Which political policy do you believe is the worst for middle / working class Americans? You can only pick one.

The American economy won't be viable without the current number of migrants being allowed in. That's been a proven fact for many years before Trump needed to pretend it's not.

After the election the political effect can be abandoned and the situation can return to normal.
The illegals are costing American taxpayers almost $200 billion a year - that’s net - to say nothing of lowering property values and the caliber of schools in the areas they invade. They drive up the cost of rent and goods, and compete with Americans for jobs and suppress wages,

How does that help make our economy “viable”?
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The illegals are costing American taxpayers almost $200 billion a year - that’s net - to say nothing of lowering property values and the caliber of schools in the areas they invade. They drive up the cost of rent and goods, and compete with Americans for jobs and suppress wages,

How does that help make our economy “viable”?
Your key point is in them suppressing wages. All capitalist systems are a fight between employers trying to suppress wages, and workers trying to raise wages.

The employer in a capitalist system has control over lowering wages and has to maintain some restraint. They usually don't.
Some people conveniently fail to understand how capitalism works. It's a free market place and in Canada it usually works, but it naturally has its ups and downs. That's usually because of greed that happens on both sides.

The employers will be happy with the zero uneemployment they create!

What sort of limitations do you think could be placed on the capitalist system?
No sense in projecting, let’s talk about what we know right now…what current policy is the most detrimental policy to our middle / working class?
The federal government bailing out big businesses and big banks while letting small businesses and small farms go under.

This happened during regimes of both parties.

It is an illusion that they are substantially different in any way, when it comes to how the establishment and economy is run.
I’ll elaborate later in the thread if someone else doesn’t but I’d say hands down, unequivocally and it’s not even close, a shitty border / immigration policy has the largest negative affect on the middle / working class.
Your thoughts?

The AGW luddite agenda. Lowering Standards of living in the hope that whatever we do might could maybe should fix something that may could maybe might be happening.
The federal government bailing out big businesses and big banks while letting small businesses and small farms go under.
While I don’t agree with government meddling at any level, the reason for the bailouts is clear…Big Biz / Big Banks had the means to pay back bailout loans and the Feds had reasons to protect The People’s money / investments.
Sadly, if little Cletus milking a few cows in PoDunk, America went out of business The People’s money wasn’t at stake.
This happened during regimes of both parties.
See above
It is an illusion that they are substantially different in any way, when it comes to how the establishment and economy is run.
One Party wants 50 million illegals and one Party doesn’t. Lets go with that on it’s face…isn’t that a substantial difference?
Your key point is in them suppressing wages. All capitalist systems are a fight between employers trying to suppress wages, and workers trying to raise wages.

The employer in a capitalist system has control over lowering wages and has to maintain some restraint. They usually don't.
Some people conveniently fail to understand how capitalism works. It's a free market place and in Canada it usually works, but it naturally has its ups and downs. That's usually because of greed that happens on both sides.

The employers will be happy with the zero uneemployment they create!

What sort of limitations do you think could be placed on the capitalist system?
Suppressing wages wasn’t my key point. In fact, it was the last point I raised. Because you are an anti-capitalist, that’s what you seized upon.

These illegals are doing a lot more damage than merely suppressing wages. They are costing HONEST Americans almost $200 billion in taxes, ruining their property values, and lowering the caliber of public school education.
Suppressing wages wasn’t my key point. In fact, it was the last point I raised. Because you are an anti-capitalist, that’s what you seized upon.
I'm a Canadian capitalist. But I can understand your criticism of Canada's capitalist system on account of certain elements that differ from America's. That's to the points that I tried to introduce to our discussion. It's the social (socialist) aspect that differs.
These illegals are doing a lot more damage than merely suppressing wages.
I'm not refusing a discussion on the claims you're making. In Canada, accepting hundreds of thousands of immigrants has some downsides to consider. Some Canadians too will never accept them.
They are costing HONEST Americans almost $200 billion in taxes, ruining their property values, and lowering the caliber of public school education.
Yes, and they are some of the downside for America that needs to be weighed against the upside of allowing immigration.

IMMIGRATION! American praises it's virtue Lisa. There are two sides of the situation to consider. You will likely have a better grasp of the situation in America than I.

Is 200 billion to high a cost to pay? I'm not an American economist so I could only guess carelessly.
One Party wants 50 million illegals and one Party doesn’t. Lets go with that on it’s face…isn’t that a substantial difference?
They are both using the issue to create a global technocratic police state.

Even racists like you, will now support a digital ID which will strip Americans of their civil rights and civil liberties.

Once they have a digital ID, they can then control whether or not you have access to the internet, how you spend your money, and your access to public and commercial places.

I doubt you will be able to access the web, once they get that done, b/c most of your views are politically incorrect.

You are so dumb, you don't even know that you will be supporting your own banishment.

" . . Make no mistake, this is not targeted at illegals. Consider that for most of Trump’s presidency, he continued the catch and release program, just like his usurping predecessor did. This is aimed at the American people and it wouldn’t surprise me if he gets back in the White House that he implements it, setting it all up to demand such biometrics of American citizens, which will happen instantly when Americans are traveling in and out of the country.

Here’s the full transcript of his remarks. . . "

TRUMP - Under the Guise of Biometrics Immigration, It's being used on citizens​

One Party wants 50 million illegals and one Party doesn’t. Lets go with that on it’s face…isn’t that a substantial difference?
There is a big problem with your conclusion. The R Party has done nothing to stop or limit illegal immigration. You should know better than to believe their words. Actions are what counts.
I'm a Canadian capitalist. But I can understand your criticism of Canada's capitalist system on account of certain elements that differ from America's. That's to the points that I tried to introduce to our discussion. It's the social (socialist) aspect that differs.

I'm not refusing a discussion on the claims you're making. In Canada, accepting hundreds of thousands of immigrants has some downsides to consider. Some Canadians too will never accept them.

Yes, and they are some of the downside for America that needs to be weighed against the upside of allowing immigration.

IMMIGRATION! American praises it's virtue Lisa. There are two sides of the situation to consider. You will likely have a better grasp of the situation in America than I.

Is 200 billion to high a cost to pay? I'm not an American economist so I could only guess carelessly.
You are fully aware that you are conflating immigrants with illegals. You Dems are so dishonest.

Yes, $200 billion is too much to pay for unskilled, uneducated illegal aliens who lower property values, ruin the caliber of schools, cost Americans a fortune, contribute to crime and gangs, drive up rental prices, and suppress. They are a net negative.
The R Party has done nothing to stop or limit illegal immigration.

You are fully aware that you are conflating immigrants with illegals. You Dems are so dishonest.
I'm a Canadian and not a Dem. If I was an American I would support Trump. I've made that publicly known for at least 6 month.

But yes, I am conflating, and that's because I don't appreciate any relevant difference. The difference is in political talking points IMO.
Yes, $200 billion is too much to pay for unskilled, uneducated illegal aliens who lower property values, ruin the caliber of schools, cost Americans a fortune, contribute to crime and gangs, drive up rental prices, and suppress. They are a net negative.
I hear your claim of them being a net negative but I'm in no hurry to accept even the 200 billion number without some substantiation.

Without disagreeing with you while I have no proof to offer, I can only say that Canada gains a net benefit with immigrants. For the most part they become assets to our economy in that they come with an ambitious attitude and an ability to learn higher skills and work hard at the challenge.

Could you be bringing too much politics into the question?

I can at least accept that the atmosphere on our respective border has become vastly different.

There is a big problem with your conclusion. The R Party has done nothing to stop or limit illegal immigration. You should know better than to believe their words. Actions are what counts.
You mean other than make it crystal clear that we don’t want anymore Mexicans, other than building a new wall, expanding the immigration courts for faster more streamline deportations, locking criminals in cages rather than turning them loose to rape and smash Lake Riley’s skull, forcing Mexico to adhere to a remain in Mexico policy, threatening to cut funding to Mexico and sanctuary cities and other than having the most secure border in 45 years?
Are you guys really this delusional?
You mean other than make it crystal clear that we don’t want anymore Mexicans, other than building a new wall, expanding the immigration courts for faster more streamline deportations, locking criminals in cages rather than turning them loose to rape and smash Lake Riley’s skull, forcing Mexico to adhere to a remain in Mexico policy, threatening to cut funding to Mexico and sanctuary cities and other than having the most secure border in 45 years?
Are you guys really this delusional?
Tell me exactly what the R Party has done to stop illegal immigration over the past 40 years.

Reagan gave them amnesty and was supposed increase border security, to stop future immigrants. How did that work out?
Tell me exactly what the R Party has done to stop illegal immigration over the past 40 years.

Reagan gave them amnesty and was supposed increase border security, to stop future immigrants. How did that work out?
I just did and you, like MisterBeale pretended you didn’t see it.
“You mean other than make it crystal clear that we don’t want anymore Mexicans, other than building a new wall, expanding the immigration courts for faster more streamline deportations, locking criminals in cages rather than turning them loose to rape and smash Lake Riley’s skull, forcing Mexico to adhere to a remain in Mexico policy, threatening to cut funding to Mexico and sanctuary cities and other than having the most secure border in 45 years?”
Tell me exactly what the R Party has done to stop illegal immigration over the past 40 years.

Reagan gave them amnesty and was supposed increase border security, to stop future immigrants. How did that work out?
Reagan was dogshit….almost as dogshit as Lincoln was.
Reagan made a deal with the devil and signed the Amnesty Bill….quite possibly the single worst act for America…EVER!!
Being forced to pick one, I'll go with tariffs.

However, as I wrote in a past post, I'm no economist. I'm certain my view is bias based on what I've heard long ago of the Smoot Hawley tariff act and its effect during the Great Depression.
Being forced to pick one, I'll go with tariffs.

However, as I wrote in a past post, I'm no economist. I'm certain my view is bias based on what I've heard long ago of the Smoot Hawley tariff act and its effect during the Great Depression.
How many Laken Riley’s were raped and murdered by “tariffs” Humberto?
How many Laken Riley’s were raped and murdered by “tariffs” Humberto?

I'm willing to guess that the percentage of rapes and murders in this country are overwhelmingly perpetrated by U.S. citizens as opposed to illegal aliens. It's your point and so why don't you provide the figures for each and prove me wrong?

It certainly seems silly that anybody concerned about their personal safety as they head out their door neglects consideration of the main culprits of these crimes.
I just did and you, like MisterBeale pretended you didn’t see it.
“You mean other than make it crystal clear that we don’t want anymore Mexicans, other than building a new wall, expanding the immigration courts for faster more streamline deportations, locking criminals in cages rather than turning them loose to rape and smash Lake Riley’s skull, forcing Mexico to adhere to a remain in Mexico policy, threatening to cut funding to Mexico and sanctuary cities and other than having the most secure border in 45 years?”
So you’re fine with talking and doing nothing. Got it.

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