Zone1 Where does it say in the Bible only adults can be baptized?

You claim to have historical knowledge.
No I just have the amazing almost godlike ability to read between the lines of a story written during a time of brutal Roman oppression when there was no such thing as freedom of speech and people were flogged, imprisoned, maimed, and murdered for trivial reasons every single day.

Why was wine so important in the time and place? And no, it wasn't a metaphor for anything else.
So when Jesus turned water into wine you imagine what? It has something to do with alcohol?
Don' be silly. Read Jeremiah 25:15. Not a metaphor for anything else? Are you that clueless? Pft.

Take, from my hand, this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it.
WHEN THEY HAVE DRUNK IT THEY WILL VOMIT AND GO MAD. Such is the sword that I'm sending among them. "He who lives by the sword SHALL DIE BY THE SWORD."

Apparently it still works like a charm! :splat:
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No I just have the amazing almost godlike ability to read between the lines of a story written during a time of brutal Roman oppression when there was no such thing as freedom of speech and people were flogged, imprisoned, maimed, and murdered for trivial reasons every single day.

So when Jesus turned water into wine you imagine what? It has something to do with alcohol?
Don' be silly. Read Jeremiah 25:15. Not a metaphor for anything else? Are you that clueless? Pft.

Take, from my hand, this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it.
WHEN THEY HAVE DRUNK IT THEY WILL VOMIT AND GO MAD. Such is the sword that I'm sending among them. "He who lives by the sword SHALL DIE BY THE SWORD."

Apparently it still works like a charm! :splat:
Nope, water purification. Most water sources were polluted to one extent or another and the alcohol in wine helped to purify it. You should know this.
Nope, water purification. Most water sources were polluted to one extent or another and the alcohol in wine helped to purify it. You should know this.
The real story is that running out of wine just meant the conversations ran dry. It was hard to be optimistic during a wedding at that time. So Mary nudged Jesus to do something about it, for him to talk about the ideas he was expressing and told her, "my time has not yet come". Not to do magic tricks but to reveal in words what he learned from God. But he relented. So he took the water of their life, brutal Roman oppression and a bleak future, and turned it into an uplifting and intoxicating drink and so revived the party. The story has literally nothing to do with water or wine.

The kingdom of Heaven is like hidden treasure buried in a field. The man who found it (Jesus) BURIED IT AGAIN.... If you look and look and keep on looking, you will find it. Can you dig it?

You have been diverted by superstitious archaic lore. Be real dude. The least you can do is try.
Grin. Yes, everyone holds the belief that talking about religion and politics are positives at any gathering.
Ha ha.

If you had violent Romans patrolling your neighborhood maiming and murdering your neighbors for trivial reasons what positive conversation, wine, is anyone going to have to drink before the conversations ran dry, fell flat, given the reality of the daily water of their life they had to swallow?

How long could they possible ignore the harsh reality of their lives and future in occupied Judea?
How many Jewish people are whooping it up at the prospect of trumps antisemitism flourishing?How many people out there are not talking about politics and religion now even at any gathering?

If Hitler was in power during a Jewish wedding how long would it be before conversation ran dry? Before they ran out of wine, anything positive or hopeful to talk about for the future of the couple?

Jesus showing the hidden purpose of God would have been received as the best wine ever drunk
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While I largely agree with you, I would point you to Jesus' own words from Matthew 11:

16 But whereunto shall I liken this generation? It is like unto children sitting in the markets, and calling unto their fellows,
17 And saying, We have piped unto you, and ye have not danced; we have mourned unto you, and ye have not lamented.
18 For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, He hath a devil.
19 The Son of man came eating and drinking, and they say, Behold a man gluttonous, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners. But wisdom is justified of her children.

Let's not be too hasty to say that Jesus never drank alcohol. I guarantee He never drank to get drunk, but as we can see from His own words, He drank enough, at least during feasts, that others felt free to accuse Him of being a drunkard. John, as a Nazarite, didn't touch alcohol at all. Jesus was not a Nazarite.
Jesus from Nazareth was not a Nazarite? Doesn't that seem odd? Anyway, we are taught that we should shun the appearance of evil. Being at a party with drunk people tend to start stories that you also must be a drunkard. My father always said, "You are who you hang around." Here's the difference, Jesus did not hang around these people including family. He was much away from them as possible. So, Matthew certainly could have had the wrong impression of Jesus. Or, someone who translated did this sometime in the future. Also, Jesus usually made the wine and it was drunk the same day which means it would not have been enough alcohol in the wine to make anyone drunk, really. Probably as much as root beer today. Or, Jesus made sure his wine was more like root beer.
But, I found easily that it is expected to hand over some cash to the priest doing the baptism. Wink, wink...
Many denominations, including the Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Anglican, Methodist, and Reformed, hold to the definition of sacrament formulated by Augustine of Hippo: an outward sign of an inward grace, that has been instituted by Jesus Christ.
Ha ha.

If you had violent Romans patrolling your neighborhood maiming and murdering your neighbors for trivial reasons .............

The world hasn't turned against the Zionist regime for just 'trivial' reasons. Murdering thousands of children on excuses of being near Hamas' freedom fighters is an example of pure evil.
Ha ha.

If you had violent Romans patrolling your neighborhood maiming and murdering your neighbors for trivial reasons what positive conversation, wine, is anyone going to have to drink before the conversations ran dry, fell flat, given the reality of the daily water of their life they had to swallow?

How long could they possible ignore the harsh reality of their lives and future in occupied Judea?
How many Jewish people are whooping it up at the prospect of trumps antisemitism flourishing?How many people out there are not talking about politics and religion now even at any gathering?

If Hitler was in power during a Jewish wedding how long would it be before conversation ran dry? Before they ran out of wine, anything positive or hopeful to talk about for the future of the couple?

Jesus showing the hidden purpose of God would have been received as the best wine ever drunk


Rome wanted the Jews to stay peaceful and pay their taxes. Pontius Pilate was on notice that his life and job was at risk if they rebelled.
Rome threatened Pontius Pilate in a few ways, including:

The Samaritan uprising
Pilate was ordered home to Rome by the legate of Syria after he violently suppressed an armed Samaritan movement on Mount Gerizim. Pilate was accused of cruelty and oppression, and of executing men without proper trial.

The Jerusalem leaders
The Jerusalem leaders saw Jesus as a threat to their power and asked Pilate to crucify him. Pilate was concerned about Jesus, but he used the request to increase his power over the leaders.

The crowds
Pilate questioned the crowds about what to do with Jesus to test their support for him. The crowds expressed support for Pilate's action, which was manipulated by the Jerusalem
The world hasn't turned against the Zionist regime for just 'trivial' reasons. Murdering thousands of children on excuses of being near Hamas' freedom fighters is an example of pure evil.
I was citing the conditions in first century Judea and the story of Jesus turning water into wine.

Pay attention!

As far as pure evil is concerned what is pure evil is Palestinians brainwashing their own children to hate Jewish people from childhood as if it was a religious duty to slander, persecute, and kill them wherever they are to become martyrs and "heroes" worthy of God's paradise. Thats pure evil.

One of those demons even called daddy all proud to tell him he killed defenseless unarmed Jews.
And then you have the audacity to openly parrot their hatred and brazen antisemitic propaganda?

Copra sanctum!

Israel responding to an open act of war, atrocities, when innocent civilians were indiscriminately taken hostage, killed, raped, tortured, and babies were mutilated, bears no guilt in their actions.

Hamas "freedom fighters"?

Wow. Either you are really stupid or pure evil yourself.
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Alrighty then. Apparently your mind is experiencing a system wide malfunction. I'll do this much,

So far you have never asked MY GOD for anything in your entire life. He has been unknown to you
so why not take a chance and ask MY GOD to fix your brain. Its useless. If you do, it shall be done.

Remember, MY GOD, the God of Hobelim. What do you have to lose except for your delusions?

Grow a set, you spineless worm. Aren't you tired of being a false person, a golem? Remember!

No one whose balls have been crushed can become a member of the assembly of the Lord,


You have no God other than yourself. My God is the God of Abraham.
OK. For the next seven years you will lose your mind and live like a wild beast that doesn't have enough sense to either look up or get out of the rain. After that, you will know what Joos know.

So don't be alarmed if you wake up one day with very strange dreams of being probed by aliens...

Don't be silly.

I am locked in tight and out of range but you can tell yourself that if it makes you feel better. :itsok:
You do realize that you are batshit crazy, right?

Rome wanted the Jews to stay peaceful and pay their taxes. Pontius Pilate was on notice that his life and job was at risk if they rebelled.
Yes, the Romans maintained a generally peaceful empire. That doesn't mean revolts couldn't have occurred, though, because one certainly did in Judea.
My God is the God of Abraham.
Right. :auiqs.jpg:

If that was true you wouldn't worship an imaginary trinity that diddled a virgin to become a man who was derided, rejected, tortured, and crucified as a perfect human sacrifice to himself so that you can be an asshole and sin with impunity for life because he loved the Roman world so much.

You might not realize this ding (go figure) but some things just can't be faked. You are such a dick

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Yes, the Romans maintained a generally peaceful empire.
Sure. Pax Romana.

When human life was meaningless, there was no such thing as liberty, free speech, or justice and when anyone who stepped out of line was maimed, killed, thrown in a dungeon or became a slave

Its was great.
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I was citing the conditions in first century Judea and the story of Jesus turning water into wine.

Pay attention!

As far as pure evil is concerned what is pure evil is Palestinians brainwashing their own children to hate Jewish people from childhood as if it was a religious duty to slander, persecute, and kill them wherever they are to become martyrs and "heroes" worthy of God's paradise. Thats pure evil.
Forget the jews, we're talking about the Zionists and everybody hates them now. How do they do that so easily? I think their hating has always been directly related to their comeuppance. Then the good jews that are left get the bum rap!
Hamas "freedom fighters"?

Wow. Either you are really stupid or pure evil yourself.
Are you a Zionist pretending to be a jew? Explain yourself!
Forget the jews, we're talking about the Zionists and everybody hates them now.
No. I was talking to meri when she commented on my explanation of Jesus turning water into wine. Then for some mysterious reason y'all interjected yourselves with y'alls antisemitic tripe.

Who is this we? Who is "everybody"? How many of y'all are there? What name do y'all go by?

On second thought. Fuhgeddaboudit. I don't care. You can tell me about being swallowed whole by a self negating multiplicity that is slowly disintegrating into nothingness seven years from now.
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Right. :auiqs.jpg:

If that was true you wouldn't worship an imaginary trinity that diddled a virgin to become a man who was derided, rejected, tortured, and crucified as a perfect human sacrifice to himself so that you can be an asshole and sin with impunity for life because he loved the Roman world so much.

You might not realize this ding (go figure) but some things just can't be faked. You are such a dick

My God is the God of Abraham. The Trinity is not a mystery to be solved. I don't care what some batshit crazy angry gay secular Jew says because he's upset that he's a queer. Go be mad at Israel who won't allow gay marriages because they believe they are an abomination.

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