Zone1 Where does it say in the Bible only adults can be baptized?

I heard, understood, and now I'm wondering why you're still talking.

Your church told you that the flock was entitled to believe what they liked, but you had to hook into only informing everybody of your own interpretation of the 'big fish story and Jonah'!

Now you bear the responsibility, along with some others, of causing anther division in the Catholic church!

You just couldn't accept the opinion of an atheist and let sleeping dogs lie. Now the pitbulls are tearing chunks out of your subconscious a-s.

Enjoy! Now you understand why Meri saved it as her personal opinions alone.
If you had heard it and understood, you wouldn't still be playing your silly games. Be better.
He was being careless and thoughtless on not accepting the beliefs of others.
Its worse than that.

He was being careless not including what he knows to be true about reality in his speculations.

A person has to work really hard at being a phony, denying the reality he has lived in every single day and night of his life, to perpetuate his religiously addled superstitious and irrational delusions

That may impress other 'believers' in the ridiculous, but not me, and not God if God is God.

Its embarrassingly pathetic. "The ding with no clothes", prancing around naked for all to see. eew

He, like billions of others (religious or not), has confused faith in the truth with obstinate stupidity.
Its worse than that.

He was being careless not including what he knows to be true about reality in his speculations.

A person has to work really hard at being a phony, denying the reality he has lived in every single day and night of his life, to perpetuate his religiously addled superstitious and irrational delusions

That may impress other 'believers' in the ridiculous, but not me, and not God if God is God.

Its embarrassingly pathetic. "The ding with no clothes", prancing around naked for all to see. eew

He, like billions of others (religious or not), has confused faith in the truth with obstinate stupidity.
Says the angry secular gay Jew.
Its worse than that.

He was being careless not including what he knows to be true about reality in his speculations.

A person has to work really hard at being a phony, denying the reality he has lived in every single day and night of his life, to perpetuate his religiously addled superstitious and irrational delusions

That may impress other 'believers' in the ridiculous, but not me, and not God if God is God.

Its embarrassingly pathetic. "The ding with no clothes", prancing around naked for all to see. eew

He, like billions of others (religious or not), has confused faith in the truth with obstinate stupidity.
His beliefs aren't static now. He's been apprehended going through change. At least we're not going to hear him dictating any of his personal beliefs to others.

IMO he's graduated from the 'obstinate stupidity' phase in that he won't be carelessly flapping his guns anymore.
His beliefs aren't static now. He's been apprehended going through change. At least we're not going to hear him dictating any of his personal beliefs to others.

IMO he's graduated from the 'obstinate stupidity' phase in that he won't be carelessly flapping his guns anymore.
Subversives gonna subvert.
Subversives gonna subvert.
Is that a confession? If so go see a priest and ask him to tell God just how sorry you are for your sins and then to prove it desecrate the teachings of Jesus and openly and brazenly defy the first command by seeking spiritual life from a lifeless matzo MADE BY HUMAN HANDS and then eat it

IMO he's graduated from the 'obstinate stupidity' phase
Not likely. You underestimate the power of the death consequent to defying the Divine commands

Ding has openly demonstrated that there is no limit to how low he will stoop to perpetuate lies.

in that he won't be carelessly flapping his guns anymore.

If that was true it would be tantamount to someone dead for decades crawling out of his grave,

A miracle!
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Is that a confession? If so go see a priest and ask him to tell God just how sorry you are for your sins and then to prove it desecrate the teachings of Jesus and openly and brazenly defy the first command by seeking spiritual life from a lifeless matzo MADE BY HUMAN HANDS and then eat it

Jews aren't supposed to evangelize.
Jews aren't supposed to evangelize.
Seriously? Oh no! Maybe someone should have told that to Jesus and his disciples. The nerve!

FYI, I am simply alerting you to the fact that you have fallen for an old Roman joke, a scam that brazenly demonstrates pure hatred for the Hebrew God and openly desecrates the teachings of Jesus turning you into a simpleton, a schnook, as aware as a corpse, easily fleeced for life by every sort of foul and loathsome beast and bird lurking in the darkness of the wilderness of sin.

So kill me. lol.

For a clue as to what is actually happening read Revelation 18; then take a shit, light a candle, slap yourself on the forehead, and chant OWA TANA SIAM ten times and your eyes will be opened.
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Seriously? Oh no! Maybe someone should have told that to Jesus and his disciples. The nerve!

FYI, I am simply alerting you to the fact that you have fallen for an old Roman joke, a scam that brazenly demonstrates pure hatred for the Hebrew God and openly desecrates the teachings of Jesus turning you into a simpleton, a schnook, as aware as a corpse, easily fleeced for life by every sort of foul and loathsome beast and bird lurking in the darkness of the wilderness of sin.

So kill me. lol.

For a clue as to what is actually happening read Revelation 18; then take a shit, light a candle, slap yourself on the forehead, and chant OWA TANA SIAM ten times and your eyes will be opened.
Says the evangelizing angry secular gay Jew.
Seriously? Oh no! Maybe someone should have told that to Jesus and his disciples. The nerve!

FYI, I am simply alerting you to the fact that you have fallen for an old Roman joke, a scam that brazenly demonstrates pure hatred for the Hebrew God and openly desecrates the teachings of Jesus turning you into a simpleton, a schnook, as aware as a corpse, easily fleeced for life by every sort of foul and loathsome beast and bird lurking in the darkness of the wilderness of sin.

So kill me. lol.

For a clue as to what is actually happening read Revelation 18; then take a shit, light a candle, slap yourself on the forehead, and chant OWA TANA SIAM ten times and your eyes will be opened.
You should tone it down a bit if you're really a Jew. You people are already being blamed for the genocide by the Zionists.
You should tone it down a bit if you're really a Jew. You people are already being blamed for the genocide by the Zionists.
Tone it down? :auiqs.jpg: As far as I'm concerned Israel has carte blanche in dealing with the people who have sworn oaths to the death to destroy Israel and kill innocent Jewish people, which is in reality an open declaration calling for genocide. So what if Israel isn't going to cower and be destroyed.

I hope the destruction that the many antisemitic groups intend for Israel falls on their own heads.

Enough is enough already with your antisemitic propaganda. You people? Seriously? Fuck you.
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Screw you. As far as I am concerned Israel has carte blanche in dealing with the people who openly have sworn oaths to the death to destroy Israel and kill innocent Jewish people, which is in reality an open declaration for genocide. So what if Israel isn't going to lie down and be destroyed.

I hope the destruction that the many antisemitic groups intend for Israel falls on their own heads.

Enough is enough already with your antisemitic propaganda. You people? Seriously? Fuck you.
Testy Joo! I'm neutral on the topic so why do you people need to turn everybody against you?
Testy Joo!
You really have no idea! Go figure! I heard the God you don't believe in can be a little testy too...

But thats just what I heard. But don't you worry your silly self, I'm sure that you'll find out.

I'm neutral on the topic so why do you people need to turn everybody against you?
Neutral? Who do you think you're fooling? Pssst! Your words betray the secrets of your dark soul.
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Says the evangelizing angry secular gay Jew.
Alrighty then. Apparently your mind is experiencing a system wide malfunction. I'll do this much,

So far you have never asked MY GOD for anything in your entire life. He has been unknown to you
so why not take a chance and ask MY GOD to fix your brain. Its useless. If you do, it shall be done.

Remember, MY GOD, the God of Hobelim. What do you have to lose except for your delusions?

Grow a set, you spineless worm. Aren't you tired of being a false person, a golem? Remember!

No one whose balls have been crushed can become a member of the assembly of the Lord,


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You really have no idea! Go figure! I heard the God you don't believe in can be a little testy too...
I'm neutral on that too. I'm willing to change my ways and repent if I'm given some hard evidence to believe in them/him/whatever jews believe?
But thats just what I heard. But don't you worry your silly self, I'm sure that you'll find out.

Neutral? Who do you think you're fooling? Pssst! Your words betray the secrets of your dark soul.
You're feeling hurt.
I'm willing to change my ways and repent if I'm given some hard evidence to believe in them/him/whatever jews believe?
OK. For the next seven years you will lose your mind and live like a wild beast that doesn't have enough sense to either look up or get out of the rain. After that, you will know what Joos know.

So don't be alarmed if you wake up one day with very strange dreams of being probed by aliens...

You're feeling hurt.
Don't be silly.

I am locked in tight and out of range but you can tell yourself that if it makes you feel better. :itsok:
He never partied with them. Have you ever been to a party where you did not drink and get drunk. But, you were able to still enjoy yourself with your friends and family? There is no indication he partied with anyone but his own family. He went to the house of ill-repute to teach. He ate with them. But, I assure you, he did not get drunk with them. In fact, they chased him out because he called them to repentance.

What do you mean atone for my own sins? I cannot. I cannot atone for my own sins and you can't atone for your own sins either. Jesus Christ paid the price that if we repent, be baptized, receive the holy ghost and keep his commandments repenting all the days of our lives, we will reach eternal life. No man has the power nor the authority to atone for our own sins. Just ignorance to believe this.
While I largely agree with you, I would point you to Jesus' own words from Matthew 11:

16 But whereunto shall I liken this generation? It is like unto children sitting in the markets, and calling unto their fellows,
17 And saying, We have piped unto you, and ye have not danced; we have mourned unto you, and ye have not lamented.
18 For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, He hath a devil.
19 The Son of man came eating and drinking, and they say, Behold a man gluttonous, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners. But wisdom is justified of her children.

Let's not be too hasty to say that Jesus never drank alcohol. I guarantee He never drank to get drunk, but as we can see from His own words, He drank enough, at least during feasts, that others felt free to accuse Him of being a drunkard. John, as a Nazarite, didn't touch alcohol at all. Jesus was not a Nazarite.
Let's not be too hasty to say that Jesus never drank alcohol. I guarantee He never drank to get drunk, but as we can see from His own words, He drank enough, at least during feasts, that others felt free to accuse Him of being a drunkard.
He never drank to get drunk? :auiqs.jpg: I guess you never lived in Brooklyn or went out eating and drinking with sinners, prostitutes, or kept company with bad characters of the Roman underworld

Jesus was tempted by the devil in the wilderness while living among the wild beasts. This shows that Jesus was living beyond the jurisdiction of Jewish law, the wilderness, living among the wild beasts, the Romans, presumably doing what Romans do in the wilderness. According to the story

You might find this interesting to note that even after Jesus was baptized by John, as a token of repentance for the forgiveness of sins, he never stopped eating and drinking and partying with sinners and prostitutes and keeping bad company. What does that tell you? Think! You can do it!
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He never drank to get drunk? :auiqs.jpg: I guess you never lived in Brooklyn or went out eating and drinking with sinners, prostitutes, or kept company with bad characters of the Roman underworld
You claim to have historical knowledge. Why was wine so important in the time and place? And no, it wasn't a metaphor for anything else.
Jesus was tempted by the devil in the wilderness while living among the wild beasts. This shows that Jesus was living beyond the jurisdiction of Jewish law, the wilderness, living among the wild beasts, the Romans, presumably doing what Romans do in the wilderness. According to the story

You might find this interesting to note that even after Jesus was baptized by John, as a token of repentance for the forgiveness of sins, he never stopped eating and drinking and partying with sinners and prostitutes and keeping bad company. What does that tell you? Think! You can do it!
It tells me that He went to meet people where they were instead of waiting in a church building or temple for them to come in.

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