Who are the Israelis?

Message from Israeli women to the president of Iran: "think your missiles can interfere with our cleaning for Passover?"

And Mk Itamar Ben-Gvir teaches Ayatollah some Hebrew...


wow...talk about a swing and a miss. First, that image for the airport is what it looks like before every flight, every day. I have stood in those lines in war time and peace time and in longer ones on the Saturday night at the end of Yeshiva week. So the writer has no idea what he is saying. The second hilarious thing has to do with the passports. The writer assumes proof that Israelis are leaving by saying Israelis have other pssports. That's wrong. The fact is, most of the people carrying two passports are non-Israeli but have moved there and taken dual citizenship so they have an Israeli passport in addition to their birth country. The statistic should be that people from around the world who hold dual citizenship have often chosen for their second citizenship to be Israel.

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