Which political policy do you believe is the worst for middle / working class Americans? You can only pick one.

Let’s be honest, isn’t that just something globalist pukes teach other globalist pukes to say?
All one has to do is look at the math at the micro level…
If the cost of birth is $20k per child and the cost to put a child in a public school is $15k per year and we’re giving the cockroaches all the free healthcare they can use, rent subsidies, EBT, and then there’s costs to prosecute and incarcerate the roaches for poisoning our sons, maiming, raping and murdering our daughters…etc etc…..HOW AND THE FUCK are they helping us and our economics? How is Humberto and his family of six earning a tax exempt $20-$30k per year a net gain for America?
Show us your work and reconciliation PLEASE!!!
Some few immigrants can have undesirable traits, but that is far outnumbered by American citizens. Is there any metric in which that isn't true. The most relevant of them all has to be the shootings and mass shootings by native Americans, compared to those by immigrants.

All the countries from which they came are comparatively peaceful citizens trying to escape similar gun violence.
Some few immigrants can have undesirable traits, but that is far outnumbered by American citizens. Is there any metric in which that isn't true. The most relevant of them all has to be the shootings and mass shootings by native Americans, compared to those by immigrants.

All the countries from which they came are comparatively peaceful citizens trying to escape similar gun violence.
NO NO….don’t move the goalpost and ignore the math…Tell us, how do illegals improve and enhance our economics?
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NO major political party has done even a half assed job on the border,
AM amazed how a conservative party has managed to put basically All the blame on NON CITIZNS.
A refuses to fault any & all conservative AMERICANS, for ANY of the problems.
Because democrats are the source of all domestic problems in this country. By design.
The last 2 Democratic Party administrations we had experienced record stock markets which lead to hiring booms and low unemployment.

So clearly the Democratic Party is the only correct answer to this question.
That’s weird…from January 2017 through January 2021 you told us “Presidents have nothing to do with the stock market.”
To steal a quote....there is basically one party - the business party. It has two factions, called Democrats and Republicans, which are somewhat different but carry out variations on the same policies.
Correct! But they've been sold hope by Trump and there could be enough buyers to make him the king.
It's just a bit surprising that at this stage of the big political game, they buy into a corporate billionaires snake oil!

However painful it becomes, it's still best that Trump is elected and is allowed to tear it all down.

There's no other way out of the very wealthy's choke hold on the working class. Kamala's snake oil is just a bit slower acting.

Get it done ffs.
Because democrats are the source of all domestic problems in this country. By design.
They own a half share at least. The working class hasn't hesitated to buy both parties snake oil.

Only this time a corporate billionaire is doing a good job of selling a 'whopper' that even the trash collector should be aware of!
That’s weird…from January 2017 through January 2021 you told us “Presidents have nothing to do with the stock market.”
I think you’re getting the stock market confused with gasoline prices.

What is most often said is that the stock market isn’t the economy.

Presidential policies do have an effect on the Stock Market. Even with the supposedly onerous regulation, Obama’s climbed 149%. Biden’s has crested 40,000.
NO NO….don’t move the goalpost and ignore the math…Tell us, how to illegals improve and enhance our economics?
It's really quite simple to explain! You should have no trouble absorbing it.

the immigrants are filling jobs at an affordable price for America and the demand for their labour is still not fulfilled.

This is how capitalism works! There is a solution and that's in putting the clamps on capitalist enterprise that dictates some limited control over them not choosing American workers.

And so even though that is then exercising undue control over capitalist employers, it still may need to happen?

And that's Trump's plan of course. Reduce or stop the immigrants!

And so the only question remaining is on whether Trump, a corporatist at heart, will interfere with American enterprise that depends on cheap labour to be viable.

Does he have more love in his heart for the working class, over the employers? I think that America has reached the point at which Trump has to be given a chance to prove his love for workers!

Now isn't that the most simple answer to understand?
Yup. Death of the country via destroying our currency.
With cheap immigrant labour, America has a great ability to satisfy the demands of the unhappy working class. Trump has a lot to work with!
Give him a chance! It will be a great booming success or it will be the culmination of the American experiment with democracy for the very wealthy.

I can speak with absolute confidence, following a coup attempt and the American people being very, very pissed off!

Pissed off enough to bring out the guns??
I think you’re getting the stock market confused with gasoline prices.

What is most often said is that the stock market isn’t the economy.

Presidential policies do have an effect on the Stock Market. Even with the supposedly onerous regulation, Obama’s climbed 149%. Biden’s has crested 40,000.
Hmmm… Harpy Eagle is that true?
Mac1958 is that true?
I’ll elaborate later in the thread if someone else doesn’t but I’d say hands down, unequivocally and it’s not even close, a shitty border / immigration policy has the largest negative affect on the middle / working class.
Your thoughts?

Liberalism...aka filthy commie dem mindset.

If not allowed as a choice, then open border.

liberal brain cure cen.jpg
We can wrap this up now in a few words:

Can the producers of groceries who pay migrants 5 bucks an hour, still make a profit by employing Americans and paying them the expected 20 bucks an hour?

Trump at least infers that is going to happen!

Will the owners of businesses fall out of love with Trump?

Let’s be honest, isn’t that just something globalist pukes teach other globalist pukes to say?
All one has to do is look at the math at the micro level…
If the cost of birth is $20k per child and the cost to put a child in a public school is $15k per year and we’re giving the cockroaches all the free healthcare they can use, rent subsidies, EBT, and then there’s costs to prosecute and incarcerate the roaches for poisoning our sons, maiming, raping and murdering our daughters…etc etc…..HOW AND THE FUCK are they helping us and our economics? How is Humberto and his family of six earning a tax exempt $20-$30k per year a net gain for America?
Show us your work and reconciliation PLEASE!!!
View attachment 1016282

We can wrap this up now in a few words:

Can the producers of groceries who pay migrants 5 bucks an hour, still make a profit by employing Americans and paying them the expected 20 bucks an hour?

Trump at least infers that is going to happen!

Will the owners of businesses fall out of love with Trump?

hahaha…Do you see what you do?
You ignore my solid proven math in the post above and then you come up with fictional figures like “5 bucks an hour”.
Look, no illegal is making $5 an hour, that’s simply a number Libs make up to justify their desire for new-age slaves who will make litters of Democrat voting babies.

Lets wrap this up in a few words…..If brown ‘immigrants’ were so great for economies why doesn’t Canada beg for 10 million of ours?
hahaha…Do you see what you do?
You ignore my solid proven math in the post above and then you come up with fictional figures like “5 bucks an hour”.
Look, no illegal is making $5 an hour, that’s simply a number Libs make up to justify their desire for new-age slaves who will make litters of Democrat voting babies.
How much do they really get paid? Is it enough for Americans to take the jobs for the same price?

This is really getting down to the guts of the debate now. Is Trump going to stop the migrants and demand that emploers pay a rate that is satisfactory to Americans? Maybe he will! Find somebody who cares. It's not my concern.
Lets wrap this up in a few words…..If brown ‘immigrants’ were so great for economies why doesn’t Canada beg for 10 million of ours?
Canada's needs are being mostly fulfilled but we're still encouraging more to come.
That's the main reason why the election needs to be over with and the immigrant levels must be increased quickly. America is quickly becoming unviable as an influence in world markets.
Immigrant levels are fine, we need less illegal aliens.
Some few immigrants can have undesirable traits, but that is far outnumbered by American citizens. Is there any metric in which that isn't true. The most relevant of them all has to be the shootings and mass shootings by native Americans, compared to those by immigrants.

All the countries from which they came are comparatively peaceful citizens trying to escape similar gun violence.
Canada can become a great country, just have them take 10 million illegal aliens from the US and you will be so relevant.

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