Who Are The Palestinians " III "

Another gee-had attack by islamic terrorists that left Israelis dead. The IDF should respond to this in a way that makes these gee-had attacks simply not the worth the cost to the Islamic terrorists.

Palestinian gunmen kill four Israelis in West Bank​

Those Abrahamic Accords sure are bringing peace.
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

More Islamic terrorist babble about how they're going to conquer Europe.

From the people who can't quite crawl their way out of the 7th century.

The Palestinian Waqf issued a statement yesterday:

The Minister of Awqaf and Religious Affairs, Sheikh Hatem Al-Bakri, denounced the Israeli occupation forces’ raid on Al-Assir Mosque in the Al-Jabriyat area, in the vicinity of Jenin camp, on Monday morning.

Al-Bakri said in a press statement that the occupation forces blew up the door of the mosque, broke all the windows, tampered with the mosque's assets and furniture, and destroyed the devices and speakers.

He emphasized that this violation of our sanctities and mosques is rejected by heavenly laws and earthly laws, adding that this insult to our sanctities and mosques will be confronted by insisting on our adherence to our land and our right to Palestine.

Al-Bakri called on the international community to work quickly and seriously to end these daily violations that attack our sanctities and our feelings, and to end these attacks that harm our rights as Muslims and Palestinians.
There is something missing from this statement.

Terrorists were firing weapons from the mosque they had barricaded themselves in.

The Waqf doesn't seem too bothered by Palestinians using a mosque as a military position.

Which shows that Israel has more respect for Muslim holy sites than Palestinians do.

But we already knew that.

In fact, the muezzin in Jenin used mosque loudspeakers to call for terrorists to come out and battle the Israelis - meaning that many mosques in Jenin became, according to international law, military command and control centers and therefore legitimate military targets.

Of course Israel didn't attack those other mosques, but the evidence is clear that Palestinians are the ones who treat mosques as military sites - and no one from the "human rights community" nor from the mainstream Muslim community is condemning that.

As you might expect, the Fatah Cult was quick to praise the Islamic terrorists who attacked and killed 4 Israelis.

There was the expected connection to the Allah god as a primary motivation for the killing. Yes, the Islamic terrorists see it as their mission from the Allah god to kill Jews.

Fatah: Murderers of 4 Israelis are “heroic Martyrs” and “men true to what they promised Allah”​

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Jun 21, 2023
  • Fatah glorifies the 2 terrorist murderers who killed 4 Israelis:
“The heroic fighting Martyrs
Khaled Mustafa Sabah - Muhannad Faleh Shehadeh
The two heroic Martyrdom-seekers,
sons of the village of Urif,
who carried out the heroic ‘Eli colony’ operation
Glory and eternity to the righteous Martyrs
- victory grows where it is watered with blood”
  • Fatah celebrates murderous attack as festive holiday – M16 used to kill Israelis forms part of holiday greeting in cartoon
  • PA praises terror hub Jenin as “the wellspring of Martyrdom”
  • PA honors Jenin terrorists – “the resistance” – for “shatter[ing] the myth of ‘the invincible [Israeli] army
  • Jenin terrorists “wrote new pages of heroism, self-sacrifice, and resolve [in history]”
I’m not sure what is meant by killing a “terror cell”. My first thought was that several Islamic terrorists were “martyred suddenly” but there is not much information.

More dark-eyed virgins on order at Allah’s drive through.

The IDF on Wednesday night killed a terror cell in the West Bank using a drone, an unusual move generally reserved for targeting major terrorists or rocket-firing cells in Gaza.

Who Are The Palestinians​

This is the tail of the Iranian snake. That’s who the ‘Palestinian’ have chosen to be.

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