Who Are The Palestinians " III "

They breed for the purpose of generating child islamo-bombs.

Libyan TV Show Host Afaf Abdel Mohsen Praises Palestinians For Having Many Children, Pushing Them To Become Martyrs; Palestinian Journalist Muhammad Abd Al-Haqq: They Have Nuclear Bombs, We Have 'Offspring Bombs'
They breed for the purpose of generating child islamo-bombs.

Libyan TV Show Host Afaf Abdel Mohsen Praises Palestinians For Having Many Children, Pushing Them To Become Martyrs; Palestinian Journalist Muhammad Abd Al-Haqq: They Have Nuclear Bombs, We Have 'Offspring Bombs'

They blow up so fast!

Hamas atrocities against its own peeps.

Online protest against Hamas: ”Stashing billions of dollars abroad while Gazans are starving or forced to emigrate.”

Don't change the subject! I want to talk about Israeli atrocities. We've spent enough time talking about Palestinian crimes, now it's Israel's turn in the batters box! You got the balls to talk about that? Or are you just a paid prick to spew hate against the Pals?

Everything the Pals are, has everything to do with their treatment from the Israeli's.
Don't change the subject! I want to talk about Israeli atrocities. We've spent enough time talking about Palestinian crimes, now it's Israel's turn in the batters box! You got the balls to talk about that? Or are you just a paid prick to spew hate against the Pals?

Everything the Pals are, has everything to do with their treatment from the Israeli's.

Muslims were never mean to non-Muslims before Israel, right?
YAWN.. As previously stated, the increased Rocket 🚀 fire started IMMEDIATELY after the withdrawal. When Gazans are able to fish without shooting at Israelis, when Hamas stops grabbing the Humanitarian Aide, when they stop trying to smuggle weapons and dig tunnels , when they stop firing Rockets into Israel MAYBE then they can come and go. Until then, NO FUCKING WAY
The occupation started a full 34 years before the first rocket flew. No you fucking asshole, the first move is Israel's. BTW, stop being such a fucking liar!

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