
Platinum Member
Nov 13, 2023
From the "wisdom" of a BBC journalist...Helena Humphrey.

And no. Churchill didn't warn Hitler before bombings..


BBC news presenter asks: Did IDF 'warn the Palestinians' before hostage rescue.

IDF spokesman says warning those holding the hostages 'would defeat the purpose' since the terrorists would 'kill the hostages'; CNN takes heat for saying that the hostages were 'released', implying that Hamas freed them.
Ran Boker | published: 07.09.24 |14:34

The coverage of Operation Arnon, in which four hostages held captive in Gaza were rescued, aroused interest throughout the world media; But as is typical when it comes to the coverage of the war between Israel and Hamas, it did not go smoothly..
Conricus was forced to answer the obvious to the strange question: "Of course, we cannot anticipate Israel to be warning ahead of a raid to extract or to save hostages because then what the terrorists would do is to kill the hostages, and that would defeat the purpose."
Conricus added that the hostages "were held and jailed by Palestinian civilians in a Palestinian civilian area. As regrettable as any loss of life is, I think that we would have to investigate really who were the people who jailed these Israeli civilians for eight months."

BBC asks why IDF didn't warn Gazans on secret raid.
Former IDF spokesperson pushes back against the notion, saying advance warnings were impossible as they could have jeopardized the mission and led to the hostages being killed.
By ILH Staff Published on 06-08-2024 22:27 Last modified: 06-09-2024 13:53

Former IDF spokesperson Jonathan Conricus pushed back against a suggestion by BBC news anchor Helena Humphrey Sunday after she said the Israeli military should have given Palestinians advance warning on Saturday's hostage rescue operation.

"Of course, we cannot anticipate Israel to be warning ahead of a raid to extract or to save hostages because then what the terrorists would do is to kill the hostages, and that would defeat the purpose," Conricus rebuffed.
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From the "wisdom" of a BBC journalist...

And no. Churchill didn't warn Hitler before bombing..


BBC news presenter asks: Did IDF 'warn the Palestinians' before hostage rescue.

IDF spokesman says warning those holding the hostages 'would defeat the purpose' since the terrorists would 'kill the hostages'; CNN takes heat for saying that the hostages were 'released', implying that Hamas freed them.
Ran Boker | published: 07.09.24 |14:34

The coverage of Operation Arnon, in which four hostages held captive in Gaza were rescued, aroused interest throughout the world media; But as is typical when it comes to the coverage of the war between Israel and Hamas, it did not go smoothly..
Conricus was forced to answer the obvious to the strange question: "Of course, we cannot anticipate Israel to be warning ahead of a raid to extract or to save hostages because then what the terrorists would do is to kill the hostages, and that would defeat the purpose."
Conricus added that the hostages "were held and jailed by Palestinian civilians in a Palestinian civilian area. As regrettable as any loss of life is, I think that we would have to investigate really who were the people who jailed these Israeli civilians for eight months."

Because 90% of Palestinians are HAMAS or HAMAS supporters. This is something I've known for right around a decade.

In the height of the ISIS days, some research was done into how the hell are there 8 year old suicide bombers,

that led to Palestinians and Hamas and UNRWA funding them and how they took that money to make weapons and build

terrorist tunnels n stuff and how they indoctrinate their children to "kill the Jew" from as soon as they can speak.
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Yeah, lots of people got a first impression that Hamas had released them. CNN has some explaining to do.

Only till the faux body counts came from Hamas did they change their tune to a rescue mission.
I can't remember last time CNN apologized on its errors in covering the war.
From the "wisdom" of a BBC journalist...Helena Humphrey.

And no. Churchill didn't warn Hitler before bombings..


BBC news presenter asks: Did IDF 'warn the Palestinians' before hostage rescue.

IDF spokesman says warning those holding the hostages 'would defeat the purpose' since the terrorists would 'kill the hostages'; CNN takes heat for saying that the hostages were 'released', implying that Hamas freed them.
Ran Boker | published: 07.09.24 |14:34

The coverage of Operation Arnon, in which four hostages held captive in Gaza were rescued, aroused interest throughout the world media; But as is typical when it comes to the coverage of the war between Israel and Hamas, it did not go smoothly..
Conricus was forced to answer the obvious to the strange question: "Of course, we cannot anticipate Israel to be warning ahead of a raid to extract or to save hostages because then what the terrorists would do is to kill the hostages, and that would defeat the purpose."
Conricus added that the hostages "were held and jailed by Palestinian civilians in a Palestinian civilian area. As regrettable as any loss of life is, I think that we would have to investigate really who were the people who jailed these Israeli civilians for eight months."

BBC asks why IDF didn't warn Gazans on secret raid.
Former IDF spokesperson pushes back against the notion, saying advance warnings were impossible as they could have jeopardized the mission and led to the hostages being killed.
By ILH Staff Published on 06-08-2024 22:27 Last modified: 06-09-2024 13:53

Former IDF spokesperson Jonathan Conricus pushed back against a suggestion by BBC news anchor Helena Humphrey Sunday after she said the Israeli military should have given Palestinians advance warning on Saturday's hostage rescue operation.

"Of course, we cannot anticipate Israel to be warning ahead of a raid to extract or to save hostages because then what the terrorists would do is to kill the hostages, and that would defeat the purpose," Conricus rebuffed.
Freaking retarded.
Why would you expect any less when you have DEI hires -- just like the Biden administration and many corporations across the United States -- selecting qualifications on identify, sex and race over the best qualified candidates?
PallyWeid terminology is raging... despite most Gazans dead being combatants... and the criticism of leftist Govt. of Spain, etc. [who understandably lost the elections] who hurried to announce support for a 23rd Arab state called "palestine" is about the timing...

Most Palestinians Support October 7 Attack, Dissatisfied With Abbas and Fatah.
June 14, 2024.

Latest Developments.

More than two-thirds of Palestinians support Hamas’s decision to launch its killing spree in southern Israel on October 7, according to a Palestinian poll released on June 12. The poll, published by the Ramallah-based non-profit Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research, also indicates that Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas and his Fatah faction remain deeply unpopular. On the issue of food security, 64 percent of Palestinians in Gaza responded that they have enough food for one or two days. Some of the aid donated to the Palestinians is being sold in Gaza on the black market.

Expert Analysis.

“Palestinians in both the West Bank and Gaza are deeply radicalized to hate Israel and Jews. Deradicalization of Palestinian society — in the government, schools, mosques, and media — needs to go to the top of ‘day after’ policy discussions.” — Richard Goldberg, FDD Senior Advisor

“By intensifying hostility towards Israel and increasingly recognizing a Palestinian state that has yet to develop, the international community is rewarding Hamas for massacring Jews. Palestinians are understanding the message loud and clear: violence works.” — David May, FDD Research Manager and Senior Research Analyst

Widespread Support for Hamas’s October 7 Attack.

Only nine percent of Palestinians think that Hamas has committed war crimes since October 7, while 90 percent of Palestinians have not seen videos showing Hamas’s treatment of Israeli civilians. Additionally, increased international political attacks on Israel and growing support for Palestinian statehood have reinforced the Palestinians’ positive view of the October 7 atrocities, with 82 percent of Palestinians believing that the attack has “revived international attention to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and that it could lead to increased recognition of Palestinian statehood.”

Plurality of Palestinians Support Hamas
Satisfaction with Hamas’s performance since October 7 stands at 75 percent, compared to 24 percent for its rival, Fatah. Hamas leader in Gaza Yahya Sinwar enjoys a 65 percent satisfaction rating compared to Abbas’s 10 percent. Nearly 90 percent of Palestinians want Abbas to resign.

The poll also found that 40 percent of Palestinians support Hamas, compared to only 20 percent for Fatah. The poll found that 69 percent view the PA as a burden, 65 percent oppose a two-state solution, and 63 percent support armed intifada.

If a three-way election occurred between Marwan Barghouti, who is serving multiple life sentences for his role in the murder of Jews during the Second Intifada, Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh, and Abbas, 42 percent would support Barghouti, 27 percent would support Haniyeh, and five percent would support Abbas. In a contest between Haniyeh and Abbas, Haniyeh would prevail with 43 percent to Abbas’s 11 percent.

Hamas’s Sinwar said to laud high civilian death toll in Gaza as ‘necessary sacrifice’.
Wall Street Journal report details messages to interlocutors in which Gazan terror chief exalts Palestinian deaths as helping increase pressure on Israel.
By TOI Staff.
11 June 2024 — Israel says it has killed at least 15,000 Hamas-led fighters inside Gaza, as well as 1,000 terrorists inside Israel on October 7 as they rampaged through communities, killing 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and kidnapping 251.

Women and children of Gaza are killed less frequently as war’s toll rises, AP data analysis finds.
ABC News - June 11, 1014.

UN blames ‘fog of war’ for major overcounting of Gazan child deaths.
“The revisions are taken … you know, of course, in the fog of war, it’s difficult to come up with numbers,” a U.N. spokesman told JNS.
JNS, May 12, 2024.

Hamas-Run Gaza "Health" Ministry Admits To Flaws In Casualty Data.

FDD, April 9, 2024.


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