Who Are The Palestinians " III "

At a Fatah rally honoring imprisoned terrorist Marwan Barghouti on the anniversary of his arrest, Fatah played a recording of a speech by Barghouti, in which he urged to continue terror. Bargouti is serving 5 life sentences for planning 3 shooting attacks in which 5 people were murdered.

In the speech, Barghouti highlighted several arch-terrorists and murderers, including Hamas terror organization founder Ahmed Yassin, Hamas co-founder Abd Al-Aziz Al-Rantisi, Fatah co-founder Abu Jihad who planned attacks in which 125 were murdered, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) terror organization Secretary-General Abu Ali Mustafa, and Hamas bomb maker Yahya Ayyash.

When broadcasting the speech being played at the event, official PA TV chose to show photos of the terrorists and terrorist murderers:

Among the speakers at the event honoring terrorist Barghouti was top PA/Fatah official Jibril Rajoub, who praised Barghouti as “the DNA of all the Palestinian nationalists.” Rajoub also placed Barghouti in “an equilateral triangle” with two murderers – Karim and Maher Younes – who kidnapped and murdered Israeli soldier Avraham Bromberg in 1980:

(full article online)

The Islamic terrorists,(and Iranian flunkies), currently occupying the Islamic terrorist enclave of Gaza are whining to the ICC… about something or another.

Hamas called on the International Criminal Court (ICC) to ensure that a "legal remedy" is given to the Palestinian victims of the Israeli occupation's "terrorism", a statement issued on the movement's official website said.
“During his trip to Israel, Pahlavi will meet with senior Israeli government officials, water and agricultural experts, and members of the Iranian diaspora. Minister Gila Gamliel will represent the government in hosting the Crown Prince, who will also visit the Western Wall in Jerusalem and the Baha'i Holy Places and Gardens in Haifa in solidarity with the Baha'i community. Finally, Pahlavi will deliver remarks outlining his vision for an Iranian democracy that celebrates freedoms of speech and religion, safeguards human rights, protects its natural resources, and invests its treasure in the Iranian people…

rather than foreign terrorist groups, such as Hezbollah, Hamas, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.”

The inevitable result of being groomed from a young age to believe that dying for the gee-had is the ultimate goal of an Arab-Moslem.

Until the international community halts welfare payments to the Islamic terrorists...


Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas is one of the world’s oldest leaders, and as his presidency exceeds its democratic mandate by 14 years this year, Al-Shabaka policy analysts reflect on his legacy. In addition to orchestrating the 1993 Oslo Accords, which reduced the Palestinian liberation movement to a national project within the occupied West Bank and Gaza, Abbas has restricted the Palestinian economy to dependence on donor aid and established a security sector committed to coordination with the Israeli regime. Many Palestinians will therefore undoubtedly remember Mahmoud Abbas as the leader who entrenched their reality under Israeli occupation. 1
Desperate for those Mullah-bucks, the pally Islamic terrorists are bending and scraping before their religious leaders in Iran.

The leaders of Palestinian militant groups Islamic Jihad and Hamas held talks Monday with top Iranian officials in Tehran as deadly violence flared in the Israeli-occupied West Bank.

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