Who Are The Palestinians " III "

That's not true! Zionists went down to the wall claiming it was theirs! That's what started the riots. What about the over 400 Jewish lives saved by their Arab nieghbors?
If your first response is to deny the facts of the Chevron massacre then you are acting as much the troll as anyone you accuse of being a troll. While history records Jews marching to the Western Wall, history also records incitement predating that, and an unprompted escalation to violence by Arab leaders. Sadly, violence against Jewish communities in the land had a substantial history before this. We can discuss Tel Hai and Nebi Musa in 1920, or Jaffa in 1921, or go back further and discuss all the blood libels of the 19th century (starting in 1810) or the events of 1474 if you would like. Dhimmitude and the jizya also play into the historical attitude of Arabs to Jews but this may not be what you want to discuss right now.
If your first response is to deny the facts of the Chevron massacre then you are acting as much the troll as anyone you accuse of being a troll. While history records Jews marching to the Western Wall, history also records incitement predating that, and an unprompted escalation to violence by Arab leaders. Sadly, violence against Jewish communities in the land had a substantial history before this. We can discuss Tel Hai and Nebi Musa in 1920, or Jaffa in 1921, or go back further and discuss all the blood libels of the 19th century (starting in 1810) or the events of 1474 if you would like. Dhimmitude and the jizya also play into the historical attitude of Arabs to Jews but this may not be what you want to discuss right now.
Before the Hebron Massacre, you had to go back over 100 years before you found any major violence between Arabs and Jews.
Yes, of coarse they were! But they were much nicer to their Jewish neighbors, before the Zionist migration. Only after that, did thongs get ugly.

Now, let's get serious, who's going to win the NBA Finals? Denver or Miami? You need to answer before they delete the post!

Bulls aren't playing? Who cares?
Israeli atrocities, you mother-fucker, care to talk about them? Of coarse not, because you are a pussy!

Fouad Ajami: Pestilinian atrocities…

”The Palestinian ruin was a long time in coming. No other movement has had the indulgence granted Palestinians over the last half-century, and the results can be seen in the bravado and senseless violence...” “The Palestinians tipped power to Hamas whose very charter is pledged to the destruction of the Jewish state and the imposition of Islamist rule.”

During its recent student union election campaign at Birzeit University, which was won by Hamas, Fatah’s Shabiba Student Movement published a video showing a military procession held by the movement at the university. Participating in the procession are masked men in military garb carrying posters of terrorists (See below for more information on the terrorists and their attacks):


Lyrics: “Sort me [into Sai’qa], teach me to follow the path of the Sa’iqa (i.e., Palestinian Ba’athist faction controlled by Syria and an inactive member of the PLO)
Enlist me and train me in the Shabiba camp”

Text on sign on man’s military vest: “The Lion’s Den (i.e., independent Palestinian terror cell)
The Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades (i.e., Fatah’s terror wing)”
Text on poster: “Martyr Zafer Al-Rimawi” (i.e., terrorist, participated in violent confrontations with Israeli forces)
Text on poster: “Dalal Mughrabi (i.e., terrorist who led murder of 37, including 12 children) – the legend that does not die”
Text on poster: “Heroic Martyr Jawad Al-Rimawi (i.e., terrorist, participated in participating in violent confrontations with Israeli forces)”
Masked men are holding posters of Hamas founder Ahmed Yassin )left) and former PLO and PA chairman Yasser Arafat )right).
Text on poster: “[Fathi] ‘Abu Ra’ad’ Hazem (i.e., terrorist, murdered 3)”
A masked man with “Military publicity” written on his headband is carrying a child on his shoulders. The child is in military uniform and wearing a yellow headband of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, Fatah’s military wing, while carrying a toy gun.
A masked man is holding a poster of arch-terrorist Khalil Al-Wazir “Abu Jihad,” who was responsible for the murder of 125.

Text on man’s headband: “The Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades” [Fatah’s terror wing]
A man is carrying a poster featuring a masked and uniformed man holding an assault rifle. In the upper right corner of the poster is the logo of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, and to the left of it is the logo of the Al-Quds Brigades, Islamic Jihad’s military wing. Under the logos is written: “The Night Harassment Unit.” On the left is written: “Brothers in blood and arms”
Text on man’s headband: “Al-Quds Brigades”
Posted text on the Telegram channel: “‘Enlist me and train me in the [Fatah] Shabiba [Student Movement] camp
[Martyr Yasser Arafat Faction, the Fatah Shabiba Student Movement
at Birzeit University, Telegram channel, May 7, 2023]​
Leading up to the elections, a debate was held between the Fatah Shabiba Student Movement and the Islamic Cell, which is affiliated with Hamas. Abbas’ Fatah published a part of the debate in which a Fatah student is heard bragging about 2 terrorists who murdered 8 people in the Tel Aviv area, a third terrorist who was responsible for numerous shooting attacks, and a fourth who shot at Israeli soldiers. Among other things, the Fatah student “blesses the weapons that brought blood” and vows that “we will strike them” in Tel Aviv:

(full article online)

Before the Hebron Massacre, you had to go back over 100 years before you found any major violence between Arabs and Jews.
Actually, no. I listed 1920 (and 1921 also). If you look up the list of blood libels leveled at Jews in the greater region you will also see that, while 1810 was a start date, the attacks kept going for a while (it happened in Jerusalem in 1847). If you don't see any of this as "major" then I can understand your position. I see a track record of indoctrination, agitation and violence as presenting a continued track record of anti-Jewish sentiment endorsed by the Arab leadership.

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