white europeans didnt bring slavery to the americas and it was never about race

oh fucking bullshit,,,

tell me what other race was vulnerable enough that they could be enslaved
A variety of indigenous peoples would be one example, and they were enslaved early on. Your argument seems to be that vulnerability is the chief reason for black slavery in America.
A variety of indigenous peoples would be one example, and they were enslaved early on. Your argument seems to be that vulnerability is the chief reason for black slavery in America.
correct and in their regions and areas they are enslaved,, just like in china there are chinese slaves,,
with blacks because blacks were selling them by the millions on the open market they not only were vulnerable to slavery but had their own selling them, having mostly blacks in america is just a result of circumstances not because they were black,,

tell me oh great one are all the millions of black slaves that currently exist owned because they are black or because they are vulnerable??

did the indians of america have indian slaves because they were indians ??

what about the white slaves that exist today, are they slaves because they are white or because they are vulnerable??

face it your white guilt is yours and yours alone

how are you not trolling since you refuse to address the subject matter of the thread??
I watched the video, and here is my take on it. Parts of it I agree with and parts I don’t.

I agree with his overall take on slavery around the world throughout history and with growing abolition movement, though those religious groups are not analogous with today’s right or left.

Where I take issue, is here:

The idea that because of history of slavery world wide, slavery in America should have a minor role in our own history. Out history, if you exclude pre-Colonial history, is how long? How much of it included slavery?

Abolition in this country was hard won and not cleanly won. While technically free, that freedom was short lived and the gains quickly reversed through legislative actions and culturally approved lawlessness that maintained inequality and servitude based on race. The Civil did not end the culture of raced based slavery in our country. That came with the civil rights movement long after the rest of the western world had ended it.

It is a significant part of our history, while did not originate but vulnerability (I agree with him there) in our country it became race based because we needed to be able to justify slave labor in the midst of a growing revulsion to it. The way to do that was to dehumanize black people as either subhuman brutes or childlike humanoids intellectually incapable of governing themselves. It is this process, after slavery ended that Sowell conveniently skips over.
correct and in their regions and areas they are enslaved,, just like in china there are chinese slaves,,
with blacks because blacks were selling them by the millions on the open market they not only were vulnerable to slavery but had their own selling them, having mostly blacks in america is just a result of circumstances not because they were black,,

tell me oh great one are all the millions of black slaves that currently exist owned because they are black or because they are vulnerable??

did the indians of america have indian slaves because they were indians ??

what about the white slaves that exist today, are they slaves because they are white or because they are vulnerable??

face it your white guilt is yours and yours alone

how are you not trolling since you refuse to address the subject matter of the thread??
Indiginous people in America were vulnerable. Why did the institution of slavery morph into black only? You make a big deal about blacks selling blacks but completely ignore the fact that the majority of slaves in the US were born and bred there.
correct and in their regions and areas they are enslaved,, just like in china there are chinese slaves,,
with blacks because blacks were selling them by the millions on the open market they not only were vulnerable to slavery but had their own selling them, having mostly blacks in america is just a result of circumstances not because they were black,,

tell me oh great one are all the millions of black slaves that currently exist owned because they are black or because they are vulnerable??

did the indians of america have indian slaves because they were indians ??

what about the white slaves that exist today, are they slaves because they are white or because they are vulnerable??

face it your white guilt is yours and yours alone

how are you not trolling since you refuse to address the subject matter of the thread??
How am I not addressing it? Because I am not giving you the answers you want? No dissent allowed?
The Lie: America was built on slavery.
The Truth: America isn't even in the top 20 slave nations.

America's slave history was brief, and marginal. Even in the highest slave populated states, less than 30% of farmers had slaves at all.
I watched the video, and here is my take on it. Parts of it I agree with and parts I don’t.

I agree with his overall take on slavery around the world throughout history and with growing abolition movement, though those religious groups are not analogous with today’s right or left.

Where I take issue, is here:

The idea that because of history of slavery world wide, slavery in America should have a minor role in our own history. Out history, if you exclude pre-Colonial history, is how long? How much of it included slavery?

Abolition in this country was hard won and not cleanly won. While technically free, that freedom was short lived and the gains quickly reversed through legislative actions and culturally approved lawlessness that maintained inequality and servitude based on race. The Civil did not end the culture of raced based slavery in our country. That came with the civil rights movement long after the rest of the western world had ended it.

It is a significant part of our history, while did not originate but vulnerability (I agree with him there) in our country it became race based because we needed to be able to justify slave labor in the midst of a growing revulsion to it. The way to do that was to dehumanize black people as either subhuman brutes or childlike humanoids intellectually incapable of governing themselves. It is this process, after slavery ended that Sowell conveniently skips over.
as I said your white guilt is yours not ours,, and your attempt to put it on all of us all I have to say is FUCK YOU my family didnt own slaves so dont put your guilt on me or my country,
it was a small group of people that owned slaves and we all know who they were,, todays democrats should harbor no guilt for what their party members did a long time ago,, unless of course they still feel the same way and want to use blacks for their gain be it political or monetary,,

there are now and will always be racist people, some will keep it to themselves and never express it in any way, some like you will try and create conflict by keeping race an issue for the sole purpose of division and power,, some will take it a step further and do harm to those they dislike,,

I find those like you the most dangerous,, you complain about slavery that hasnt happened in over 100 yrs while as we speak there are tens of millions living is slavery,, of all races,,
Indiginous people in America were vulnerable. Why did the institution of slavery morph into black only? You make a big deal about blacks selling blacks but completely ignore the fact that the majority of slaves in the US were born and bred there.
please tell me youre not that stupid???

you do know people have sex then have children and that the indians were killed off so their slavery ended with them and left only the black slaves,,,

honey you need to let go of your guilt,, its not your fault,,
as I said your white guilt is yours not ours,, and your attempt to put it on all of us all I have to say is FUCK YOU my family didnt own slaves so dont put your guilt on me or my country,

I have no white guilt, apologist. Any guilt is your choice to assume. But don’t warp history to justify your piece of mind.

it was a small group of people that owned slaves and we all know who they were,, todays democrats should harbor no guilt for what their party members did a long time ago,, unless of course they still feel the same way and want to use blacks for their gain be it political or monetary,,

Can’t handle dissent so you try to pretend it is about political parties? Didn’t know you conservatives were that fragile.

there are now and will always be racist people, some will keep it to themselves and never express it in any way, some like you will try and create conflict by keeping race an issue for the sole purpose of division and power,, some will take it a step further and do harm to those they dislike,,

Of course there will always be racist or other-ist people. Welcome to humanity.

And there are those who want to sweep it under the rug and pretend history starts after the Civil Rights movement because they are too fragile to handle the ugly bits of our history without taking it personally.

I find those like you the most dangerous,, you complain about slavery that hasnt happened in over 100 yrs while as we speak there are tens of millions living is slavery,, of all races,,
I find it is people like you who doom us to history repeating itself.
please tell me youre not that stupid???

you do know people have sex then have children and that the indians were killed off so their slavery ended with them and left only the black slaves,,,

honey you need to let go of your guilt,, its not your fault,,

Good lord. That is the nuttiest thing I have ever heard.

You are getting a tad shrill.
I have no white guilt, apologist. Any guilt is your choice to assume. But don’t warp history to justify your piece of mind.

Can’t handle dissent so you try to pretend it is about political parties? Didn’t know you conservatives were that fragile.

Of course there will always be racist or other-ist people. Welcome to humanity.

And there are those who want to sweep it under the rug and pretend history starts after the Civil Rights movement because they are too fragile to handle the ugly bits of our history without taking it personally.

I find it is people like you who doom us to history repeating itself.
yep,, youre full of guilt and trying your hardest to put it on the whole country instead of a very small group that is really responsible,,
Good lord. That is the nuttiest thing I have ever heard.

You are getting a tad shrill.
it helps if you explain how that is nutty,,

indians got killed off and what was left were put on reservations, and as for breeding blacks, well the slaves were already black and just letting nature take its course would result in blacks breeding,, doesnt take a rocket scientist to see that,,
it would help if you watched the video,,
slavery is always about the ,most vulnerable and depending on your location and time period any race would get enslaved,

blacks have always been vulnerable mostly because blacks are the ones that sold blacks to white people,,
currently as we speak I would dare to say there are more black slaves owned by blacks than by whites owned during our slave era.

also currently I would also say there are as many black slave as white slaves if you include the slave sex trade.

You can just stop trying to whitesplain our racist history.
The Lie: America was built on slavery.
The Truth: America isn't even in the top 20 slave nations.

Which has nothing to do with whether it was built on slavery. Slavery was the economic engine of the southern U.S. Endemic diseases such as malaria made it hard to develop the south and African slaves were found to have a greater resistance (not to mention there lives were cheaper). To say that slavery had little impact on it’s development is inaccurate.

America's slave history was brief, and marginal. Even in the highest slave populated states, less than 30% of farmers had slaves at all.

Roughly 1/3.
it helps if you explain how that is nutty,,

indians got killed off and what was left were put on reservations, and as for breeding blacks, well the slaves were already black and just letting nature take its course would result in blacks breeding,, doesnt take a rocket scientist to see that,,
Poor whites (also very vulnerable) could have been enslaved. Indeed that idea was floated at one time.

And, Mr. Rocket Scientist, your theory completely ignores the deliberate breeding of slaves to sell and how that actually contributed to the economy.
yep,, youre full of guilt and trying your hardest to put it on the whole country instead of a very small group that is really responsible,,
No one alive today is guilty of slavery. You are getting lost in time just like you are lost in history.
Poor whites (also very vulnerable) could have been enslaved. Indeed that idea was floated at one time.

And, Mr. Rocket Scientist, your theory completely ignores the deliberate breeding of slaves to sell and how that actually contributed to the economy.
poor white as well as rich whites are enslaved everyday,,

and the ones that arent know how to defend themselves
No one alive today is guilty of slavery. You are getting lost in time just like you are lost in history.
none alive today are guilty of the slavery youre complaining about,, as I said there are currently between 20-40 million slaves across the world and not even half are black, my guess are most are chinese and white,,

but sure lets talk about the ones that arent slaves but claim to be oppressed,,

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