, or pretend families, to stay together as they are held until the legal process goes through, what will the democrats lie about next? Will they say that it is just like the Japanese, or what other direction will they take the lie?

They will say that the illegals are being "held against their will in inadequate facilities, similar to concentration camps".
the answer to that is "stop being fuck-tarded" and moving on.
Yet another thread designed to mislead and spread the lies about asylum seekers.
People accepted into the USA are in fact invited to come here and have followed the rules and laws pertaining to the process of seeking asylum. They are not "illegal".
There are certainly illegal immigrants crossing the border also, but the subject of the recent crisis and controversy are the immigrants that turned themselves into uniformed border guards at manned border crossings and asked for asylum for themselves and their children as soon as they put their two feet on American soil.
this is all stupid, emotionally driven bullshit.

can it happen? HELL YES. does it happen every time? HELL NO. but as usual, get some emo-driven tv comedian with an agenda to rile people up who are looking for reasons to be said riled up and wa-la. we have controversy for the very same actions that died of total apathy 4-8+ years ago.

Myth vs. Fact: DHS Zero-Tolerance Policy

when the news is telling you how to feel, it's not news. and if you need some asinine comedian on tv to tell you how to tell, you may want to stop and think about that.
We should instead listen to partisan anonymous posters on random message boards as they promote their chosen agendas.
Yet another thread designed to mislead and spread the lies about asylum seekers.
People accepted into the USA are in fact invited to come here and have followed the rules and laws pertaining to the process of seeking asylum. They are not "illegal".
There are certainly illegal immigrants crossing the border also, but the subject of the recent crisis and controversy are the immigrants that turned themselves into uniformed border guards at manned border crossings and asked for asylum for themselves and their children as soon as they put their two feet on American soil.

We need to change that.
this is all stupid, emotionally driven bullshit.

can it happen? HELL YES. does it happen every time? HELL NO. but as usual, get some emo-driven tv comedian with an agenda to rile people up who are looking for reasons to be said riled up and wa-la. we have controversy for the very same actions that died of total apathy 4-8+ years ago.

Myth vs. Fact: DHS Zero-Tolerance Policy

when the news is telling you how to feel, it's not news. and if you need some asinine comedian on tv to tell you how to tell, you may want to stop and think about that.
We should instead listen to partisan anonymous posters on random message boards as they promote their chosen agendas.
so - the DOJ site on rules is a random message with an agenda? to you i'm sure it is.

as for "asylum" then we need to understand the rules for that:

But not everyone qualifies for asylum or refugee status. You must meet some strict requirements, as described in this article. In particular, you must show two things:
  • You are unable or unwilling to return to your home country because you have been persecuted there in the past or have a well-founded fear that you will be persecuted if you go back.
  • The reason you have been (or will be) persecuted is connected to one of five things: your race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or your political opinion.
not all are going to be eligible for asylum and people are trying to call for this vs. immigration.
Yet another thread designed to mislead and spread the lies about asylum seekers.
People accepted into the USA are in fact invited to come here and have followed the rules and laws pertaining to the process of seeking asylum. They are not "illegal".
There are certainly illegal immigrants crossing the border also, but the subject of the recent crisis and controversy are the immigrants that turned themselves into uniformed border guards at manned border crossings and asked for asylum for themselves and their children as soon as they put their two feet on American soil.

We need to change that.
OK, but until we do those people at the center of this particular issue and situation should not be call illegal immigrants. They followed the law and are here legally seeking asylum. Changing the law it should be noted would not retroactively make these people illegal. Send bus loads of judges, prosecutors and defense lawyers if need be, but get them through the legal process as fast as possible. That is the proper and civilized response we should be taking.
this is all stupid, emotionally driven bullshit.

can it happen? HELL YES. does it happen every time? HELL NO. but as usual, get some emo-driven tv comedian with an agenda to rile people up who are looking for reasons to be said riled up and wa-la. we have controversy for the very same actions that died of total apathy 4-8+ years ago.

Myth vs. Fact: DHS Zero-Tolerance Policy

when the news is telling you how to feel, it's not news. and if you need some asinine comedian on tv to tell you how to tell, you may want to stop and think about that.
We should instead listen to partisan anonymous posters on random message boards as they promote their chosen agendas.
so - the DOJ site on rules is a random message with an agenda? to you i'm sure it is.

as for "asylum" then we need to understand the rules for that:

But not everyone qualifies for asylum or refugee status. You must meet some strict requirements, as described in this article. In particular, you must show two things:
  • You are unable or unwilling to return to your home country because you have been persecuted there in the past or have a well-founded fear that you will be persecuted if you go back.
  • The reason you have been (or will be) persecuted is connected to one of five things: your race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or your political opinion.
not all are going to be eligible for asylum and people are trying to call for this vs. immigration.
That is why the process of seeking asylum is a judicial process.
Yet another thread designed to mislead and spread the lies about asylum seekers.
People accepted into the USA are in fact invited to come here and have followed the rules and laws pertaining to the process of seeking asylum. They are not "illegal".
There are certainly illegal immigrants crossing the border also, but the subject of the recent crisis and controversy are the immigrants that turned themselves into uniformed border guards at manned border crossings and asked for asylum for themselves and their children as soon as they put their two feet on American soil.

We need to change that.
OK, but until we do those people at the center of this particular issue and situation should not be call illegal immigrants. They followed the law and are here legally seeking asylum. Changing the law it should be noted would not retroactively make these people illegal. Send bus loads of judges, prosecutors and defense lawyers if need be, but get them through the legal process as fast as possible. That is the proper and civilized response we should be taking.

They are invaders using a well-intentioned but flawed law to take advantage of American government-run charity. Were it my call, I would suspend it immediately.

Americans are sick of being proper and civilized, and taken advantage of. Democrats - now that Trump is in office - scream about the debt, yet continue to increase it with no benefit to Americans, and oppose all means to decrease it.
Just sayin... the Obama years, Democrats could care less.. (fun read for Democrats)

... NY Times ...

and the centers stand on dubious legal ground. Last year, a district judge ruled that the administration was violating a 1997 court-ordered settlement, called the Flores agreement, that governs the treatment of underage migrants who seek asylum or enter the country illegally. The judge said the children were being held for too long, and ordered the administration to release them as quickly as possible to the care of relatives or other guardians as their cases move through the immigration courts.

The administration appealed, saying that the agreement applied only to children who had crossed the border alone, not those who were accompanied by parents or other adult relatives. On July 6, the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit disagreed, upholding the district ruling that Flores covers all children, accompanied or not. But it said the administration could still detain their parents.

Opinion | Mr. Obama’s Dubious Detention Centers
Crying Chuck and Pelosi have a solution: Relocate all the condo owners at 'The Beaches' and move every illegal in permanently.
Including that young S.A. woman with nine children.....all between age eight and ten years old.
Yet another thread designed to mislead and spread the lies about asylum seekers.
People accepted into the USA are in fact invited to come here and have followed the rules and laws pertaining to the process of seeking asylum. They are not "illegal".
There are certainly illegal immigrants crossing the border also, but the subject of the recent crisis and controversy are the immigrants that turned themselves into uniformed border guards at manned border crossings and asked for asylum for themselves and their children as soon as they put their two feet on American soil.

But they have to have a real reason for asylum, a fussy neighbor isn’t one of them.
And if they come through Mexico, then Mexico is where they get asylum

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this is all stupid, emotionally driven bullshit.

can it happen? HELL YES. does it happen every time? HELL NO. but as usual, get some emo-driven tv comedian with an agenda to rile people up who are looking for reasons to be said riled up and wa-la. we have controversy for the very same actions that died of total apathy 4-8+ years ago.

Myth vs. Fact: DHS Zero-Tolerance Policy

when the news is telling you how to feel, it's not news. and if you need some asinine comedian on tv to tell you how to tell, you may want to stop and think about that.
We should instead listen to partisan anonymous posters on random message boards as they promote their chosen agendas.
so - the DOJ site on rules is a random message with an agenda? to you i'm sure it is.

as for "asylum" then we need to understand the rules for that:

But not everyone qualifies for asylum or refugee status. You must meet some strict requirements, as described in this article. In particular, you must show two things:
  • You are unable or unwilling to return to your home country because you have been persecuted there in the past or have a well-founded fear that you will be persecuted if you go back.
  • The reason you have been (or will be) persecuted is connected to one of five things: your race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or your political opinion.
not all are going to be eligible for asylum and people are trying to call for this vs. immigration.
That is why the process of seeking asylum is a judicial process.
and it's also being abused by immigrants now.

it sucks. no one is denying it. but we can't just say "fuck it" and let them come in as they wish. and if we have to take legal action against some parents, what do you suggest we do with the kids?

if people spent 1/4th the time looking for solutions as they do saying how much the other side sucks, we could get back to fixing common issues.
Yet another thread designed to mislead and spread the lies about asylum seekers.
People accepted into the USA are in fact invited to come here and have followed the rules and laws pertaining to the process of seeking asylum. They are not "illegal".
There are certainly illegal immigrants crossing the border also, but the subject of the recent crisis and controversy are the immigrants that turned themselves into uniformed border guards at manned border crossings and asked for asylum for themselves and their children as soon as they put their two feet on American soil.

But they have to have a real reason for asylum, a fussy neighbor isn’t one of them.
And if they come through Mexico, then Mexico is where they get asylum

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
There is no international or American law that says they would have to apply for asylum in Mexico. You just made that up.

It is for the court during due process hearings to determine what a "real reason" is. That is why it is called due process. If it is not a "real reason" the applicant gets ordered to be deported and sent back.
this is all stupid, emotionally driven bullshit.

can it happen? HELL YES. does it happen every time? HELL NO. but as usual, get some emo-driven tv comedian with an agenda to rile people up who are looking for reasons to be said riled up and wa-la. we have controversy for the very same actions that died of total apathy 4-8+ years ago.

Myth vs. Fact: DHS Zero-Tolerance Policy

when the news is telling you how to feel, it's not news. and if you need some asinine comedian on tv to tell you how to tell, you may want to stop and think about that.
We should instead listen to partisan anonymous posters on random message boards as they promote their chosen agendas.
so - the DOJ site on rules is a random message with an agenda? to you i'm sure it is.

as for "asylum" then we need to understand the rules for that:

But not everyone qualifies for asylum or refugee status. You must meet some strict requirements, as described in this article. In particular, you must show two things:
  • You are unable or unwilling to return to your home country because you have been persecuted there in the past or have a well-founded fear that you will be persecuted if you go back.
  • The reason you have been (or will be) persecuted is connected to one of five things: your race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or your political opinion.
not all are going to be eligible for asylum and people are trying to call for this vs. immigration.
That is why the process of seeking asylum is a judicial process.
and it's also being abused by immigrants now.

it sucks. no one is denying it. but we can't just say "fuck it" and let them come in as they wish. and if we have to take legal action against some parents, what do you suggest we do with the kids?

if people spent 1/4th the time looking for solutions as they do saying how much the other side sucks, we could get back to fixing common issues.
You guys are trying to make the issue of US Government authorities mishandling young kids who came with their parents seeking asylum into an issue of the overall immigration issue, building a wall, etc. The focus of the topic is the mistreatment of children and the separation of families of persons legally seeking asylum. Everything else is deflection.

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