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Gold Member
Fading Light;13622806 said:
You should have done a search of the site. We have many, many threads on this topic already. . . . But here we go again.

It is common knowledge now that the Indo-Europeans, a White ethnic group that seems to have invented the wheel, used their inventiveness to spread far and wide, settling and building civilization in a great many lands including Ancient India. (Hence the name.) This was fairly NEW knowledge, however, when Germany was forming the National Socialist party. In recognition of the unparalleled achievements of our race, they honored the Whites who built civilization in Ancient India by adopting the name "Aryan" as a kind of general description of our people.

The modern muds who call themselves "Aryan" in present day India are the mixed descendants of the inferior parasites who DESTROYED that civilization by overrunning it, while the pure Aryans who invented that name and used it for themselves largely abandoned the failing nation of India, which, by 1000 AD, was running quite short on genuine Aryans. Nonetheless, leftards like to ridicule Whites by claiming that Hitler et al. didn't know what they were talking about in calling Whites Aryans. Clearly they did, however.

The Indian (Aryan) sage Patanjali wrote in the 150 BC that Brahmins (the highest caste of the racial "Varna" system) ought to be blondes. In other words, there were still so many Whites in India even at that time that he felt confident in asserting that being blonde would not be a difficult criterion to meet for the White upper class. It's not hard to see then that the National Socialists would have viewed Nordic-looking people to be especially exemplary samples of the White race. Hitler himself and most of his top men were not blond, however, and did not pretend that that made them less White because that would be highly retarded.

People using "Aryan" for "White" doesn't bother me a bit. In fact if it annoys leftists, which it clearly does, that alone is a good reason to do it. I still tend to use "White" myself.

Wrong, while it is true that proto-indoeuropeans probably were white/fair pigmented caucasians around the black sea or in russia. not all whites were always aryan, the meditteraneans were never aryan like greeks and italians, they largely descendt from early neolithic farmers who were a subset of mideastern. the early indo-europeans who brought the language to europe were probably yamnaya as it was found out and they can be modelled as 70% baltic/slavic and 30% modern day pashtun (a ethnic group in afghanistan and pakistan) so they were not "pure white" neither were all whites "aryans", modern day indians or many of the northindians have larger amount of ydna R1a and autosomal northeurasian steppe then italians or greeks especially then sicilians who are largely of eastern meditteranean and mideastern ancestry and cypriots are hellenised arabs to begin with. the closest people to proto-indoeuropeans would be balts like lithuania and russians while italians are less indoeuroupean genetically both ydna and autosomal then modern day indians. aryan never meant white. and its true that aryan means nordic as aryans were never black haired and brown eyed like ancient greeks, ancient jews, ancient etruscans etc. they were black haired like you can see on their pottery and had meditteranean features and descendendent from middle eastern farmers. and all europeans are mixed just like indians, europeans are not pure indoeuropeans they got their language from aryans but they are not genetically 100% aryan they also have a mesolithic component which is close to native americans and people like saami, they have mideastern dna and they have whg, and many whg were dark skinned but with blue eyes. europeans are a genetic mix and even part non-human like neanderthal. the only pure humans are some isolated blacks. its also wrong that aryans brought civilisation to india, the pre-aryans in india had first biggest urban civilisation in world, and aryans brought some new stuff and soon got indianised and assimilated into the indian fabric, and india is not a shithole civlisation indians are very smart as you can see they win all spelling bees and are good with computers and engineering. and 40% of nasa employees are indians. i now you wont let my post appear because you are afraid of the truth, lol.

White VS Aryan? - Stormfront
Mortimer --- We have a policy to not allow links to sites that have active discussion forums.

And in this case --- we do not want any material from Stormfront. We consider it as vile as linking to the Al Queda or ISIS "magazine" sites.

My suggestion is to go back into that ORIGINAL discussion and defend your position with more broadly accepted material.

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