Where are the compassionate liberals for LEGAL IMMIGRANTS????


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
What a disgusting thread: "Where is the Christian compassion for immigrant children? "

Where is the compassion for those people LIKE my immigrant daughter-in-law that followed all the laws, studied hard for citizenship and took the oath... something none of the "illegal immigrant children" need to do!

When these thread titles blur the words "Christian" which the liberal progressive despise, and then tie to illegal immigrant children" they are doing
exactly what our MSM does..i.e. 30 second /headline that presents a biased uninformed and totally incorrect statement!

But people like those that write these misleading threads have this as their ONLY tool since the TRUTH is not helpful!
The truth is the US Federal policy and the teachings of Jesus are aligned, so what are you so pissed off about? It's as if you guys never heard of the Prodigal Son? You are the bitter brother that's for sure...
The truth is the US Federal policy and the teachings of Jesus are aligned, so what are you so pissed off about? It's as if you guys never heard of the Prodigal Son? You are the bitter brother that's for sure...

The prodigal son DID NOT BREAK "ANY LAWS" you idiot of the Bible!

Obviously YOU've never heard of the "Prodigal son"!
“Not long after that, the younger son got together all he had, set off for a distant country and there squandered his wealth in wild living. After he had spent everything, there was a severe famine in that whole country, and he began to be in need. 15 So he went and hired himself out to a citizen of that country, who sent him to his fields to feed pigs. He longed to fill his stomach with the pods that the pigs were eating, but no one gave him anything.
https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke 15:11-32

HAS NOTHING to do with BREAKING immigration laws!!!

So it is OK for people to come to the US without what my daughter-in-law did?
Why did she waste her time obeying the laws?

Great! Let's break ALL the laws because they don't mean anything!!!!

What good are the laws if anyone can break them?

“Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.
Do Christians have to obey the laws of the land?

What is letting these children become citizens do other then allow THEM to rebel against the authority?
During the last decade, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) welcomed more than 6.6 million naturalized citizens into the fabric of our nation.
In fiscal year 2013 through May, approximately 503,104 individuals have been naturalized.
Naturalization Fact Sheet | USCIS

LEGALLY though!
Hard work like my daughter-in-law. Several years and cost..(almost equal to what these illegal children's parents pay coyotes!) all following the law!

So why should ANY ONE from now on follow the law?
How do you think these 6.6 million naturalized law abiding citizens in the last decade NOW feel about these illegals coming to the USA?
Little pissed?
During the last decade, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) welcomed more than 6.6 million naturalized citizens into the fabric of our nation.
In fiscal year 2013 through May, approximately 503,104 individuals have been naturalized.
Naturalization Fact Sheet | USCIS

LEGALLY though!
Hard work like my daughter-in-law. Several years and cost..(almost equal to what these illegal children's parents pay coyotes!) all following the law!

So why should ANY ONE from now on follow the law?

since when were legal immigrants an issue for anyone ?
During the last decade, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) welcomed more than 6.6 million naturalized citizens into the fabric of our nation.
In fiscal year 2013 through May, approximately 503,104 individuals have been naturalized.
Naturalization Fact Sheet | USCIS

LEGALLY though!
Hard work like my daughter-in-law. Several years and cost..(almost equal to what these illegal children's parents pay coyotes!) all following the law!

So why should ANY ONE from now on follow the law?

since when were legal immigrants an issue for anyone ?

When it went right over your head I bet you didn't even have to duck, huh?
During the last decade, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) welcomed more than 6.6 million naturalized citizens into the fabric of our nation.
In fiscal year 2013 through May, approximately 503,104 individuals have been naturalized.
Naturalization Fact Sheet | USCIS

LEGALLY though!
Hard work like my daughter-in-law. Several years and cost..(almost equal to what these illegal children's parents pay coyotes!) all following the law!

So why should ANY ONE from now on follow the law?

since when were legal immigrants an issue for anyone ?

GEEZ!!! Did the POINT go way over your head!@!!

How do you think my daughter-in-law and the other 6.6 million that followed the laws regarding citizenship and these ILLEGALS get to come in, get drivers' licenses, free food, Monopoly games,etc... all that cost their relatives thousands to coyotes!
It pisses naturalized citizens like my daughter-in-law really off these people have preferential treatment!

DO you understand how people you followed the law say this just shows how stupid they are to follow the law?
Let's just open the borders to everyone.. NO more laws do anyway with any !
What a disgusting thread: "Where is the Christian compassion for immigrant children? "

Where is the compassion for those people LIKE my immigrant daughter-in-law that followed all the laws, studied hard for citizenship and took the oath... something none of the "illegal immigrant children" need to do!

When these thread titles blur the words "Christian" which the liberal progressive despise, and then tie to illegal immigrant children" they are doing
exactly what our MSM does..i.e. 30 second /headline that presents a biased uninformed and totally incorrect statement!

But people like those that write these misleading threads have this as their ONLY tool since the TRUTH is not helpful!

Your daughter in law was lucky. She was granted special privileges. We should grant these kids special privileges as well. After all, we need more young and loyal American citizens.
$3.8 billion will provide one way airline ticket to South America for 3 million children back to the country they came from....legally!
GOP hates kids and Hispanics. What could make the upcoming election even better?

Yea.. GOP hates kids so much they favor abortion!
In fact Planned Parenthood founders hated Black children so much their founder said the following:
Like Adolf Hitler, Margaret Sanger considered herself to be part of a genetically superior elite who had to protect themselves against "hereditary taints."
She set out to start a "New Race" - "A Race of Thoroughbreds."
In 1921, Sanger founded the American Birth Control League, which was renamed "Planned Parenthood" in 1942.
In 1952 she helped found the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), serving as its first president until 1959.
Even today, Planned Parenthood proudly proclaims Margaret Sanger as its "visionary" founder.
'The Nuremberg Files' Abortion Birth Control Margaret Sanger Founder Planned Parenthood Lancaster PA Pa Abortion Clinic Birth Control Holocaust Murder Nazi German Dictator Adolf Hitler German Eugenics Murder Nazi Germany

"At a March 1925 international birth control gathering in New York City,
a speaker warned of the menace posed by the "black" and "yellow" peril.
The man was not a Nazi or Klansman; he was Dr. S. Adolphus Knopf, a member of Margaret Sanger's American Birth Control League (ABCL), which along with other groups eventually became known as Planned Parenthood.

After the horrors of the Holocaust were widely publicized in the late 1940s, eugenics in America (and any progressive support of the idea) quickly faded into the past. Nonetheless, it's an important piece of American history that should not be forgotten.

Eugenics and Progressives | Intellectual Takeout (ITO)

I'm sure you are proud of your strong belief in Planned Parenthood that does about 332,278 abortion procedures in 2009.
That would mean that roughly one out of every 10 clients received an abortion.
Planned Parenthood

I am even MORE confident YOU are happy that the CDC reports that during the 1970's, roughly 24% of all U.S. abortions were performed on black women.
The Case Against Abortion: Abortion and Race
During the last decade, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) welcomed more than 6.6 million naturalized citizens into the fabric of our nation.
In fiscal year 2013 through May, approximately 503,104 individuals have been naturalized.
Naturalization Fact Sheet | USCIS

LEGALLY though!
Hard work like my daughter-in-law. Several years and cost..(almost equal to what these illegal children's parents pay coyotes!) all following the law!

So why should ANY ONE from now on follow the law?

since when were legal immigrants an issue for anyone ?

When it went right over your head I bet you didn't even have to duck, huh?

from the original statement by the poster and I quote

"Where is the compassion for those people LIKE my immigrant daughter-in-law that followed all the laws, studied hard for citizenship and took the oath... "

DUCK MORON !!... then KMA.
"Where is the Christian compassion for immigrant children? "
THESE are NOT legal immigrants! They are ILLEGAL and as such it is a slap in the face of all the 6.6 million in the last decade LEGAL immigrants who have now become citizens!

PLease don't besmirch the concept of "Christian" with illegal because Christian compassion begins with helping people who abide by the law!
These children don't and the people responsible i.e. parents, their governments ARE!
Illegal is just a word used to label people we don't want. Your daughter in law was granted special privileges.

Not all Christians are shits either. Many of them help the down trodden
What a disgusting thread: "Where is the Christian compassion for immigrant children? "

Where is the compassion for those people LIKE my immigrant daughter-in-law that followed all the laws, studied hard for citizenship and took the oath... something none of the "illegal immigrant children" need to do!

When these thread titles blur the words "Christian" which the liberal progressive despise, and then tie to illegal immigrant children" they are doing
exactly what our MSM does..i.e. 30 second /headline that presents a biased uninformed and totally incorrect statement!

But people like those that write these misleading threads have this as their ONLY tool since the TRUTH is not helpful!

Your daughter in law was lucky. She was granted special privileges. We should grant these kids special privileges as well. After all, we need more young and loyal American citizens.

"lucky"??? I am going to ask her if she was granted special privileges and watch her get really pissed!
WHAT the f...k "special privileges"???? She had to PAY. SHE had to STUDY! She had to take tests..be investigated!
What a bunch of crap! She followed the laws and YOU say that is "special privileges"????
What a disgusting thread: "Where is the Christian compassion for immigrant children? "

Where is the compassion for those people LIKE my immigrant daughter-in-law that followed all the laws, studied hard for citizenship and took the oath... something none of the "illegal immigrant children" need to do!

When these thread titles blur the words "Christian" which the liberal progressive despise, and then tie to illegal immigrant children" they are doing
exactly what our MSM does..i.e. 30 second /headline that presents a biased uninformed and totally incorrect statement!

But people like those that write these misleading threads have this as their ONLY tool since the TRUTH is not helpful!

Your daughter in law was lucky. She was granted special privileges. We should grant these kids special privileges as well. After all, we need more young and loyal American citizens.

"lucky"??? I am going to ask her if she was granted special privileges and watch her get really pissed!
WHAT the f...k "special privileges"???? She had to PAY. SHE had to STUDY! She had to take tests..be investigated!
What a bunch of crap! She followed the laws and YOU say that is "special privileges"????
We let her pay. We let her study. We let her take tests. Millions of immigrants aren't allowed that option. If she gets pissed about that, deport her.
Your daughter in law was lucky. She was granted special privileges. We should grant these kids special privileges as well. After all, we need more young and loyal American citizens.

"lucky"??? I am going to ask her if she was granted special privileges and watch her get really pissed!
WHAT the f...k "special privileges"???? She had to PAY. SHE had to STUDY! She had to take tests..be investigated!
What a bunch of crap! She followed the laws and YOU say that is "special privileges"????
We let her pay. We let her study. We let her take tests. Millions of immigrants aren't allowed that option. If she gets pissed about that, deport her.

SHE DIDN"T come into the country ILLEGALLY!

Do you comprehend that these people are breaking the law in the first place!
In Mexico you are thrown in jail if you are not a citizen or produce papers and you SNEAK in!
In almost any country in the world... people without papers, passports ARE NOT allowed in!
When they sneak in... THEY ARE ILLEGAL!

Why is this such a simple concept to grasp??

Assume Ravi... you have a store! I walk in and grab your money! THAT's ILLEGAL!
Now RAVI... someone walks across the border, presents nothing... the USA gives them a driver's license!

THAT is plain out right wrong! Why should I walk in the store and grab your money and YOU not find that illegal?
The same thing with illegal immigrants! They sneak in! They don't register. They don't pay taxes! NOTHING and they are protected the same
as my daughter-in-law who DID become a citizen legally !!!
These hate threads make me so sad.

Where in ANYTHING I've written had HATE???
Again and again... exaggeration! Hyperbole! LIES!
I hate no one... it is a waste of energy.

Tell me Lakhota... how would you feel if I snuck into your house? What is your response? Pour me a cup of tea?
What is the difference between these people that sneak into the USA? Both are illegal. Both are not following the rules that we've all agreed to!

So why is that hateful to point out that these kids are NOT legally allowed to enter the country?
They should be flown back immediately to their home country. Problem solved!

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