Which political policy do you believe is the worst for middle / working class Americans? You can only pick one.

I just did and you, like @MisterBeale pretended you didn’t see it.
Only because you went on to pretend there is not an agenda by the establishment to force a digital ID on me.

You are clueless about why the global technocracy is doing what it is doing. Hegelian Dialectic? Means absolutely nothing to you.

You are just too stoopid to even have a conversation with, TBH.
Only because you went on to pretend there is not an agenda by the establishment to force a digital ID on me.

You are clueless about why the global technocracy is doing what it is doing. Hegelian Dialectic? Means absolutely nothing to you.

You are just too stoopid to even have a conversation with, TBH.
Face it…You hoped to sidetrack me with some Michael Moore level shit because you are too afraid to talk about the cockroach invasion and the real effect it has on America/Americans….because RACISM!
Immigration will destroy this country. Spain, Italy, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands have all realized how destroyed immigration is. it's a question as to whether they will survive. It's a question as to whether we will survive.
Face it…You hoped to sidetrack me with some Michael Moore level shit because you are too afraid to talk about the cockroach invasion and the real effect it has on America/Americans….because RACISM!
Nope, that IS the reason for the way things are. . . and now?

Because you are too stoopid to understand what is really going on. . . all you have left are fallacies.

Straw man much?

I’ll elaborate later in the thread if someone else doesn’t but I’d say hands down, unequivocally and it’s not even close, a shitty border / immigration policy has the largest negative affect on the middle / working class.
Your thoughts?
Reconcile that for us would you please?

Take a look at Japan. They are doing all they can to bring immigrants there as they are shrinking and are not going to have enough of a workforce eventually to keep the country going.
Take a look at Japan. They are doing all they can to bring immigrants there as they are shrinking and are not going to have enough of a workforce eventually to keep the country going.
Look at all the greatest nations in the world…The common denominators blow your retarded globalist based theories to shit.
They are all relatively small and predominantly caucasian…
If America’s model is so great why hasn’t Denmark recruited millions of desperate, illiterate thirdworlders?
I have no idea. The poison of immigration is killing nations around the world.
Notice that Harpy Eagle laughs at your post as if you are lying when the proof is all around him…Why does he and those like him take such pride in his/their delusions and self manipulation…Why has the issue of ‘immigration’ turned people so stupid?
Immigration will destroy this country. Spain, Italy, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands have all realized how destroyed immigration is. it's a question as to whether they will survive. It's a question as to whether we will survive.
Not disagreeing with that.

But you, like Brokeloser are missing the reason WHY the folks in charge are doing this.

You will be so outraged about it, you will gladly accept this;

How a National Digital ID System Could Improve the Internet​

But is the federal government up to the challenge?

ICE is developing new ID card for migrants amid growing arrivals at the border​


"The Biden administration is developing a new identification card for migrants to serve as a one-stop shop to access immigration files and, eventually, be accepted by the Transportation Security Administration for travel, according to two Homeland Security officials.

The initiative is part of an ongoing effort by the Biden administration to streamline processes that have often led to confusion among immigrants who are in removal proceedings – and comes as officials grapple with growing arrivals at the US-Mexico border.

Republicans have seized on President Joe Biden’s handling of the US southern border and slammed the administration’s immigration policies, including downsizing detention and limiting immigration arrests to focus on security risks. The latest initiative by ICE is likely to also field criticism from some within the GOP.

But officials say the card, likened to a photo ID, will facilitate accountability in the immigration process. The card – dubbed a “Secure Docket Card” – is expected to include name and nationality, as well as a QR code to access a new portal with relevant immigration information. . . "

The MSM likes to claim it was Trump that killed the immigration bill. Mostly it was the Freedom Caucus being against a police state for all of us that did it. When Trump gets in? He will be no different than the Democrat Deep Staters.


". . . But as someone who has tracked the advantages and perils of technology for human rights over the past ten years, I am nevertheless convinced that digital ID, writ large, poses one of the gravest risks to human rights of any technology that we have encountered. Worse, we are rushing headlong into a future where new technologies will converge to make this risk much more severe.

For starters, we are building near-perfect facial recognition technology and other identifiers, from the human gait to breath to iris. Biometric databases are being set up in such a way that these individual identifiers are centralized, insecure, and opaque. Then there is the capacity for geo-location of identifiers—that is, the tracking of digital “you”—in real time. A constant feed of insecure data from the Internet of Things may well connect you (and your identity) to other identities and nodes on the network without your consent.

In addition, systems using artificial intelligence and machine learning are used to make decisions based on our identities. Those systems are often built on data that can reinforce bias and discrimination, and are wielded without sufficient transparency or human review. Ultimately, social credit systems, such as those that are currently being developed in China, will be based on digital ID, thereby enabling or disabling our full and free participation in society. . . ."

It like you folks don't even remember WHY many Americans were originally so opposed to Social Security. The system promised a national ID, which we have always been against.

. . . but no, they have you so outraged with their lousy immigration policy, that now you will gladly choose a fascist future of. . ."Papers Please."




". . . In 1943, an executive order required Federal agencies to use Social Security numbers whenever they set up new record systems to identify individuals. But in the 1940's and 1950's, the Government made relatively little use of the numbers. That began to change in 1961, when the Civil Service Commission adopted Social Security numbers as the official identifiers of Federal employees. A year later the Internal Revenue Service began using the numbers to identify taxpayers.

But use of the numbers really exploded with the computer revolution of the 1960's. Federal, state and local governments, banks, credit bureaus, hospitals and colleges found that the numbers were handy for keeping track of people in their computers.

In 1972, Congress, concerned about welfare fraud and illegal immigration, directed the Social Security Administration to issue numbers to people who receive or apply for Federal benefits, and to legal aliens when they enter the country.

And Congress has repeatedly authorized new uses of the number, requiring people to disclose their number to get welfare, Medicaid, food stamps, Government loans and other Federal benefits. . . "
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