Who Are The Palestinians " III "

Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib comments on her visit to Palestine Museum US in Woodbridge, Connecticut. We were delighted to host the first Palestinian member of Congress. #rashidatlaib

Palestine originated as a Roman name for ancient Israel. Are Rashida Tlaib and the other Fakestinians Italian?

The “Pal’istanian” breeding program is designed to churn out the next generation of Islamic terrorists.

It looks like the islamic terrorists occupying Gaza and the West Bank are using their welfare money to outsource the grooming of their children to a foreign entity.

Palestinian Authority TV Report About Palestinian Youth Paramilitary Training Camp In Lebanon: We Follow The Footsteps Of The 'RPG Children' Who Fought The Jews In The First Lebanon War
Did anyone know the Pal'stinians have occupied Jerusalem for 1.5 million years?

Palestinian National Council President Rawhi Fattouh: Netanyahu Says The Jews Have Been In Jerusalem For 3,000 Years – But We Inhabited This Land For Over 1.5 Million Years​


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