Which caliber is best for stopping a crook? Pistol, rifle or shotgun?

Wow, so now you’re promoting another way juveniles can trans fear guns to criminals and other juveniles. Thanks for reminding us all.
I am stating a fact Dipshit.

Something you obviously don't know how to do.
I am stating a fact Dipshit.

Something you obviously don't know how to do.
I leave it up to you to keep informing us how crimInals and Gun a holics game the system to support easy access of firearms to literally, anyone who wants one. You must be speaking from experience.
What criminals do is not my responsibility.

Moronic assholes like you can't seem to understand that.
Of course not. It’s never the responsibility of anyone to make it easy to give kids and criminals guns. After all, your first responsibility is to make sure gun dealers have an inexhaustible way of selling firearms indirectly to literally, any warm humanoid. Your just doing your part to keep the ball rolling.
I bet you think so. Just keep reminding us how weak the regulations are in spreading guns around after the initial sale from a dealer. Keep talking.

Do yor parents know you are on the computer again? They ground you from using it and you sneak around and use it anyway.....they need to lock it up when they leave.
Do yor parents know you are on the computer again? They ground you from using it and you sneak around and use it anyway.....they need to lock it up when they leave.
Obviously no one has taught you anything about parenting.
That’s the whole idea. Just play dumb and you’re home free….Mr unknowingly. You do that so well.
Since you missed the obvious point - let me be fore clear:

You said:
You want to unload all your used guns on anyone who will pay an inflated price, whether their criminals or not, you don’t care.

You know you cannot, in any way, demonstrate this nonsense to be true.
All but a small number of every firearm was first sold at an FFL dealer. Illegal owners get them from people like gunaholics who luv to use the loop holes of secondary sales and gifting which is just a way
Unsupportable nonsense.
If you "gift" a gun to someone you know cannot legally own one, you commit a federal felony.
If you buy a gun to sell to someone you know cannot legally own one, you commit a federal felony.
As always, no gun is better than having any gun if the objective is to live to see sunset.

Only for you duck. An intruder would take your gun away from your pansy ass, kill you with it and shove it up your ass. Stay in Canada.
Yeah... you go with that. The gene pool can do without ya just fine. The truth is you can find "data" to support anything you already believe. IMO, those who push against 2A do so for political reasons and either already have security provided for them OR have never faced a situation where no cop was coming to help them and they KNEW IT. New Orleans, post-Katrina is a perfect example.

Eventually, you'll find yourself living in a world totally Without Rule Of Law. It's on the horizon right now, in fact. In THAT world there will be predators and prey. The choices made now will determine which group you inhabit and for how long. Choose well...
He's a useless fucking Trudeau canuck. No known positive reason for his existence.
I leave it up to you to keep informing us how crimInals and Gun a holics game the system to support easy access of firearms to literally, anyone who wants one. You must be speaking from experience.
Criminals always game the system.
Are you too fucking stupid to realize that?

What a criminal does has nothing to do with me or any other law abiding gun owner.
Criminals always game the system.
Are you too fucking stupid to realize that?

What a criminal does has nothing to do with me or any other law abiding gun owner.
They can only game the system with the help of people like you. Anyone who supports allowing gun sales to felons, the underaged and the mentally unfit because they “don’t care “ who the person is whom they transfer ownership to, IS THE PROBLEM. You and people like you who favor transfer of weapons without accountability are FOS. Many of you are internet tough guys who would likely fold if you had to be honest and accountable. You are the “unknowingly” don’t give a shit group.
They can only game the system with the help of people like you. Anyone who supports allowing gun sales to felons, the underaged and the mentally unfit because they “don’t care “ who the person is whom they transfer ownership to, IS THE PROBLEM. You and people like you who favor transfer of weapons without accountability are FOS. Many of you are internet tough guys who would likely fold if you had to be honest and accountable.
Here you go again with your baseless assumptions.

You're the one being dishonest or perhaps it's just plain old stupidity.

Yeah I'm going with the latter.
Here you go again with your baseless assumptions.

You're the one being dishonest or perhaps it's just plain old stupidity.

Yeah I'm going with the latter.

The majority of gun owners support universal background checks. The majority of NRA members support it. In states like Illinois they have found away to support legal transfer and make it easier for legal owners to buy and sell ammo and firearms to other legal purchasers.

Most support it because they aren’t as ignorant as your POV portrays you.
The majority of gun owners support universal background checks. The majority of NRA members support it. In state like Illinois they have found away to support legal transfer and make it easier for legal owners to buy and sell ammo and firearms to other legal purchasers.

Most support it because they aren’t as ignorant as your POV portrays you.
So what?

The majority of gun owners are not NRA members. And lots of NRA members support BG checks.

You just keep proving how utterly ignorant you are
The majority of gun owners support universal background checks. The majority of NRA members support it. In states like Illinois they have found away to support legal transfer and make it easier for legal owners to buy and sell ammo and firearms to other legal purchasers.

Most support it because they aren’t as ignorant as your POV portrays you.
No we don't. We understand registration is the first step to confiscation here. Your country did exactly that before kicking in doors to take the weapons. Being the Fascist that you are there.

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