Zone1 Where does it say in the Bible only adults can be baptized?

Catechism of the Catholic Church states we do not know who--if anyone--is in hell/lake of fire.
I can appreciate that.

And so my analogy with the train can't be designating a number for anyone. But I think you're suggesting that it can be a sliding scale with no stops along the route.

How about if the conductor just throws them off the train at his discretion. The god's discretion?

No, nobody can know who goes to firelake. Some of the most obvious could make a case for themselves.

Osama comes to mind first, on him defending his reputation on grounds of revenge. Or Nixon and Johnson conceivably the same!
You've raised a good point as a possible answer in a discussion on the failings of a capitalist system, as is now being demonstrated in America.

The employer struggles to add to the population in the interest of zero unemployment, while the workers struggle to raise wages. They probably don't understand that high unemployment is their friend.

This is when a capitalist system needs to turn to Marx's teaching as a socially responsible limit to greed.

If social remedies aren't considered then there's an abrupt turn to fascism that favours greed.

See my fuller explanation in how I've explained the capitalist system to Lisa.

Your disposition as a Christian is going to tell you which train station at which you'll be getting off. Let go of the hating.
True competition leads to lower prices, superior goods and lower prices. It's darwinian.
Nobody is YET.

Everyone who defies the commands of God dies and descends into hell in the very day they do it.

Millions are in hells keeping that died when bitten during a plague of antisemitic serpents and are now possessed by a despicable orange descendant of that ever elusive talking serpent of old

The Nachash.

And that doesn't include the dead in hells keeping worldwide piled high rotting in the blazing sun


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Yes, it does in a properly functioning capitalist system.

I can't accept that without an explanation on how Darwin's enlightenment applies to economics principles.

But I'm already encouraged by your presentation of your ideas!
Good companies survive. Bad companies fail. How is that not Darwinian?
Good companies survive. Bad companies fail. How is that not Darwinian?
More like viable companies survive and usually flourish and unviable companies fail if not given a leg up..

How is that relevant to Darwinian evolution being accepted by Christian churches, as well as the rest of the modern world's countries?
No doubt in the minds of Christians that certain evil individuals will go straight non-stop to the firelake. But instead of an 'absense of good', there has to be a scale that ranges from good to bad. (the train stops) So for example Mr. Rittenhouse who doesn't deserve to burn in firelake, but will need some rehabilitation first before getting back to the station where he can choose the other train.

It's only an analogy to illustrate the point.

In effect even the fetuses and the babies will require rehab in that they will need to be baptized too before getting through the gates.
Actually there should be doubt in your mind because this Christian doesn't worry himself about any of this bullshit red herring arguments that militant atheists like yourself think are clever arguments. The only thing you need to concern yourself with is have you hardened your heart so much that you will be incapable of bearing the love of God.
There is going to have to be some clear direction offered by the Catholic church on when to read 'literally' and when to not!

Even such examples of 'the big fish and Jonah' is still questionable to the flock!
Actually it's just common sense and objectivity. You stand no chance.
More like viable companies survive and usually flourish and unviable companies fail if not given a leg up..

How is that relevant to Darwinian evolution being accepted by Christian churches, as well as the rest of the modern world's countries?
If you can't recognize the darwinian nature of free enterprise, I'm afraid I won't be able to help you.
Actually there should be doubt in your mind because this Christian doesn't worry himself about any of this bullshit red herring arguments that militant atheists like yourself think are clever arguments. The only thing you need to concern yourself with is have you hardened your heart so much that you will be incapable of bearing the love of God.
That's it! If the god feels love for anybody he'll consider carefully who he sends to firelake. The un-american or anti-american behaviour of some who should go to firelake at first glance, could be the ones that don't even need to board my train?
At what stop will 'that' Catholic be getting off?
That's it! If the god feels love for anybody he'll consider carefully who he sends to firelake.
It is not a punishment. God does not send anyone to fire lake. Its a matter of cause and effect.

The Law teaches how to remain sane in this world teeming with strange unclean creatures whose flesh, beliefs, ideologies, teaching, defile and contaminate the mind and their experience of life.

Can't blame God for anyone going to firelake. The Law came into the world thousands of years ago as "a light to the nations". Kosher Law teaches to distinguish between clean and unclean teaching and by doing so how to stand guard over the sanctity and sanity of your own mind.

If you fill your head with garbage you will go insane. The religious flotsam that oozes out of dings addled head like a foul and smelly pus is proof enough. No one sent ding to fire lake except ding by trying in vain to avoid accountability for his own sins by "celebrating" the human sacrifice of the very Jesus that he pretends to love so very much. :crying: As if he could fool God. What a dope!

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It is not a punishment. God does not send anyone to fire lake. Its a matter of cause and effect.

The whole Law teaches how to remain sane in this world teeming with strange unclean creatures.

If you fill your head with garbage you will go insane. The religious flotsam that oozes out of dings addled head like a foul and smelly pus is proof enough. No one sent ding to fire lake except ding.


Ding isn't all bad. He's just very angry because he hooked into admitting that the Catholic church made some necessary adjustments to their bibles.

The truth on the big fish and Jonah story, for one example, is supposed to be left to individual interpretations of members of the flock.
It was never meant to be proclaimed as 'not' literally true. That can only cause divisions in the flock, leaving most longtime believers wondering if they've been fed bullsh-t for most of their lives.

Now our Ding wants to walk back his personal beliefs, as his alone to be kept private.

I hope he understands that it was cruel to try to make the literal big fish story into a bible parable or hoax?
It was never meant to be proclaimed as 'not' literally true.
Right. Such knowledge was withheld from the laity for fear that it would cause apostasy.

That can only cause divisions in the flock, leaving most longtime believers wondering if they've been fed bullsh-t for most of their lives.
Thats what happened when Jesus came and taught that Kosher Law was never about food but teaching. As if that was too hard to believe. Same exact thing is happening now to Jesus eaters.

This is the time of the gentiles being fulfilled. Light always causes division between day and night

Christians like to judge the Jewish people harshly for not believing that Jesus was right when he was here, even though Christians don't have an inkling about what Jesus was actually teaching, and were always right to reject out of hand their supernatural almighty yet edible triune mangod.

Lets see how Christians do when they learn that they have been wrong for thousands of years to celebrate the death of an innocent man so they wouldn't have to pay the penalty for their own sin
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This is the time of the gentiles being fulfilled. Light always causes division between day and night
Now that's a simple and frank way of saying it!
Ding isn't the only exception to the Catholic church's intent of leaving the questions on the literally true bible unanswered.

He was being careless and thoughtless on not accepting the beliefs of others.

Had he stopped and though for a minute he would have realized that the Catholic church had established standing orders on flock members being permitted to make up their own truth or fictions in their bibles. He actually quoted the orders!

Ding obviously was careless on hooking in to the question on the 'big fish and Jonah' story. It was never meant to be challenged.

Suffer the little children who are just starting to be believers! Believe big mouths such as Ding, or slowly acquire wisdom enough to not ask the questions?
That's it! If the god feels love for anybody he'll consider carefully who he sends to firelake. The un-american or anti-american behaviour of some who should go to firelake at first glance, could be the ones that don't even need to board my train?
At what stop will 'that' Catholic be getting off?
You didn't hear a word I wrote.
Its worse than that.

He was being careless not including what he knows to be true about reality in his speculations.
I think our understandings of Ding's beliefs could be different. He did finally at least pretend to thow off the bible bullshit and proclaim his acceptance of Darwinian evolution. Although, recently he's come to maybe understand that he needs to keep his own opinions to himself.
A person has to work really hard at being a phony, denying the reality he has lived in every single day and night of his life, to perpetuate his religiously addled superstitious and irrational delusions
There was a brief period of time when Ding openly proclaimed that he couldn't believe in the obvious pap, and so he presented an argument that his bibles weren't supposed to be thought as being literally true. But now it appears that he's trying to run away from owning that.
That may impress other 'believers' in the ridiculous, but not me, and not God if God is God.
A wise Christian will accept his church's advice to not stir the pot. The 'phony' is in the fact that they have granted permission to the flock to believe all the contradictions in their bibles are irrelevant and be left silent with the sleeping dogs. Don't rattle the church's chain! Ding failed to understand and now he has all the pitbulls snapping at his a-s!
He, like billions of others (religious or not), has confused faith in the truth with obstinate stupidity.

I think there's no other explanation for their being some air space between our respective understandings on what makes him tick. It doesn't really matter! He has to own his premature reaction, and believe me, he is owning it!
Its worse than that.

He was being careless not including what he knows to be true about reality in his speculations.

A person has to work really hard at being a phony, denying the reality he has lived in every single day and night of his life, to perpetuate his religiously addled superstitious and irrational delusions

That may impress other 'believers' in the ridiculous, but not me, and not God if God is God.

Its embarrassingly pathetic. "The ding with no clothes", prancing around naked for all to see. eew

He, like billions of others (religious or not), has confused faith in the truth with obstinate stupidity.
Says the angry secular gay Jew.
I think our understandings of Ding's beliefs could be different. He did finally at least pretend to thow off the bible bullshit and proclaim his acceptance of Darwinian evolution. Although, recently he's come to maybe understand that he needs to keep his own opinions to himself.

There was a brief period of time when Ding openly proclaimed that he couldn't believe in the obvious pap, and so he presented an argument that his bibles weren't supposed to be thought as being literally true. But now it appears that he's trying to run away from owning that.

A wise Christian will accept his church's advice to not stir the pot. The 'phony' is in the fact that they have granted permission to the flock to believe all the contradictions in their bibles are irrelevant and be left silent with the sleeping dogs. Don't rattle the church's chain! Ding failed to understand and now he has all the pitbulls snapping at his a-s!

I think there's no other explanation for their being some air space between our respective understandings on what makes him tick. It doesn't really matter! He has to own his premature reaction, and believe me, he is owning it!
Subversives gonna subvert.
You didn't hear a word I wrote.
I heard, understood, and now I'm wondering why you're still talking.

Your church told you that the flock was entitled to believe what they liked, but you had to hook into only informing everybody of your own interpretation of the 'big fish story and Jonah'!

Now you bear the responsibility, along with some others, of causing anther division in the Catholic church!

You just couldn't accept the opinion of an atheist and let sleeping dogs lie. Now the pitbulls are tearing chunks out of your subconscious a-s.

Enjoy! Now you understand why Meri saved it as her personal opinions alone.

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