Who Are The Palestinians " III "

That makes no sense whatsoever!
That makes no sense whatsoever!
You’re the one who said Judaism ✡️ and Zionism were two different things; One is Religious and the other Political Please explain since Zionism started in 1947 why there had been Antisemitism ( Jewish) hate for over 2,000 years YOU PEOPLE love ❤️ to blame everything on Israel and claim that if Israel is criticized they’re accused of Antisemitism but you have been proven to be liars

You’re the one who said Judaism ✡️ and Zionism were two different things; One is Religious and the other Political Please explain since Zionism started in 1947 why there had been Antisemitism ( Jewish) hate for over 2,000 years YOU PEOPLE love ❤️ to blame everything on Israel and claim that if Israel is criticized they’re accused of Antisemitism but you have been proven to be liars
Why continue to play his game?

He does not want a discussion. He wants to be right. It has been that way for years.


Am Israel Chai

You’re the one who said Judaism ✡️ and Zionism were two different things; One is Religious and the other Political Please explain since Zionism started in 1947 why there had been Antisemitism ( Jewish) hate for over 2,000 years YOU PEOPLE love ❤️ to blame everything on Israel and claim that if Israel is criticized they’re accused of Antisemitism but you have been proven to be liars
Judaism and Zionism are two completely separate issues!
I'm sorry, the barren land shtick is old, lame and not true. There were over a million Palestinian-Arabs and Palestinian-Jews living in that area since the Israelites. In fact, Palestinian-Arabs, are the direct decendants of the Isralites. Put that in your burka and smoke it!
Billo, Read the whole thing. And I do not want cute answers or questions after you do.

In a NUTSHELL, Muslims cannot allow Jews or Christians, any non Muslim, to be sovereign of any land conquered by Islam.

You continue to not know AT ALL who Palestinians are and how long the Arabs, now called Palestinians, have been in the region which was called Syria Palestine BY the Romans since 135 CE.

Do you know of any battles between the Romans and any Palestinians to repel the Romans from the land? Find me one.

Nowhere, in the Hebrew Scriptures, Greek or Roman records, or any other recorded history, there is anywhere written that Palestinian Arabs are direct descendants of the Israelites. Nowhere. Not even in the Quran.

If you are talking about the Arabs saying that they are descended of Abraham, this is a Fable started by the Muslims when Islam was founded 2400 years after Abraham. Arabs NEVER, EVER have it in their Histories, in Arabia, any relation with Abraham, the Israelites or the Jews. EVER.

Since Islam was founded, the Muslims have appropriated EVERY single Patriarch and Matriarch as their own. Which is odd because of their endless destruction of Joseph, Rachel's Tomb's and many other Historically Jewish places and heritage.

If they are descended of the Israelites, why do they endlessly destroy what is under the Temple Mount, instead of being proud of being part of it? Why do they continue to destroy everything else which is Jewish History, but have been doing it ONLY since Israel rebuilt itself and achieved Independence ?

The name Palestina was given to the region the Philistines lived on, which is in Coastal Gaza, a small region. He was interested in them because they were Greek like him.

Therefore the name Palestine has nothing to do with the Jews, indigenous of the area, and all other people who lived around there.

The word Palestine actually means INVADERS, because that is what the Philistines had been. A people from another place who came and invaded the area about 5000 years ago, running away from the Spartan war, and ended up conquering Israel, therefore making its way into Jewish History.

The Arabs NOW saying that they are descended of the Philistines, the Canaanites and whoever else only show their intent in taking away the only piece of land which is not in Muslim hands away from its indigenous people, the Jewish Nation.

That is all there is to it.

There is a Palestinian Museum in Ramala. But no Palestinian History at all before 1914. And the reason is that they are Muslim first, Arabs second, and were never Palestinians until Arafat turned the word Palestinians into a nationality in 1963 with the aid of the Russian KGB. That is a Historical fact.

Do the proper research, believe it or do not believe it. You are never going to be able to change History.

Israel left Gaza, totally, in 2005. The Arabs there should have turned it into a beautiful, fruitful separate Nation. They have no intention of doing it until they have take ALL of the Jewish Homeland from Jewish hands and put it in Arab/Muslim hands.

TransJordan was part of the Mandate for Palestine. The British betrayed the Jews and gave it to a people who had moved into the area because another clan had expelled them from there during WWI. The Hashemites.

So, the Muslims have 78% of the Jewish Homeland under the Foreign Hashemites. And Gaza is 2%.

Now they want the other 20%. And you want Israel to stop defending itself, or doing preemptive strikes in order to protect Jews, Muslims, Christians, Druze and all others who live and visit Israel?

Only Israel employees Palestinians from Gaza and the PA.

Only Israel gives endless health care to all Palestinians who need it from Gaza and the PA, including the leaders who plan to kill Jews and destroy Israel.

Only Israel allows Palestinians to come and study at its Universities.

Today's Arabs who live in Gaza and the PA have the RIGHT to not be used as weapons for killing and killing themselves in the name of taking back a land the Jews have every right to, the 20% left to them after decades of the Arabs wanting to keep Israel from being and since 1948 trying to destroy it.

What people destroy their children's childhood and future in order to destroy the Homeland of another people? Why do they give weapons to their children at a very early age?

Why are so many Arab Palestinians escaping, YES, escaping Gaza through Israel to find a better life?

Look for actual facts and not what you wish were facts.

Judaism and Zionism are two completely separate issues!
[ Zionism is PART OF Judaism ]

Zionism, Jewish nationalist movement that has had as its goal the creation and support of a Jewish national state in Palestine, the ancient homeland of the Jews (Hebrew: Eretz Yisraʾel, “the Land of Israel”). Though Zionism originated in eastern and central Europein the latter part of the 19th century, it is in many ways a continuation of the ancient attachment of the Jews and of the Jewish religion to the historical region of Palestine, where one of the hills of ancient Jerusalem was called Zion.
Simply put, Zionism is a movement to recreate a Jewish presence in Israel. The name comes from the word “Zion,” which is a Hebrew term that refers to Jerusalem.

Throughout history, Jews have considered certain areas in Israel sacred—as do Christians and Muslims. The Torah, the Jewish religious text, depicts stories of ancient prophets who were instructed by their God to return to this homeland.

While the fundamental philosophies of the Zionist movement have existed for hundreds of years, modern Zionism formally took root in the late 19th century. Around that time, Jews throughout the world faced growing anti-Semitism.

Some historians believe that an increasingly tense atmosphere between Jews and Europeans may have triggered the Zionism movement. In one 1894 incident, a Jewish officer in the French army named Alfred Dreyfus was falsely accused and convicted of treason. This event, which became known as the “Dreyfus Affair,” sparked outrage among Jewish people and many others.

Persecuted Jews who were struggling to salvage their identity began promoting the idea of returning to their homeland and restoring a Jewish culture there.

Apparently you have a reading comprehension problem. Please tell us why there has been Antisemitism for over 2,000 years . Hint; This was BEFORE 1948
That is a different subject! Antisimism is wrong and it has always been wrong. Finding fault with people on the basis of how they worship, is just nuts! But the last 2000 years does not give Zionists the right to walk around like their shit don't stink and treat everyone else like garbage!
Arabs, Muslims themselves are sick and tired of “palestinians”: Saudi calls “palestinians” gangsters, urges Israel to “release the world of their presence!”

Billo, Read the whole thing. And I do not want cute answers or questions after you do.

In a NUTSHELL, Muslims cannot allow Jews or Christians, any non Muslim, to be sovereign of any land conquered by Islam.

You continue to not know AT ALL who Palestinians are and how long the Arabs, now called Palestinians, have been in the region which was called Syria Palestine BY the Romans since 135 CE.

Do you know of any battles between the Romans and any Palestinians to repel the Romans from the land? Find me one.

Nowhere, in the Hebrew Scriptures, Greek or Roman records, or any other recorded history, there is anywhere written that Palestinian Arabs are direct descendants of the Israelites. Nowhere. Not even in the Quran.

If you are talking about the Arabs saying that they are descended of Abraham, this is a Fable started by the Muslims when Islam was founded 2400 years after Abraham. Arabs NEVER, EVER have it in their Histories, in Arabia, any relation with Abraham, the Israelites or the Jews. EVER.

Since Islam was founded, the Muslims have appropriated EVERY single Patriarch and Matriarch as their own. Which is odd because of their endless destruction of Joseph, Rachel's Tomb's and many other Historically Jewish places and heritage.

If they are descended of the Israelites, why do they endlessly destroy what is under the Temple Mount, instead of being proud of being part of it? Why do they continue to destroy everything else which is Jewish History, but have been doing it ONLY since Israel rebuilt itself and achieved Independence ?

The name Palestina was given to the region the Philistines lived on, which is in Coastal Gaza, a small region. He was interested in them because they were Greek like him.

Therefore the name Palestine has nothing to do with the Jews, indigenous of the area, and all other people who lived around there.

The word Palestine actually means INVADERS, because that is what the Philistines had been. A people from another place who came and invaded the area about 5000 years ago, running away from the Spartan war, and ended up conquering Israel, therefore making its way into Jewish History.

The Arabs NOW saying that they are descended of the Philistines, the Canaanites and whoever else only show their intent in taking away the only piece of land which is not in Muslim hands away from its indigenous people, the Jewish Nation.

That is all there is to it.

There is a Palestinian Museum in Ramala. But no Palestinian History at all before 1914. And the reason is that they are Muslim first, Arabs second, and were never Palestinians until Arafat turned the word Palestinians into a nationality in 1963 with the aid of the Russian KGB. That is a Historical fact.

Do the proper research, believe it or do not believe it. You are never going to be able to change History.

Israel left Gaza, totally, in 2005. The Arabs there should have turned it into a beautiful, fruitful separate Nation. They have no intention of doing it until they have take ALL of the Jewish Homeland from Jewish hands and put it in Arab/Muslim hands.

TransJordan was part of the Mandate for Palestine. The British betrayed the Jews and gave it to a people who had moved into the area because another clan had expelled them from there during WWI. The Hashemites.

So, the Muslims have 78% of the Jewish Homeland under the Foreign Hashemites. And Gaza is 2%.

Now they want the other 20%. And you want Israel to stop defending itself, or doing preemptive strikes in order to protect Jews, Muslims, Christians, Druze and all others who live and visit Israel?

Only Israel employees Palestinians from Gaza and the PA.

Only Israel gives endless health care to all Palestinians who need it from Gaza and the PA, including the leaders who plan to kill Jews and destroy Israel.

Only Israel allows Palestinians to come and study at its Universities.

Today's Arabs who live in Gaza and the PA have the RIGHT to not be used as weapons for killing and killing themselves in the name of taking back a land the Jews have every right to, the 20% left to them after decades of the Arabs wanting to keep Israel from being and since 1948 trying to destroy it.

What people destroy their children's childhood and future in order to destroy the Homeland of another people? Why do they give weapons to their children at a very early age?

Why are so many Arab Palestinians escaping, YES, escaping Gaza through Israel to find a better life?

Look for actual facts and not what you wish were facts.

You hate more than they do!
[ Zionism is PART OF Judaism ]

Zionism, Jewish nationalist movement that has had as its goal the creation and support of a Jewish national state in Palestine, the ancient homeland of the Jews (Hebrew: Eretz Yisraʾel, “the Land of Israel”). Though Zionism originated in eastern and central Europein the latter part of the 19th century, it is in many ways a continuation of the ancient attachment of the Jews and of the Jewish religion to the historical region of Palestine, where one of the hills of ancient Jerusalem was called Zion.
Simply put, Zionism is a movement to recreate a Jewish presence in Israel. The name comes from the word “Zion,” which is a Hebrew term that refers to Jerusalem.

Throughout history, Jews have considered certain areas in Israel sacred—as do Christians and Muslims. The Torah, the Jewish religious text, depicts stories of ancient prophets who were instructed by their God to return to this homeland.

While the fundamental philosophies of the Zionist movement have existed for hundreds of years, modern Zionism formally took root in the late 19th century. Around that time, Jews throughout the world faced growing anti-Semitism.

Some historians believe that an increasingly tense atmosphere between Jews and Europeans may have triggered the Zionism movement. In one 1894 incident, a Jewish officer in the French army named Alfred Dreyfus was falsely accused and convicted of treason. This event, which became known as the “Dreyfus Affair,” sparked outrage among Jewish people and many others.

Persecuted Jews who were struggling to salvage their identity began promoting the idea of returning to their homeland and restoring a Jewish culture there.

Wrong! Zionism is a political movement. Judaism is a religion. Criticizing Israeli Foreign Policy has nothing to do with Jews.
You hate more than they do!
The same old story with you.

History does not matter.
The Arabs themselves telling you and others that the Jews are the owners of their homeland, the same way the Ukrainians are owners of theirs.

Nothing will EVER get through to you.

We are the religion which has taught people to love and respect. Remember Jesus? He was Jewish.

When you EVER bother to look at the history of Christianity and Islam, and especially their behavior towards the Jews and Judaism and WHY, you may get smart someday.
Wrong! Zionism is a political movement. Judaism is a religion. Criticizing Israeli Foreign Policy has nothing to do with Jews.
Stay ignorant and continue to sound like the fool you are about Jews, Israel and everything else.

Folks, enough of him, please.

There is no teaching a deaf, blind and dumb creature about what they do not want, in any way, shape or form, learn.

Please, seriously put him on IGNORE !!!!!!

Am Israel Chai !

Renowned Arab scholar Fouad Ajami: “The Palestinian ruin was a long time in coming. No other movement has had the indulgence granted Palestinians over the last half-century, and the results can be seen in the bravado and senseless violence...” “The Palestinians tipped power to Hamas whose very charter is pledged to the destruction of the Jewish state and the imposition of Islamist rule.”


What did Fatah stress in its student union election campaign?​

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Jun 8, 2023
  • “Blessings to the rifles that… turned the occupier and its settlers into corpses.”
  • Fatah student bragged about Fatah affiliation of Tel Aviv murderers who killed 8
  • Fatah student “blesses the weapons that brought blood” and vows that “we will strike them” in Tel Aviv
  • Terrorist murderers glorified by Fatah student movement in Birzeit University student union election campaign

As one might expect during any meeting of the mindless Islamic terrorist cultists, it was all a show of silly bravado and worn out slogans.

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