white europeans didnt bring slavery to the americas and it was never about race

Every society in the world was enslaved at one time or another. Africans were easy pickings because they were a primitive people and their own race would sell them into slavery for a couple of baubles.
You made the statement, you should defend it. Did you ever live in the Middle East or even visit it?
to reasonable people I would,, youre just a troll I made the mistake of taking you off ignore,,

problem solved back on ignore,,
A common theme by the left in this thread:

"Yeah, history is far more complicated than how academia, the MSM, BLM, CRT, and Democrats define it.. but we KNOW, deep down inside, that American slavery was worse than other slavery. White people are just more evil slave owners than all others.

Why? Because, we just know it. It HAS to exist."

It's got religious zeal.
Which has nothing to do with whether it was built on slavery. Slavery was the economic engine of the southern U.S. Endemic diseases such as malaria made it hard to develop the south and African slaves were found to have a greater resistance (not to mention there lives were cheaper). To say that slavery had little impact on it’s development is inaccurate.

Roughly 1/3.

Did I say it had little impact? No
I said it is a lie that America was "built on slavery".
In it's highest point... slavery income was never more than 18% of the countries GDP.
Regardless of the outrageous lies taught in our schools that "80% of America's wealth was tied to slavery". A ridiculous lie.
Slavery still continues today in China/India and other nations. Many products Americans buy - including blacks - are made by economic slaves, and outright slavery.
But let's pretend that is not true and talk about slavery 200 years ago.
Did I say it had little impact? No
I said it is a lie that America was "built on slavery".
In it's highest point... slavery income was never more than 18% of the countries GDP.
Regardless of the outrageous lies taught in our schools that "80% of America's wealth was tied to slavery". A ridiculous lie.
Slavery still continues today in China/India and other nations. Many products Americans buy - including blacks - are made by economic slaves, and outright slavery.
But let's pretend that is not true and talk about slavery 200 years ago.
Slavery occurring today doesn’t diminish slavery in our own history, or what followed up until the civil rights movement. That’s in living memory. Why do you try to erase it? Are you going to erase the Holocaust?
Slavery occurring today doesn’t diminish slavery in our own history, or what followed up until the civil rights movement. That’s in living memory. Why do you try to erase it? Are you going to erase the Holocaust?
who ever said it did??

remember youre whining like a little bitch about something that ended yrs and over a century ago and ignoring the suffering of people that are currently going through even worse things,,,
key word being history,,
current realities show your history is flawed and lacking facts,,
What have I said that is lacking facts? Be specific.

we sure are having a long discussion for you to say I am not interested in a discussion as for history youre also refusing to see the whole picture of history since it disproves your narrative,, youre also just mad youre failing with facts and reality and why you keep avoiding my specific points and go off in another racist rant,,
You haven’t actually refuted anything I said. What specific point do you think I’ve avoided?

of course you try and project your guilt on me,,

This is why it isn’t worth engaging with you, you have a pissy meltdown if someone doesn’t agree.
who ever said it did??

remember youre whining like a little bitch about something that ended yrs and over a century ago and ignoring the suffering of people that are currently going through even worse things,,,

Actually, in many ways it did not end until the Civil Rights Movement. What few rights and properties that were promised post Civil War were quickly taken back to appease the former Confederacy. Jim Crowe was instituted and the KKK flourished with little interference from the law.

So you consider discussion to be whining?
What have I said that is lacking facts? Be specific.

You haven’t actually refuted anything I said. What specific point do you think I’ve avoided?

This is why it isn’t worth engaging with you, you have a pissy meltdown if someone doesn’t agree.
your right I havent refuted your over emotional rants because they are just opinions not reality,,

now on the other hand you havent refuted a single thing thomas said in the video and just went on another racist rant about how white people are bad when in reality less that 10% of the population at the time had slaves,,

sorry you failed to put your guilt on the rest of us,,
Actually, in many ways it did not end until the Civil Rights Movement. What few rights and properties that were promised post Civil War were quickly taken back to appease the former Confederacy. Jim Crowe was instituted and the KKK flourished with little interference from the law.

So you consider discussion to be whining?
some of what you say is true and explains why you have so much guilt and are trying to pass it on to others,,,

its your guilt so keep it to yourself,,
google is your friend,,
I dont have time for trolls,,

key words are
modern slavery
Key words are in the title….you seem to have morphed the topic into something different than a discussion of Sowell’s video and the claim that slavery in America “was never about race”.
your right I havent refuted your over emotional rants because they are just opinions not reality,,

now on the other hand you havent refuted a single thing thomas said in the video and just went on another racist rant about how white people are bad when in reality less that 10% of the population at the time had slaves,,

sorry you failed to put your guilt on the rest of us,,
Let me repeat: what specifically have I said that is lacking in fact?

I thought we were talking about whether slavery in America was about race. Instead you’re lashing out like an angry toddler throwing shit to see what might stick. :rolleyes:
some of what you say is true and explains why you have so much guilt and are trying to pass it on to others,,,

its your guilt so keep it to yourself,,
As I said, I don’t feel any guilt whatsoever, so stop deflecting (or are you projecting?). Unlike you, I do have an interest in history and I am not so fragile I need to white wash it in order to come to terms with it.

You seem very fragile.
As I said, I don’t feel any guilt whatsoever, so stop deflecting (or are you projecting?). Unlike you, I do have an interest in history and I am not so fragile I need to white wash it in order to come to terms with it.

You seem very fragile.
honey you stink of guilt,,,
Darlin’ …. your fragility is showing. Now put on your big boy pants and tell me what I have said that is not backed up by facts.
you havent said anything,, just whined about breeding and some BS about how it morphed into being about race when it never did,, while the whole time ignoring that there were other races being enslaved,,

sure sounds like guilt to me,,

and not once did you talk about any other people having blacks as slaves,, why is that you only blame whites for black slavery??
Let me repeat: what specifically have I said that is lacking in fact?

I thought we were talking about whether slavery in America was about race. Instead you’re lashing out like an angry toddler throwing shit to see what might stick. :rolleyes:
answer me this,, when did this morphing you keep talking about happen??

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