Who Are The Palestinians " III "

That's a true statement when you consider what Zionists have done to them.
Renowned Arab scholar Fouad Ajami: “On a barren land Zionists built a durable state. Under a long siege it maintained a deep, abiding democratic ethos. Arabs could have learned from this experiment but they drew back in horror. The Arab militaries and demagogues claimed they would win the war lost by the old order. They would fare no better.”

Renowned Arab scholar Fouad Ajami: “On a barren land Zionists built a durable state. Under a long siege it maintained a deep, abiding democratic ethos. Arabs could have learned from this experiment but they drew back in horror. The Arab militaries and demagogues claimed they would win the war lost by the old order. They would fare no better.”

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I'm sorry, the barren land shtick is old, lame and not true. There were over a million Palestinian-Arabs and Palestinian-Jews living in that area since the Israelites. In fact, Palestinian-Arabs, are the direct decendants of the Isralites. Put that in your burka and smoke it!
Palestinians ever mean to Jews before Israel ever existed?
Yes, of coarse they were! But they were much nicer to their Jewish neighbors, before the Zionist migration. Only after that, did thongs get ugly.

Now, let's get serious, who's going to win the NBA Finals? Denver or Miami? You need to answer before they delete the post!
Yes, of coarse they were! But they were much nicer to their Jewish neighbors, before the Zionist migration. Only after that, did thongs get ugly.

Now, let's get serious, who's going to win the NBA Finals? Denver or Miami? You need to answer before they delete the post!

NY Times, 1929: “Sheikh Instigated Hebron Massacre. Talab Maraka Told Arabs Death of Jewish Creditors Would Wipe Out Debts“ “Of all the tragic incidents that occurred, the outstanding atrocity was the wholesale slaughter (of Jews) in Hebron”

Sheikh Talab Maraka on inciting Arabs to murder Jews who had friendly relations with Arabs: “Why should friendship and favors stand in the way when one could be freed from his debts merely by killing off the (Jewish) holder of the obligation?” “And the simple peasant was easily convinced.”

NY Times, 1929: “Sheikh Instigated Hebron Massacre. Talab Maraka Told Arabs Death of Jewish Creditors Would Wipe Out Debts“ “Of all the tragic incidents that occurred, the outstanding atrocity was the wholesale slaughter (of Jews) in Hebron”

Sheikh Talab Maraka on inciting Arabs to murder Jews who had friendly relations with Arabs: “Why should friendship and favors stand in the way when one could be freed from his debts merely by killing off the (Jewish) holder of the obligation?” “And the simple peasant was easily convinced.”

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That's not true! Zionists went down to the wall claiming it was theirs! That's what started the riots. What about the over 400 Jewish lives saved by their Arab nieghbors?
That's not true! Zionists went down to the wall claiming it was theirs! That's what started the riots. What about the over 400 Jewish lives saved by their Arab nieghbors?

You know less than nothing. Pestilinians rejected their own statehood.

Renowned Arab scholar Professor Fouad Ajami: ”U.N. 194" is the slogan of the campaign to grant the Palestinians a seat at the United Nations, to recognize their authority as the 194th nation in that world body. This is the Palestinians' second chance, for there was the session of the General Assembly in 1947 that addressed the question of Palestine, and the struggle between Arabs and Jews over that contested land.

A vote took place on the partition resolution that November and provided for two states to live side by side. It was a close affair. It required a two-thirds majority, and the final tally was 33 states in favor, 13 opposed, 10 abstentions, and one recorded absence. Israel would become the 58th member state. The Palestinians refused the 59th seat”

You know less than nothing. Pestilinians rejected their own statehood.

Renowned Arab scholar Professor Fouad Ajami: ”U.N. 194" is the slogan of the campaign to grant the Palestinians a seat at the United Nations, to recognize their authority as the 194th nation in that world body. This is the Palestinians' second chance, for there was the session of the General Assembly in 1947 that addressed the question of Palestine, and the struggle between Arabs and Jews over that contested land.

A vote took place on the partition resolution that November and provided for two states to live side by side. It was a close affair. It required a two-thirds majority, and the final tally was 33 states in favor, 13 opposed, 10 abstentions, and one recorded absence. Israel would become the 58th member state. The Palestinians refused the 59th seat”

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Marty, Marty, Marty, you need to stop blaming the Pals for everything.
You know less than nothing. Pestilinians rejected their own statehood.

Renowned Arab scholar Professor Fouad Ajami: ”U.N. 194" is the slogan of the campaign to grant the Palestinians a seat at the United Nations, to recognize their authority as the 194th nation in that world body. This is the Palestinians' second chance, for there was the session of the General Assembly in 1947 that addressed the question of Palestine, and the struggle between Arabs and Jews over that contested land.

A vote took place on the partition resolution that November and provided for two states to live side by side. It was a close affair. It required a two-thirds majority, and the final tally was 33 states in favor, 13 opposed, 10 abstentions, and one recorded absence. Israel would become the 58th member state. The Palestinians refused the 59th seat”

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The Pals were not represented during that vote.

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