Who Are The Palestinians " III "


1950 armistice line. It is the same country on both sides. The armistice lines were specifically not to be political or territorial boundaries.

Israel on both sides of the line? Cool!
Official PA TV reported that 5 members of the terror organization PFLP – GC died as “Martyrs” after they were “targeted by Israeli hostile activities” at one of the terror organization’s “bases” near the Syrian-Lebanese border.

In fact, they were terrorists and died when they set off an explosion by moving their own landmines. But neither the PA TV reporter nor PFLP – GC Secretary Talal Naji let themselves be confused by this fact. Rather the death of the terrorists served them as an opportunity to demonize Israel. Thus Naji claimed that Israel – “the enemy” in his, and usual PA terminology – wants every single Palestinian dead, “targeting the entire Palestinian people”:


Official PA TV reporter: “Five Martyrs from among the members of the Popular Front– General Command (PFLP – GC) were laid to rest… after they were targeted by Israeli hostile activities (sic.) at one of their bases next to the Syrian-Lebanese border…
PFLP – GC Secretary Talal Naji: “The enemy [Israel] is always committing acts of aggression against all the Palestinian people’s sites, against all the Palestinian factions. The enemy is targeting the entire Palestinian people. The enemy thinks that a good Palestinian is a dead Palestinian.”
[Official PA TV News, June 1, 2023]​
The PA libel that Israel targets anyone Palestinian and attempts to kill every single Palestinian from the youngest child to the oldest senior citizen has been exposed by Palestinian Media Watch. Even Palestinian children are taught this libel as fact and warned that they are particularly in danger as Israel specifically seeks to kill Palestinian children. In one children’s program the host on official PA TV warned children never to walk alone because they are the target of “barbaric” Israel:

Official PA TV host: "The occupation [Israel] targets children everywhere.In their schools, near their homes... We must be very careful now. We are confronting the occupiers who act in a very barbaric terrorist way. They are trying to kill people everywhere. These are barbarians, my young friends. They try to kill people for no reason, who are just walking on their land. They make various accusations against them. This is called barbarity, my friends. Be very careful all the time. All children under 18, and children under 15, when you go out, your mom or dad, should accompany you, I mean that an adult should accompany you."
[Official PA TV, Nov. 13, 2015]

(full article online)

The Pally Islamic terrorists must be laughing at this. They run summer camps intended to groom children toward an early death for the gee-had.

Try as one might, there is no separating the Pal’istanians from the use of their children as gee-had war material.

They have an ideological and emotional attachment to disposable children.

We unfortunately live in a world addled by islamic terrorists and their ideological willingness to throw their children in the raging gee-had bonfire.


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