Zone1 Where does it say in the Bible only adults can be baptized?

Yes, I deny Satan too but that doesn't have to mean that the 'hell' thing can't work here.

Which train station are you planning to get off? If we can say there are roughly 100 stops on the route, you might get off at the 30th., I'll get off at the 90th., and Meri will get off within the first ten.

None are written in stone. Even I can improve my standing by claiming science's grounds of perceived reality.

Do you think there's another train that could run in the black, for the Christians who have unquestioned faith that their bibles are the absolute true word of the god?

The thing is my friend, absolute stupidity that we reject, cannot be a reason to punish them. The demands of the Catholic missionaries have long ago been discarded in the interests of humanity! BAbies and unborn fetuses can no longer be condemned to the everlasting lake of fire! It's all negotiable now.
Train stops? Grin. Let's go back to the Bible. God is our dwelling place, our refuge. God's dwelling place is among us. (Ezekiel 36; Psalm 73) Jesus notes his Father's house has many rooms, and he goes to prepare a place for us. Our heaven is with God; God's heaven is with us. Psalm 90:1 - Lord, you have been our dwelling place through all generations. With God, there is room for all who wish to dwell with Him, because God wishes to dwell with us.

Reflect: How close do we wish to be to God? How close do we want God to be to us? How many dream that their room in God's house be the outhouse?

This thread about Baptism came to my mind this morning during Mass. The Gospel was taken from Mark 9, where Jesus put his arms around a child and said:
“Whoever receives one child such as this in my name, receives me;
and whoever receives me,
receives not me but the One who sent me.”
You've been lying to me Ding. Here's proof of the first 5 stops along the train's route. The exact destination only being left to be decided on the believability of the parent's chosen Christian cult.

(updated hell)
Arguing dogma with a militant atheist is like wrestling with a pig in the mud. It's not something intelligent people should do.
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And that choice is to choose between good and the absence of good. You will either be eternally united with God (goodness) or eternally separated from God (absence of goodness). Satan chose to be eternally separated from God (absence of goodness).
You take the Bible literally.
What did Jesus write?

their message was spiritual they died for that is not in the christian bible the repudiation of judaism - their commandments, hereditary idolatry and spoke openly the litany of secular embellishments - treat everyone as equals.

“Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani”

they did not chose the time for their death what writings they may have made were destroyed as non exist.
their message was spiritual they died for that is not in the christian bible the repudiation of judaism - their commandments, hereditary idolatry and spoke openly the litany of secular embellishments - treat everyone as equals.

“Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani”

they did not chose the time for their death what writings they may have made were destroyed as non exist.
they did not chose the time for their death what writings they may have made were destroyed as non exist.

again, crucifiers as yourself in the 4th century spent 100 years arranging their story, bible misrepresenting the events of the 1st century to suit their objectives than those who gave their lives for their heavenly cause.

Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.


their bible of forgeries and fallacies is discernible by the tragic closing chapter to the 1st century events as their misrepresentation of the very crime they committed.
Yes, I do they are spirit creatures able to influence mankind and the physical world.
FYI. Satan, the talking serpent in the fairy tale, is a just a metaphor for a human archetype, a conman and a deceiver of the gullible who misleads for the specific intent of possessing their souls by teaching them to defy the commands of God condemning themselves to death, a curse.

Making you easy prey for every sort of foul and loathsome beast and bird in the wilderness of sin

Satan and demons are not invisible "spirit creatures" except to the blind. Satan is whatever scumbag told you that you can worship a trinity, a false god, and not die but will be the god of your own universe one day when you die physically after lining for your entire life like a schnook.

Being baptized in the name of a trinity doesn't do a damn thing thing to save your soul from sin.

If you do what is right, you will be accepted by my God.

If not sin will be like a dope fiend or "demon" hiding behind your front door with a baseball bat.
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Where does it say there were babies in that "whole household"?

Where does "let the little children come to Me" equal baptism.

John required those he baptized to, "bring forth fruit of repentance "

Has that baby you SPRINKLED brought forth "fruit of repentance"?

And, BTW, baptism is IMMERSION under water. But your cult SPRINKLES and calls it "baptism"

I guess it could be worse. Your cult rapes those children and babies.
Train stops? Grin. Let's go back to the Bible. God is our dwelling place, our refuge. God's dwelling place is among us. (Ezekiel 36; Psalm 73) Jesus notes his Father's house has many rooms, and he goes to prepare a place for us. Our heaven is with God; God's heaven is with us. Psalm 90:1 - Lord, you have been our dwelling place through all generations. With God, there is room for all who wish to dwell with Him, because God wishes to dwell with us.

Reflect: How close do we wish to be to God? How close do we want God to be to us? How many dream that their room in God's house be the outhouse?

This thread about Baptism came to my mind this morning during Mass. The Gospel was taken from Mark 9, where Jesus put his arms around a child and said:
“Whoever receives one child such as this in my name, receives me;
and whoever receives me,
receives not me but the One who sent me.”
That's all fine with me if that's what you believe. I'm going to remain tolerant of your choices and I hope you can do the same for me.

My train analogy I've introduced is with the intention of pointing out that there are many half measures (train stations) along the route to the firelake. And we are already started with exploring the early stops that are more suitable for babies or fetuses that weren't baptized. There's nothing offensive to Christians in it. The churches just have a different way of stating it.

Let's briefly explore the purpose of having the last 20 stops now. The firelake could be appropriate for the Unabomber, Hitler, Nixon and Johnson, Son of Sam, and Tim McVey, but isn't it too harsh for perhaps the worst on this forum. I think Christianity has already decided that. Has it not?

We don't have to belabour the concept any further. There's no hidden message in it

That which you've written above is to me a clear indication of your sincerity, and so I will continue to suggest that you're getting off the train early. As opposed to Ding and his hatefilled disposition that guarantees him a long ride. But still appreciably short of the firelake!
Communism is naturalized humanism. Karl Marx
You've raised a good point as a possible answer in a discussion on the failings of a capitalist system, as is now being demonstrated in America.

The employer struggles to add to the population in the interest of zero unemployment, while the workers struggle to raise wages. They probably don't understand that high unemployment is their friend.

This is when a capitalist system needs to turn to Marx's teaching as a socially responsible limit to greed.

If social remedies aren't considered then there's an abrupt turn to fascism that favours greed.

See my fuller explanation in how I've explained the capitalist system to Lisa.

Your disposition as a Christian is going to tell you which train station at which you'll be getting off. Let go of the hating.
And that choice is to choose between good and the absence of good. You will either be eternally united with God (goodness) or eternally separated from God (absence of goodness). Satan chose to be eternally separated from God (absence of goodness).
No doubt in the minds of Christians that certain evil individuals will go straight non-stop to the firelake. But instead of an 'absense of good', there has to be a scale that ranges from good to bad. (the train stops) So for example Mr. Rittenhouse who doesn't deserve to burn in firelake, but will need some rehabilitation first before getting back to the station where he can choose the other train.

It's only an analogy to illustrate the point.

In effect even the fetuses and the babies will require rehab in that they will need to be baptized too before getting through the gates.
Only when it is supposed to be read literally. But I'm not sure how you made that leap in logic. Do you have dementia?
There is going to have to be some clear direction offered by the Catholic church on when to read 'literally' and when to not!

Even such examples of 'the big fish and Jonah' is still questionable to the flock!
Even such examples of 'the big fish and Jonah' is still questionable to the flock!

"In the belly of the beast" is just a metaphor. Apparently you are deep within the belly of the beast

No question about it.

The audacity of you speculating who is going to fire lake while you are writhing in it is astonishing
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