white europeans didnt bring slavery to the americas and it was never about race

Did I say it had little impact? No
I said it is a lie that America was "built on slavery".
In it's highest point... slavery income was never more than 18% of the countries GDP.
Regardless of the outrageous lies taught in our schools that "80% of America's wealth was tied to slavery". A ridiculous lie.
Slavery still continues today in China/India and other nations. Many products Americans buy - including blacks - are made by economic slaves, and outright slavery.
But let's pretend that is not true and talk about slavery 200 years ago.
The whole "built on slavery" 1619 CRT stuff is just so wrong... any historian who isn't a part of this miniscule but yet trumpeted movement will tell you that.
no it means they tried/claimed what ever word you want to use,, the reality is it wasnt,,

and you should learn what right and left is in this country,, right wing is conservative, libertarian and anarchy on the far right and the left is authoritarian depending on the severity,,
Your claims about the wing extremes are wishful thinking, they all end in authoritarianism, but that is a diversion.

The reality is they dehumanized blacks to perpetrate race based slavery and segregation. You can keep on pretending it had nothing to do with race but it is untethered from the facts.

The question is, do you forever condemn and brand people who held slaves as 100% evil and never to be supported... or do you acknowledge norms at the time like a responsible historian and realize the brilliance in Western American thought to create the most moral document in history, the US Constitution.
It depends. In some cases you are looking at people who were the products of their time and their accomplishments should be taken as a whoke acknowledging the good and the bad in the context of the times. In other cases acts of inhuman cruelty are just that and even in the context of the era cannot be excused.

We know which side does what.
No. We do not. Figures like Margeret Sanger come to mind. Seems you like to pick and choose.
It depends. In some cases you are looking at people who were the products of their time and their accomplishments should be taken as a whoke acknowledging the good and the bad in the context of the times. In other cases acts of inhuman cruelty are just that and even in the context of the era cannot be excused.
The thing is, only a deconstructionist would hold this standard of "you owned slaves, so you must be shamed" attitude. The modern left has this egoist notion that they are the highest morality that has existed, and they wouldn't have participated in things. The only reason you'd cling so tightly to a "if you owned slaved, you're branded as evil" thinking is to attack and crap on Western Civilization itself... and desire to tear it all down, branding everyone before you as evil so that you can pleasure yourself into some sort of misguided moral authority. You're not. You're like all of the rest of us who live in the times they were in. You're not special.
The reality is they dehumanized blacks to perpetrate race based slavery and segregation. You can keep on pretending it had nothing to do with race but it is untethered from the facts.

THEY can say anything they want to justify their actions doesnt make it true,, unless of course you also believe blacks are less than human,,
thats the same argument pedos make to justify fucking little kids,,

yes in a democracy everything ends up authoritarian and why we arent a democracy, that doesnt mean people wont try it anyway,,

fact remains dems and repubes are left wing authoritarians with dems being further left,,
The whole "built on slavery" 1619 CRT stuff is just so wrong... any historian who isn't a part of this miniscule but yet trumpeted movement will tell you that.
Who's talking about 1619 here? No one.
The thing is, only a deconstructionist would hold this standard of "you owned slaves, so you must be shamed" attitude. The modern left has this egoist notion that they are the highest morality that has existed, and they wouldn't have participated in things. The only reason you'd cling so tightly to a "if you owned slaved, you're branded as evil" thinking is to attack and crap on Western Civilization itself... and desire to tear it all down, branding everyone before you as evil so that you can pleasure yourself into some sort of misguided moral authority. You're not. You're like all of the rest of us who live in the times they were in. You're not special.
You are treating it like it is all or nothing. There are a lot of shades of grey. The modern right is no different in it's refusal recognize historical context when it exacts it's black and white judgements.
Academic misinformation: White people enslaved blacks and are uniquely evil, blacks are victims and pure.

Actual History: Blacks enslaved blacks and sold them to whites and human beings all are flawed.

No….black Africans enslaved other black Africans and sold them to Europeans…
Why stop there?

Even though Signers of the Declaration of Independence stated thus: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness...

They still had no problem enslaving a group of people based purely on their skin color.

They did have a problem with it but the slave owners in the south, who would later become the democrat party, refused to join the new country if they couldn’t keep slavery…. Then in the 1860s, these democrats started the civil war to keep blacks as their slaves.
THEY can say anything they want to justify their actions doesnt make it true,, unless of course you also believe blacks are less than human,,
thats the same argument pedos make to justify fucking little kids,,

It doesn't have to be true to justify political and cultural behavior. It is what people at the time believe is true.

yes in a democracy everything ends up authoritarian and why we arent a democracy, that doesnt mean people wont try it anyway,,

fact remains dems and repubes are left wing authoritarians with dems being further left,,
No. Not a fact.
LOL. Many of the Founding Fathers owned numerous slaves, including Washington, Jefferson, Madison, and Benjamin Franklin.

Even Hamilton, who actively opposed slavery, married into a family that owned slaves.

So, let's not fob this on the future southern Dem party.

Slavery was the ubiquitous around the world at the time….but the democrat party was the party of slavery in the United States.
It doesn't have to be true to justify political and cultural behavior. It is what people at the time believe is true.

No. Not a fact.
no its what democrat slave holders believed at the time,, the rest of the country and world knew it wasnt,,

and yes it is a fact,,
Who's talking about 1619 here? No one.

You are treating it like it is all or nothing. There are a lot of shades of grey. The modern right is no different in it's refusal recognize historical context when it exacts it's black and white judgements.
The thing is, I've never seen anyone on the "right" deny slavery existed, or say it was moral in any sense.

The "right" simply demands that people like you stop branding anyone who views the morality of American thought as forever tainted because slavery existed within it for a period of time.

You guys can't do that. You continually focus and obsess over slavery, and demand it forever be the defining trait of America. It was a black stain on the nation, but America is more than that.

Looking at the entire world, and history, can give perspective. However, the left continually denies this, chops off historical and geographical truths to better support their point here in first world paradise.

Yes, so many people here in America are just tortured... at least 75% of the population of the planet would love to have our "victims" problems.
No….black Africans enslaved other black Africans and sold them to Europeans…
And white Americans obtained most of their slaves not by imports but by breeding them.
The thing is, I've never seen anyone on the "right" deny slavery existed, or say it wasn't moral.
I've seen them whitewash it. Saying it wasn't that bad, they got free food and shelter, most were well treated etc. Then the apologetics trying to minimalize it by emphasizing the role of Africans selling to slavers.

The "right" simply demands that people like you stop branding anyone who views the morality of American thought as forever tainted because slavery existed within it for a period of time.

Clearly you have no idea what people "like me" think and rely on talking points as a guide post.
You guys can't do that. You continually focus and obsess over slavery, and demand it forever be the defining trait of America. It was a black stain on the nation, but America is more than that.
Of America is more than that. But sweeping slavery, and it's legacy of Jim Crowe (in living memory) under the rug isn't the answer.
And white Americans obtained most of their slaves not by imports but by breeding them.

I've seen them whitewash it. Saying it wasn't that bad, they got free food and shelter, most were well treated etc. Then the apologetics trying to minimalize it by emphasizing the role of Africans selling to slavers.

Clearly you have no idea what people "like me" think and rely on talking points as a guide post.

Of America is more than that. But sweeping slavery, and it's legacy of Jim Crowe (in living memory) under the rug isn't the answer.
you keep saying wjite americans,, why??
it was white democrats and the other 90% of the population didnt own slaves

didnt you say earlier you werent blaming white people for slavery??
Well Jim Crow and slavery was you guys (Democrats), not us (Conservatives)
You are confused.. for one mixing political parties and ideologies. You conservatives were the mainstay of slavery and Jim Crowe and you fought like hell to keep the status quo and keep those bla k kids out of your white schools.
you keep saying wjite americans,, why??
it was white democrats and the other 90% of the population didnt own slaves

didnt you say earlier you werent blaming white people for slavery??
It was white Americans. Does that confuse you?

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