Where's the liar putin's proof?


Gold Member
May 31, 2009
Strafing Iranian RGs with my .50 Cal
Putin and russia have repeatedly beaten obama and the US over the head demanding "proof" that assad's regime conducted the chemical weapons attack on August 21st, and have frequently claimed that it was syrian rebels who are responsible.

So where is putin's proof that is was done by rebels? This dog is making this claim despite the fact that the UN report has not been completed or issued yet, so how come this turd can make his claims - with the anti-american chimps here screeching "where's the evidence?!!?" against obama, but not at him?
There doesn't really seem to be much evidence coming from either side, actually.
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Putin should put the 100 page report he had prepared on the internet so we can all see it. The heads of state at the G20 got a copy, we should all be able to know what it says as proof that it was terrorists.

So far, the proof is scattered about. Terrorists made a video claiming responsibility. Turkey arrested a Syrian terrorist trying to smuggle sarin into Turkey. It would be better to see everything all prepared and in one report.

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