Who Can Use What You No Longer Want

Adam's Apple

Senior Member
Apr 25, 2004
UNWANTED SHOES: If you have shoes taking up space in your closet, I encourage you to donate them to Soles4souls (www.soles4souls.org). It provides shoes to people who need them desperately.

UNWANTED SKIRTS/BLAZERS/BLOUSES: Dress for Success (www.dressforsuccess.org) provides professional apparel to disadvantaged women to help them dress for job interviews. It provides a professional wardrobe, too, for women who find jobs. It is particularly in need of large-sized professional attire.

GENTLY USED STUFFED ANIMALS: If you're looking for a way to introduce your children to donating, SAFE (www.stuffedanimalsforemergencies.org) is a wonderful place to consider. It'll accept your gently used stuffed animals, then clean and repair them and distribute them to children in need.

HAIR: If you have long hair and are considering a shorter haircut, please donate your hair to Locks of Love (www.locksoflove.org). Your donation is used to make hairpieces for disadvantaged children experiencing medical hair loss. Simply place your hair in a ponytail or braid when having it cut, and mail it to Locks of Love, 2925 10th Ave. N, Suite 102, Lake Worth, FL 33461-3099. Colored and permed hair is accepted, but bleached hair is not. Hair should be at least 10 inches long and packaged in a plastic zipper-type bag, then in a padded envelope that includes a slip of paper with your name and address. Call (561) 963-1677 if you have questions.

COATS: While some charities accept only new coats, One Warm Coat (www.onewarmcoat.org) accepts gently used coats. Visit the Web site to locate a coat drive near you or start one yourself.

USED GLASSES: Help people in developing nations improve their vision by donating your used glasses to Lions Club (www.lionsclubs.org). Children's glasses are particularly needed. You can locate collection boxes in your community or mail to Lions Clubs International, Attention: Receiving Department, 300 W. 22nd St., Oak Brook, IL 60523.

CRAFT/SCHOOL/OFFICE SUPPLIES: If you have craft items (yarn, paper-towel tubes, ribbon, knitting needles or buttons) or office supplies (pens, pencils, rubber bands, used calendars or CD jewel cases), they can be donated to SCRAP (www.scrapaction.org), which creatively reuses these materials through various art workshops; the organization also resells the materials through its store for educational and creative use. While SCRAP serves the Portland, Ore., area, it has a list on its Web site to help you find similar organizations near you.

SEWING MACHINES OR COMPUTERS: If you have these items collecting dust, consider giving them to the Filipino's Children Fund (www.fcfinc.org). Donations are shipped to schools and organizations to help needy people. A simple sewing machine can be a way for a disadvantaged person to earn a living. For more information, contact Ross Inciong at [email protected].

GARDEN SEEDS: WinterSown (www.wintersown.org) accepts donations of seeds. The seeds are used to help further its winter-seed-sowing educational efforts. Seeds are given in bulk to worthy organizations and also provided for only the cost of postage to interested individuals. WinterSown will accept saved seeds as well as packaged seeds.

FREE SAMPLES: If you have personal-grooming samples or trial-sized items stacking up, they can be sent to our soldiers. Visit Any Soldier (www.anysoldier.com) to find a soldier. Of course, they can use much more, but these individual-sized items can be useful.

I Haul away peoples junk and clear out abandoned storage lockers..and the waste in this all you can eat buffet we live in is obscence. half of my income comes from selling what people have paid me to dump.I donate moutains of cloths household goods,fuirniture,,I rarely purchase anything and I have a house full of antiques , great kithen stuff ,tools ,electronics I got into because I was always finding things that I just couldnt stand to see go to waste even i if didint need it and it grew into a living
Thanks for this thread.

We usually donate a lot of stuff to goodwill, but we have a good amount of much of what you suggested that we just keep around for no reason.

The shoe buildup in this house is insane.

@ eots..

I can't believe the shit people in my community throw away. I live in a summer tourist resort, and when the influx of tourists arrive in Spring, they throw shit out that's practically brand new, just because it's "last year".

Our WASTE ALONE in this country could provide prosperity to many severely depressed nations.
Check out Freecycle. They have groups all over the planet. If not maybe you can start one.

Thanks for the info AH, I'll have a look at it. As for starting one the would be a big challenge, I'm probably not up to it but I'd be happy to gee up a few people.

On edit - found it and joined up, thanks again AH :)

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