Who Are The Palestinians " III "

Israel is the one driving the Christians out of Palestine.

Father Gabriel Nadaf: “Thanks To Israel, I Can Have A Merry Christmas”

“Right now, while Christians the world over are celebrating Christmas, entire communities of the followers of Christ cannot rejoice. The Middle East and parts of Africa continue to drown in rivers of blood, with various minorities being targeted by radical Islamic organizations such as ISIS, Hamas, Jabhat al-Nusra, Boko Haram, al-Qaeda, Hezbollah and others.

The Christians there are stuck in the middle of a maelstrom of genocide and ethnic cleansing occurring on a daily basis through horrific acts of rape, crucifixion, theft, expulsion, destruction, burning of churches, forced conversions, abduction of nuns and the murder of priests, children, women and the elderly. Sometimes the murderers slaughter whole families, sometimes they murder some in front of the rest and then let the others live with the nightmare. People who can flee to the west, and those who can't leave or who wish to remain must live with the danger.”

Thanks to Israel, I Can Have a Merry Christmas - Mida
Yes, because the Islamic terrorists have health and safety of the disposable population as their top priority.

Those Arabs-Moslems killed by malfunctioning islamo-rockets launched from Gaza and the West Bank know they are far down on the ''loyalty" list. ''Top priority'' and ''loyalty'' belong to the Iranian Mullocrats and their cash welfare payments.

Palestinian journalists announce “top priority”: “Loyalty” to terrorists​

Itamar Marcus | Jun 5, 2023

The Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate committee has announced that the “top priority” of Palestinian journalists is “loyalty to all the Martyrs” – in other words, to the numerous terrorists who have been killed while attacking Israel:
Ummm, Israelis withdrew from Hamastan many years ago. And, the savages looted and destroyed the numerous greenhouses left by the Israelis, built to grow fruits and vegetables. So fucked up they can never unfuck themselves.
When Gazans are able to fish and farm without getting shot at; when they can receive humanitarian aid without Israeli inference; when Gazans can leave the area without Israeli permission, then you can say they withdrew. Until then, NO FUCKING WAY!
When Gazans are able to fish and farm without getting shot at; when they can receive humanitarian aid without Israeli inference; when Gazans can leave the area without Israeli permission, then you can say they withdrew. Until then, NO FUCKING WAY!

Islamic Council issues fatwa against Hamas for corruption and oppression

“The fatwa holds Hamas "fully responsible" for its corrupt and terrorist actions against Palestinian civilians in Gaza and prohibits "support, joining, or financing" of the organization.

This fatwa's significance lies in the fact that it is rare for Muslim scholars to declare an organization "unlawful," and it could influence how Muslims worldwide view and interact with Hamas.

Islamic Council issues fatwa against Hamas for corruption and oppression

“The fatwa holds Hamas "fully responsible" for its corrupt and terrorist actions against Palestinian civilians in Gaza and prohibits "support, joining, or financing" of the organization.

This fatwa's significance lies in the fact that it is rare for Muslim scholars to declare an organization "unlawful," and it could influence how Muslims worldwide view and interact with Hamas.

You are so full of shit! None of your focus has anything to do either Israeli atrocities and that is fucking bullshit! Why can't you comment on what the Israelis are doing wrong?
You are so full of shit! None of your focus has anything to do either Israeli atrocities and that is fucking bullshit! Why can't you comment on what the Israelis are doing wrong?

Hamas atrocities against its own peeps.

“Hamas Crackdown On Gaza Protests Instills Fear” “Atef Abu Saif was hospitalized in Gaza with a fractured skull and broken hands and legs.”

When Gazans are able to fish and farm without getting shot at; when they can receive humanitarian aid without Israeli inference; when Gazans can leave the area without Israeli permission, then you can say they withdrew. Until then, NO FUCKING WAY!
Acts of Islamic terrorism carry consequences.
When Gazans are able to fish and farm without getting shot at; when they can receive humanitarian aid without Israeli inference; when Gazans can leave the area without Israeli permission, then you can say they withdrew. Until then, NO FUCKING WAY!
YAWN.. As previously stated, the increased Rocket 🚀 fire started IMMEDIATELY after the withdrawal. When Gazans are able to fish without shooting at Israelis, when Hamas stops grabbing the Humanitarian Aide, when they stop trying to smuggle weapons and dig tunnels , when they stop firing Rockets into Israel MAYBE then they can come and go. Until then, NO FUCKING WAY

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