Which political policy do you believe is the worst for middle / working class Americans? You can only pick one.


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
I’ll elaborate later in the thread if someone else doesn’t but I’d say hands down, unequivocally and it’s not even close, a shitty border / immigration policy has the largest negative affect on the middle / working class.
Your thoughts?
Policies that will be enacted soon after the election, regardless of who wins.
No sense in projecting, let’s talk about what we know right now…what current policy is the most detrimental policy to our middle / working class?
I’ll elaborate later in the thread if someone else doesn’t but I’d say hands down, unequivocally and it’s not even close, a shitty border / immigration policy has the largest negative affect on the middle / working class.
Your thoughts?
The American economy won't be viable without the current number of migrants being allowed in. That's been a proven fact for many years before Trump needed to pretend it's not.

After the election the political effect can be abandoned and the situation can return to normal.
Of course you can only pick one because there is only one. Democrats. Marxist demmunists. The greatest threat this country has ever seen.
I’ll elaborate later in the thread if someone else doesn’t but I’d say hands down, unequivocally and it’s not even close, a shitty border / immigration policy has the largest negative affect on the middle / working class.
Your thoughts?
You couldn't be more wrong.
I’ll elaborate later in the thread if someone else doesn’t but I’d say hands down, unequivocally and it’s not even close, a shitty border / immigration policy has the largest negative affect on the middle / working class.
Your thoughts?
Out of control spending, we keep adding to $35 trillion debt, this could end America.
In order of immediacy:
1. Border
2. War
3. Economy
The border issue is only a political issue until after the election. There are far too many indications that it's not sincere and is only being used to please those who are easily sold on it..

It could be that already the current level of migrants coming in is not sufficient. China has applied too much force against America's ability to pay a working wage to Americans who are unmotivated to work hard enough.

By the time the election is over, the shortage of cheap labour may have reached the critical stage?
The grocery shelves in the market place could already be dangerously depleted.

There's probably no solution until after the election. This is the big lie that is Trump's major drawing card, on account of of racist country.
Allowing politicians and government officials to own stock in l, accept political donations, and accept gifts from governmentvcontractors.
Out of control spending, we keep adding to $35 trillion debt, this could end America.
That's the main reason why the election needs to be over with and the immigrant levels must be increased quickly. America is quickly becoming unviable as an influence in world markets.
Of course you can only pick one because there is only one. Democrats. Marxist demmunists. The greatest threat this country has ever seen.
There's little doubt that American democracy is threatened.

And America's capitalism is bound to be headed toward more extremes that will negatively influence its working class.

Not even the D party can honestly say that it's working toward a more equal system for the working class. And Trump is even more invested in the American way of inequality.

EVen before the election America is far down the list of the world's most free countries.
NO major political party has done even a half assed job on the border,
AM amazed how a conservative party has managed to put basically All the blame on NON CITIZNS.
An refuses to fault any & all conservative AMERICANS, for ANY of the problems.
After the election the political effect can be abandoned and the situation can return to normal.

The American economy won't be viable without the current number of migrants being allowed in. That's been a proven fact for many years before Trump needed to pretend it's not.
Let’s be honest, isn’t that just something globalist pukes teach other globalist pukes to say?
All one has to do is look at the math at the micro level…
If the cost of birth is $20k per child and the cost to put a child in a public school is $15k per year and we’re giving the cockroaches all the free healthcare they can use, rent subsidies, EBT, and then there’s costs to prosecute and incarcerate the roaches for poisoning our sons, maiming, raping and murdering our daughters…etc etc…..HOW AND THE FUCK are they helping us and our economics? How is Humberto and his family of six earning a tax exempt $20-$30k per year a net gain for America?
Show us your work and reconciliation PLEASE!!!
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NO major political party has done even a half assed job on the border,
That's because both political parties' politicians always understood that the immigrants have never been accepted fast enough to meet the demands of the country's needs for cheap labour.

It's a phony issue that Trump has been able to create by appealing to Americans' racism. The issue will magically disappear by solving itself after the election.
I’ll elaborate later in the thread if someone else doesn’t but I’d say hands down, unequivocally and it’s not even close, a shitty border / immigration policy has the largest negative affect on the middle / working class.
Your thoughts?

To steal a quote....there is basically one party - the business party. It has two factions, called Democrats and Republicans, which are somewhat different but carry out variations on the same policies.

Which political policy do you believe is the worst for middle / working class Americans? You can only pick one.​

The last 2 Democratic Party administrations we had experienced record stock markets which lead to hiring booms and low unemployment.

So clearly the Democratic Party is the only correct answer to this question.

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